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Philosophy audiobooks

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Creating Freedom by Raoul Martinez
Creating Freedom
Raoul Martinez
Creating Freedom by Raoul Martinez

Creating Freedom

By: Raoul Martinez

Narrated by: Steve West

Length: 17 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

A manifesto for deep and radical change, Creating Freedom explores the limits placed on freedom by human nature and society. It explodes myths, calling for a profound transformation in the way we think about democracy, equality, and our own identities.Free markets, free elections, free media, free thought, free speech, free will—the language of... Read more

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The Book That Changed America by Randall Fuller
The Book That Changed America
Randall Fuller
The Book That Changed America by Randall Fuller

The Book That Changed America

By: Randall Fuller

Narrated by: Stefan Rudnicki

Length: 9 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

A compelling portrait of a unique moment in American history when the ideas of Charles Darwin reshaped American notions about nature, religion, science and race

“A lively and informative history.” – The New York Times Book Review

Throughout its history America has been torn in two by debates over ideals and beliefs.  Randall Fuller takes us back... Read more

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The Power of Meaning by Emily Esfahani Smith
The Power of Meaning
Emily Esfahani Smith
The Power of Meaning by Emily Esfahani Smith

The Power of Meaning

By: Emily Esfahani Smith

Narrated by: Mozhan MarnĂČ

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

In a culture obsessed with happiness, this wise, stirring book points the way toward a richer, more satisfying life.

Too many of us believe that the search for meaning is an esoteric pursuit—that you have to travel to a distant monastery or page through dusty volumes to discover life’s secrets. The truth is, there are untapped sources of meaning... Read more

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The Genius of Judaism by Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy
The Genius of Judaism
Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy
The Genius of Judaism by Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy

The Genius of Judaism

By: Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy

Narrated by: Mark Bramhall

Length: 9 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

From world-renowned public intellectual Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy comes an incisive and provocative look at the heart of Judaism.

“A smart, revealing, and essential book for our times.”—The Washington Post

For more than four decades, Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy has been a singular figure on the world stage—one of the great moral voices of our time. Now Europe's... Read more

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The Praise of Folly/Against War by Desiderius Erasmus
The Praise of Folly/Against War
Desiderius Erasmus
The Praise of Folly/Against War by Desiderius Erasmus

The Praise of Folly/Against War

By: Desiderius Erasmus

Narrated by: Georgina Sutton & Leighton Pugh

Length: 6 hours

Abridged: No

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536) was known as Prince of the Humanists - though a theologian, a Catholic priest and the leading European scholar of his time. A close friend of Sir Thomas More, Erasmus' writings had a strong influence on the growing movement for change in Christian Europe, both Lutheran and the Counter-Reformation.... Read more

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Kroppsmaskinerna by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Kroppsmaskinerna by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist


By: Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist

Narrated by: Emil Rehnström

Length: 11 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Vad betyder det att vara mÀnniska i en interaktiv vÀrld? Och hur skiljer sig denna idé frÄn alla tidigare idéer om den mÀnskliga existensen? I boken "Kroppsmaskinerna" diskuterar socialteoretikerna Alexander Bard och Jan Söderqvist den eviga frÄgan: vad Àr mÀnniskan egentligen? Författarna gÄr ocksÄ igenom vad en hjÀrna Àr, och hur den har... Read more

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Synteism - att skapa gud i internetÄldern by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Synteism - att skapa gud i internetÄldern
Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Synteism - att skapa gud i internetÄldern by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist

Synteism - att skapa gud i internetÄldern

By: Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist

Narrated by: Emil Rehnström

Length: 18 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Kan individualismen beskrivas som en religion? Och Àr vÄr verklighet fysisk eller virtuell? Synteism Àr ett internationellt fenomen och en vÀxande rörelse som bygger pÄ övertygelsen om att motsatsparet teism och ateism Àr en förlegad konstruktion och att mÀnniskor tack vare den nya teknologin stÄr inför en unik möjlighet att skapa en ny sorts... Read more

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Det globala imperiet by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Det globala imperiet
Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Det globala imperiet by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist

Det globala imperiet

By: Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist

Narrated by: Emil Rehnström

Length: 17 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Hur ser nÀtokraternas vÀrldsbild ut och hur skiljer den sig frÄn övriga ideologier genom historien? Vad Àr vÀrldsstaten och Àr det den utopi som den sÀgs vara? Under det sena 1990-talet började socialteoretikerna Alexander Bard och Jan Söderqvist arbeta fram en radikalt ny teori: NÀtokratihypotesen. Men vad innebÀr det egentligen att vara en... Read more

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NÀtokraterna by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist
NÀtokraterna by Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist


By: Alexander Bard & Jan Söderqvist

Narrated by: Emil Rehnström

Length: 10 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

PÄ vilka sÀtt har internets framfart pÄverkat samhÀlle och maktstrukturer? Hur förÀndras mÀnniskans levnadsvillkor och vÀrldsbild i samband med de nya förutsÀttningar som digitaliseringen för med sig? Den digitala revolutionen Àr i mÄnga avseenden ett faktum som fört med sig oanade konsekvenser för det samhÀlle vi en gÄng kÀnde till. I boken... Read more

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Manalive by G.K. Chesterton
G.K. Chesterton
Manalive by G.K. Chesterton


By: G.K. Chesterton

Narrated by: Ray Clare

Length: 6 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

"I am going to hold a pistol to the head of the Modern Man. But I shall not use it to kill him – only to bring him to life." Innocent Smith, an "allegorical practical joker", turns everything upside down with his arrival at Beacon House, a London Boarding establishment. His passion and liveliness brightens up the place immediately, but at the... Read more

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300 citations des philosophes romains antiques by Cicéron, SénÚque & Marc-AurÚle
300 citations des philosophes romains antiques
Cicéron, SénÚque & Marc-AurÚle
300 citations des philosophes romains antiques by Cicéron, SénÚque & Marc-AurÚle

300 citations des philosophes romains antiques

By: Cicéron, SénÚque & Marc-AurÚle

Narrated by: Patrick Blandin, Elodie Huber & Nicolas Planchais

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: No

La pensée de la Rome antique est au fondement de l'histoire des idées et de la philosophie occidentale. Découvrez-en toute la profondeur en 300 citations soigneusement choisies pour présenter sous forme condensée les enseignements majeurs de trois figures incontournables : Cicéron, un des plus grands orateurs ayant jamais existé, SénÚque, un des... Read more

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100 citations d'Aristote by Aristote
100 citations d'Aristote
100 citations d'Aristote by Aristote

100 citations d'Aristote

By: Aristote

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Aristote est un philosophe grec de l'Antiquité. Avec Platon, dont il fut le disciple à l'Académie, il est l'un des penseurs les plus influents que le monde ait connus. Il est aussi l'un des rares à avoir abordé presque tous les domaines de connaissance de son temps : biologie, physique, métaphysique, logique, poétique, politique. Chez Aristote,... Read more

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300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire by Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire
300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire
Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire
300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire by Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire

300 quotes of French Philosophy: Montaigne, Rousseau, Voltaire

By: Montaigne, Rousseau & Voltaire

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Pain can take a cruel toll on everyday life, be it chronic back pain, headaches, pain linked to fibromyalgy or arthritis, or acute pain from injury or disease. This series of exercices is designed to help you cope with pain in adequation with medical treatment if available, by providing you with proven techniques for pain management through... Read more

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Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle by Plato, Socrates & Aristotle
Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle
Plato, Socrates & Aristotle
Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle by Plato, Socrates & Aristotle

Learn wisdom with Classical Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle

By: Plato, Socrates & Aristotle

Narrated by: Katie Haigh & Paul Spera

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

The ability to make productive choices and to discipline oneself into achieving one's goals comes down to focus and concentration. Like a muscle, concentration can be strengthened by regular exercice and using optimization techniques to increase one's will and capacity to act. This series of exercices will provide you with the necessary tools... Read more

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200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer by Kant & Schopenhauer
200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer
Kant & Schopenhauer
200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer by Kant & Schopenhauer

200 quotes of Idealist philosophers: Kant & Schopenhauer

By: Kant & Schopenhauer

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Poorly managed tension can lead to self-harm as an addictive and destructive way of taking control of anxiety. It has to be adressed as soon as possible with proven and effective tools. This series of exercices has been designed to provide you with simple and powerful techniques to get rid of tension before it escalates into self-harm, to build... Read more

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Learn strength with Existential philosophers: Nietzsche & Kierkegaard by Nietzsche & Kierkegaard
Learn strength with Existential philosophers: Nietzsche & Kierkegaard
Nietzsche & Kierkegaard
Learn strength with Existential philosophers: Nietzsche & Kierkegaard by Nietzsche & Kierkegaard

Learn strength with Existential philosophers: Nietzsche & Kierkegaard

By: Nietzsche & Kierkegaard

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Procrastination leads to feelings of guilt, the stress of missing deadlines and general anxiety. It has no connection whatsoever with laziness, but the accusation can lead sufferers to higher levels of tension; yet, procrastination is a direct consequence of difficulties in managing environmental pressure. To overcome procrastination, one has to... Read more

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400 quotes of Modern Philosophy: Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer by Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer
400 quotes of Modern Philosophy: Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer
Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer
400 quotes of Modern Philosophy: Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer by Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer

400 quotes of Modern Philosophy: Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer

By: Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 2 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Anxiety takes a heavy toll; the lack of adequate support and techniques can make recovery longer than necessary. These relaxation exercices will teach you proven and efficient methods to relieve anxiety, ward off panic attacks or alleviate chronic stress. This guided practice provides you with techniques you can come back to whenever you feel... Read more

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300 quotes of Renaissance Philosophy: Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli by Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli
300 quotes of Renaissance Philosophy: Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli
Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli
300 quotes of Renaissance Philosophy: Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli by Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli

300 quotes of Renaissance Philosophy: Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli

By: Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes

Abridged: No

A guided meditation to relieve the pain of a headache in a natural and effective way. Guided meditation has been scientifically proven to help alleviate pain and improve chronic conditions for years. Headache relief is one of the most efficient applications of guided meditation and visualization; this exercice will relieve pain and teach you to... Read more

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600 quotes of Ancient Philosophy: Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle by Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius & Plato
600 quotes of Ancient Philosophy: Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle
Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius & Plato
600 quotes of Ancient Philosophy: Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle by Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius & Plato

600 quotes of Ancient Philosophy: Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle

By: Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius & Plato

Narrated by: Katie Haigh & Paul Spera

Length: 2 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Rejection and failure are unavoidable parts of living. Being unable to cope with them in a relaxed and efficient way prevents achievements by leading you into withdrawal. True success comes from being consciously prepared for failure and being able to deal with it when it inevitably comes, so that it becomes possible to try and push towards... Read more

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Learn strategy with Napoleon, Sun Tzu and Machiavelli by Napoleon, Sun Tzu & Machiavelli
Learn strategy with Napoleon, Sun Tzu and Machiavelli
Napoleon, Sun Tzu & Machiavelli
Learn strategy with Napoleon, Sun Tzu and Machiavelli by Napoleon, Sun Tzu & Machiavelli

Learn strategy with Napoleon, Sun Tzu and Machiavelli

By: Napoleon, Sun Tzu & Machiavelli

Narrated by: Katie Haigh & Paul Spera

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

The concept of mindfulness has been an essential part of life in Oriental societies for centuries. It is a fundamental key to awakening and living one's own life in full conscience, as opposed to the pointless suffering one can experience through the hectic pace of Western ways of life. This series of mindfulness exercices will introduce you to... Read more

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Initiation into philosophy by J.M. Gardner
Initiation into philosophy
J.M. Gardner
Initiation into philosophy by J.M. Gardner

Initiation into philosophy

By: J.M. Gardner

Narrated by: Katie Haigh

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you fed up with being tired all day long and then wondering why it's still so hard to fall asleep? These relaxation exercices are specially designed to help you overcome insomnia by teaching you to unwind your mind and guiding you into a state of deep relaxation. Use these relaxation exercices to break free from a stressful life and get all... Read more

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100 citations de Diderot by Diderot
100 citations de Diderot
100 citations de Diderot by Diderot

100 citations de Diderot

By: Diderot

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Diderot est reconnu pour son érudition, son esprit critique et un certain génie. Il laisse son empreinte dans l'histoire de tous les genres littéraires auxquels il s'est essayé : il pose les bases du drame bourgeois au théùtre, révolutionne le roman avec Jacques le fataliste et son maßtre, invente la critique à travers ses Salons et supervise la... Read more

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100 citations d'Euripide by Euripide
100 citations d'Euripide
100 citations d'Euripide by Euripide

100 citations d'Euripide

By: Euripide

Narrated by: Nicolas Planchais

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Euripide est un des trois grands tragiques de l'AthÚnes classique, avec Eschyle et Sophocle. Certains auteurs antiques lui attribuent 95 piÚces dont 18 conservées dans leur intégralité. Il reste d'Euripide plus de piÚces que d'Eschyle et Sophocle réunis, parce que sa popularité augmentait tandis que la leur déclinait. Il connut un immense succÚs... Read more

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300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance by Montaigne, Machiavel & Francis Bacon
300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance
Montaigne, Machiavel & Francis Bacon
300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance by Montaigne, Machiavel & Francis Bacon

300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance

By: Montaigne, Machiavel & Francis Bacon

Narrated by: Patrick Blandin, Elodie Huber & Nicolas Justamon

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: No

La Renaissance est une période cruciale de l'histoire des idées, dont la richesse incroyable a fondé les structures de la pensée moderne. Comprendre ses plus grands penseurs, c'est saisir le monde dans toute sa profondeur présente. Cette collection de citations rassemble les pensées les plus précieuses de trois figures majeures, les mieux... Read more

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