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Philosophy audiobooks

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Instructions to His Son by Sr. Walter Raleigh
Instructions to His Son
Sr. Walter Raleigh
Instructions to His Son by Sr. Walter Raleigh

Instructions to His Son

By: Sr. Walter Raleigh

Narrated by: Denis Daly

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Instructions to his Son
By Sir Walter Raleigh
Narrated by Denis Daly
During his long internment in the Tower of London Elizabethan adventurer and statesman Sir Walter Raleigh (1552 - 1618) took time to compose this thoughtful homily to his son. It consists of ten short chapters dealing with a variety of important issues such as the choice of... Read more

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God & The State by Mikhail Bakunin
God & The State
Mikhail Bakunin
God & The State by Mikhail Bakunin

God & The State

By: Mikhail Bakunin

Narrated by: Geoffrey Giuliano & The Bell

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

"God & The State" by Mikhail Bakunin is a critical work that delves into the philosophical and political arguments against religion and the state. Bakunin, a key figure in anarchist thought, argues that both institutions are inherently oppressive and hinder human freedom and progress. He posits that religion, particularly organized religion,... Read more

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The Hermetica by Tim Freke & Peter Gandy
The Hermetica
Tim Freke & Peter Gandy
The Hermetica by Tim Freke & Peter Gandy

The Hermetica

By: Tim Freke & Peter Gandy

Narrated by: Brian Arens

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

The first easily accessible translation of the esoteric writings that inspired some of the world's greatest artists, scientists, and philosophers. Here is an essential digest of the Greco-Egyptian writings attributed to the legendary sage-god Hermes Trismegistus (Greek for thrice-greatest Hermes), a combination of the Egyptian Thoth and the... Read more

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The Story of Philosophy. Friedrich Nietzsche by Will Durant
The Story of Philosophy. Friedrich Nietzsche
Will Durant
The Story of Philosophy. Friedrich Nietzsche by Will Durant

The Story of Philosophy. Friedrich Nietzsche

By: Will Durant

Narrated by: Peter Coates

Length: 1 hour 46 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Story of Philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche" by Will Durant provides an insightful exploration into the life, ideas, and enduring influence of Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the most provocative and impactful philosophers of the 19th century. Durant presents Nietzsche as a complex thinker whose revolutionary concepts challenged conventional... Read more

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Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - Abridged by Pocket Classic
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - Abridged
Pocket Classic
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - Abridged by Pocket Classic

Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - Abridged

By: Pocket Classic

Narrated by: James Harrison

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dive deep into the timeless wisdom of ancient Rome with "Meditations of Marcus Aurelius," an audiobook expertly narrated by James Harrison. Experience the profound thoughts and reflections of one of history's greatest philosophers and Roman Emperors, Marcus Aurelius. This audiobook captures the essence of his philosophical musings, offering... Read more

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Vertical Progress by K. Oxovuieu
Vertical Progress
K. Oxovuieu
Vertical Progress by K. Oxovuieu

Vertical Progress

By: K. Oxovuieu

Narrated by: Remy Crikk

Length: 7 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Today people more than ever are overwhelmed by worry about current events. Why are some people devoured by hatred and bigotry? Can we avoid the next economic crisis? Can we prevent the next global war? Will computers take over our civilization any time soon? Even though Vertical Progress does not have all answers, it provides readers with plenty... Read more

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Contra la perfección by Michael J. Sandel
Contra la perfección
Michael J. Sandel
Contra la perfección by Michael J. Sandel

Contra la perfección

By: Michael J. Sandel

Narrated by: Alejandro Vargas-Lugo

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Qué tiene de malo manipular nuestra naturaleza? ¿Dónde están las líneas rojas, si las hay? El filósofo Michael Sandel trata de responder a esta pregunta a través de un ameno pero profundo repaso del campo de la bioética. «Un esclarecedor análisis ético de la investigación con células madre cierra esta magnífica obra de filosofía pública».
Ray... Read more

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Contraduction by Dan Barker
Dan Barker
Contraduction by Dan Barker


By: Dan Barker

Narrated by: Dan Barker

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

In a quiet and unassuming way, Contraduction is utterly brilliant. Every page has a thought so deep and unexpected that it stops you in your tracks, as you not only realize, “That’s a different, really interesting way to think about the world, exactly the opposite of how I normally view things” but also, “And it is absolutely equally valid (and... Read more

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Sobre verdade e mentira - Abridged by Friedrich Nietzsche
Sobre verdade e mentira - Abridged
Friedrich Nietzsche
Sobre verdade e mentira - Abridged by Friedrich Nietzsche

Sobre verdade e mentira - Abridged

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Alberto Eloy

Length: 1 hour 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nesta obra, Nietzsche investiga o alcance efetivo da linguagem, sobre a qual se assenta todo o conhecimento da civilização ocidental. Para ele, a confiança do homem moderno no poder das palavras se funda no esquecimento de algo que era evidente quando as criou: elas são apenas uma metáfora para as coisas e jamais poderiam encarnar o seu... Read more

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The Kybalion - Abridged by The Three Initiates, Bootsy Greenwood & The Fourth Initiate
The Kybalion - Abridged
The Three Initiates, Bootsy Greenwood & The Fou...
The Kybalion - Abridged by The Three Initiates, Bootsy Greenwood & The Fourth Initiate

The Kybalion - Abridged

By: The Three Initiates, Bootsy Greenwood & The Fou...

Narrated by: Bootsy Greenwood

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: Yes

The Kybalion is the fundamental book on Hermetic Philosophy.This book explains the nature of existence in Seven Principles according to Ancient Egyptian Philosophy. This information was kept hidden and passed down throughout the ages and contains the underlying principles of Truth found in all systems of thought.This information can be applied... Read more

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The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
The Decline of the West
Oswald Spengler
The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler

The Decline of the West

By: Oswald Spengler

Narrated by: Graham Dunlop

Length: 19 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

The decline of the West, which at first sight may appear, like the corresponding decline of the Classical Culture, a phenomenon limited in time and space, we now perceive to be a philosophical problem that, when comprehended in all its gravity, includes within itself every great question of Being.
"If therefore we are to discover in what form the... Read more

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A filosofia na era trágica dos gregos by Friedrich Nietzsche
A filosofia na era trágica dos gregos
Friedrich Nietzsche
A filosofia na era trágica dos gregos by Friedrich Nietzsche

A filosofia na era trágica dos gregos

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Alberto Eloy

Length: 4 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Nietzsche, um crítico mordaz da cultura ocidental, defende neste livro a tese de que os pensadores anteriores a Platão foram os únicos a compreender a dimensão trágica das forças que regem a vida dos homens (trata-se de um dos textos mais importantes sobre a filosofia pré-socrática). Se costumamos atribuir a Sócrates o início da filosofia,... Read more

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De Sócrates a Netflix by Camilo Pino & Claudia Lewis
De Sócrates a Netflix
Camilo Pino & Claudia Lewis
De Sócrates a Netflix by Camilo Pino & Claudia Lewis

De Sócrates a Netflix

By: Camilo Pino & Claudia Lewis

Narrated by: Lucia Baldi

Length: 9 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubre la filosofía desde tu sofá: De Sócrates a Netflix te lleva en un viaje filosófico con ejemplos de la vida diaria y queridos personajes de la cultura pop. ¡La filosofía nunca fue tan accesible! "Sólo sé que nada sé y ni de eso estoy seguro". Es difícil creer que una frase muy conocida, parafraseada y con la que es tan fácil identificarse... Read more

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Tantra by Hamraz Ahsan
Hamraz Ahsan
Tantra by Hamraz Ahsan


By: Hamraz Ahsan

Narrated by: Silvia Presente

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Tantric rituals are used to connect with divine energies and expand our consciousness. Its practices originate from Indian medieval scriptures and informs strands in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist thought. Yoga, meditation and art all formed a part of its rich, historic lineage.
In this book we uncover and explain the ideas contained within this... Read more

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What if? by Tamer Hegazy
What if?
Tamer Hegazy
What if? by Tamer Hegazy

What if?

By: Tamer Hegazy

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

A short story about a government employee who sits alone and reviews all of his past, what he should have done and did not do, and why he did not do it. Read more

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Rubble by Tamer Hegazy
Tamer Hegazy
Rubble by Tamer Hegazy


By: Tamer Hegazy

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

A short story that takes place inside many of our homes and takes place inside a few of the women inside those homes. An eternal struggle between the woman as a human being and the woman as a wife and mother. So what happens when this conflict goes outside and who will win in the end? It is an exciting and painful story, so be careful before you... Read more

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Confissões de Santo Agostinho by Santo Agostinho & Agostinho de Hipona
Confissões de Santo Agostinho
Santo Agostinho & Agostinho de Hipona
Confissões de Santo Agostinho by Santo Agostinho & Agostinho de Hipona

Confissões de Santo Agostinho

By: Santo Agostinho & Agostinho de Hipona

Narrated by: Mateus Prado

Length: 11 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Neste livro autobiográfico, Santo Agostinho registrou suas reflexões, cujo propósito é aproximar as pessoas de Deus, assim como ele próprio foi convertido do maniqueísmo - a doutrina que postula um conflito entre o reino da luz e o das sombras - para o cristianismo.As conclusões às quais Santo Agostinho chegou têm relevância para as aspirações... Read more

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March on spot by Tamer Hegazy
March on spot
Tamer Hegazy
March on spot by Tamer Hegazy

March on spot

By: Tamer Hegazy

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

A proud writer believes that he is the greatest person to hold a pen, but he has not yet written a book until he reached the point that he wrote a book that he considers great, only to see on the television screen a surprise that had never occurred to him in his worst nightmares.
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Ojai 1973 Public Meetings USA - Abridged by J. Krishnamurti
Ojai 1973 Public Meetings USA - Abridged
J. Krishnamurti
Ojai 1973 Public Meetings USA - Abridged by J. Krishnamurti

Ojai 1973 Public Meetings USA - Abridged

By: J. Krishnamurti

Narrated by: J. Krishnamurti

Length: 5 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

1. Public Talk 1 Relationship without image is love Relationship means action and movement. Without understanding the totality of human relationship we live in conflict, however intimate we may be. When there is knowledge as image in relationship there is conflict. How do you observe the image you have about another? I have built an image... Read more

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عالم صوفي by جوستاين جاردر
عالم صوفي
جوستاين جاردر
عالم صوفي by جوستاين جاردر

عالم صوفي

By: جوستاين جاردر

Narrated by: مارلين شكيب

Length: 21 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

عندما تقابل صوفي مرشدًا غامضًا يهديها إلى درب الفلسفة، تزداد الألغاز عمقًا في حياتها. إذ لماذا تستمر في الحصول على بطاقات بريدية موجّهة إلى فتاة أخرى؟ ومن هي تلك الفتاة الأخرى؟ بل، بسبب ذلك كلّه، من تكون صوفي نفسها؟ لحلّ المعضلة، تستعين بإلمامها الجديد في الفلسفة، غير أن الحقيقة أغرب بكثير مما بوسعها تخيّله. عالم صوفي رواية استثنائية، ومن أكثر... Read more

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Fragments by Heraclitus
Fragments by Heraclitus


By: Heraclitus

Narrated by: Austin Vanfleet

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Dive into the profound wisdom of ancient philosophy with "Fragments" by Heraclitus, now available as a captivating audiobook. Explore the enigmatic fragments left behind by this legendary Greek philosopher, whose insights continue to intrigue and inspire seekers of truth and understanding.In this audiobook, Heraclitus offers glimpses into his... Read more

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A Guide To Stoicism by St. George Stock
A Guide To Stoicism
St. George Stock
A Guide To Stoicism by St. George Stock

A Guide To Stoicism

By: St. George Stock

Narrated by: Austin Vanfleet

Length: 1 hour 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace and resilience with "A Guide To Stoicism" by St. George Stock, now available as an enlightening audiobook. In this timeless guide, Stock introduces listeners to the principles of Stoicism, a philosophy that has inspired countless individuals to lead lives of virtue, tranquility, and... Read more

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Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (2. Band) by Arthur Schopenhauer
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (2. Band)
Arthur Schopenhauer
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (2. Band) by Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (2. Band)

By: Arthur Schopenhauer

Narrated by: Volker Braumann

Length: 10 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Arthur Schopenhauer - Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Band 2 – Die Ergänzungen zum zweiten Buch des ersten Bandes Mit ebenso großer Klarheit und Eleganz wie im 1. Band seines Hauptwerks setzt Arthur Schopenhauer auch im 2. Band von "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung" seine pessimistisch-voluntaristische Metaphysik des Lebens fort, wobei... Read more

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Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson


By: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Narrated by: Austin Vanfleet

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with "Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson, now available as an immersive audiobook experience. In this timeless classic, Emerson invites you to explore the profound interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world. Through his eloquent prose and deep insights, Emerson delves into the beauty, power, and... Read more

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