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Appetite for Self-Destruction by Steve Knopper
Appetite for Self-Destruction
Steve Knopper
Appetite for Self-Destruction by Steve Knopper

Appetite for Self-Destruction

By: Steve Knopper

Narrated by: Dan John Miller

Length: 11 hours

Abridged: No

For the first time, Appetite for Self-Destruction recounts the epic story of the precipitous rise and fall of the recording industry over the past three decades, when the incredible success of the CD turned the music business into one of the most glamorous, high-profile industries in the world—and the advent of file sharing brought it to its... Read more

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Word Power - Abridged by Peter Funk
Word Power - Abridged
Peter Funk
Word Power - Abridged by Peter Funk

Word Power - Abridged

By: Peter Funk

Narrated by: Peter Funk

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Word Power is an easy-to-follow series of vocabulary lessons from master linguist Peter Funk. His proven techniques will dramatically help you to improve your vocabulary and express yourself more clearly and forcefully. You will also gain the confidence that comes from having exactly the right word for every situation.

Word Power offers simple... Read more

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Embracing the Wide Sky - Abridged by Daniel Tammet
Embracing the Wide Sky - Abridged
Daniel Tammet
Embracing the Wide Sky - Abridged by Daniel Tammet

Embracing the Wide Sky - Abridged

By: Daniel Tammet

Narrated by: Daniel Gerroll

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

From the New York Times bestselling author of Born on a Blue Day...

Owner of "the most remarkable mind on the planet" (Entertainment Weekly), Daniel Tammet captivated audiences and won worldwide critical acclaim with his 2007 memoir Born on a Blue Day and its vivid depiction of a life with autistic savant syndrome. In his fascinating new... Read more

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Guilty - Abridged by Ann Coulter
Guilty - Abridged
Ann Coulter
Guilty - Abridged by Ann Coulter

Guilty - Abridged

By: Ann Coulter

Narrated by: Ann Coulter

Length: 5 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Liberals seem to have hit upon a reverse Christ story as their belief system. He suffered and died for our sins; liberals make the rest of us suffer for sins we didn’t commit.”

Who are the victims here? To hear liberals tell it, you’d think they do nothing but suffer at the hands of ruthless entities like the “Republican Attack Machine” and Fox... Read more

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The Great Depression Ahead - Abridged by Harry S. Dent
The Great Depression Ahead - Abridged
Harry S. Dent
The Great Depression Ahead - Abridged by Harry S. Dent

The Great Depression Ahead - Abridged

By: Harry S. Dent

Narrated by: Harry S. Dent

Length: 6 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Harry S. Dent predicted our current economic crisis, and he foresees still more to come. He predicts that we are headed further towards a major depression reminiscent of Japan’s major recession more than a decade ago, from which their real estate market has yet to recover. With the current state of the stock market causing investors around the... Read more

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The Story of My Life, with eBook by Helen Keller
The Story of My Life, with eBook
Helen Keller
The Story of My Life, with eBook by Helen Keller

The Story of My Life, with eBook

By: Helen Keller

Narrated by: Frances Cassidy

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." —Helen Keller

Before she was two years old, scarlet fever destroyed Helen Keller's sight and hearing. At seven, alone and withdrawn, she was rescued by Anne Sullivan, her teacher and friend. She learned to read (in several different languages) and speak so well that she graduated with honors in... Read more

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Factory Girls by Leslie T. Chang
Factory Girls
Leslie T. Chang
Factory Girls by Leslie T. Chang

Factory Girls

By: Leslie T. Chang

Narrated by: Susan Ericksen

Length: 14 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

China has 130 million migrant workers—the largest migration in human history. In Factory Girls, Leslie T. Chang, a former correspondent for the Wall Street Journal in Beijing, tells the story of these workers primarily through the lives of two young women, whom she follows over the course of three years as they attempt to rise from the assembly... Read more

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Eleven Minutes - Abridged by Paulo Coelho
Eleven Minutes - Abridged
Paulo Coelho
Eleven Minutes - Abridged by Paulo Coelho

Eleven Minutes - Abridged

By: Paulo Coelho

Narrated by: Derek Jacobi & Emilia Fox

Length: 6 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The bestselling novel from international literary phenomenon Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist. ‘Love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer…’ So says Maria, a young Brazilian girl convinced from an early age that she will never find true love. A chance meeting in Rio takes her to Geneva, but the... Read more

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The Zahir - Abridged by Paulo Coelho
The Zahir - Abridged
Paulo Coelho
The Zahir - Abridged by Paulo Coelho

The Zahir - Abridged

By: Paulo Coelho

Narrated by: Jamie Glover

Length: 5 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

It begins with a glimpse or a passing thought. It ends in obsession. One day a renowned author discovers that his wife, a war correspondent, has disappeared leaving no trace. Though time brings more success and new love, he remains mystified – and increasingly fascinated – by her absence. Was she... Read more

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Christophe Colomb by John Mac
Christophe Colomb
John Mac
Christophe Colomb by John Mac

Christophe Colomb

By: John Mac

Narrated by: Johann Koullepis

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Vous allez découvrir l'Histoire de la découverte des Amériques en suivant Christophe Colomb, marin devenu Amiral, Vice-Roi et gouverneur du Nouveau Monde. Nous allons parcourir les océans, à la rencontre de contrées lointaines, des peuples indiens et de leur culture, lorsque l'Ancien Monde est allé à la rencontre du Nouveau Monde. Read more

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משחקים by L. Ron Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard
משחקים by L. Ron Hubbard


By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No


מהם החיים? זאת היתה השאלה המרכזית של. רון האברד שאל כאשר הוא יצא לחשוף את חידת הקיום האנושי. לאחר בדיקת כל ההיבטים והמרכיבים של הקיום, הוא הגיע לתגלית מדהימה – תגלית שפתאום הבהירה את כל התופעות השונות של החיים: החיים הם משחק. כאן, אם כן, נמצא לא רק הידע איך לשחק ולנצח במשחק שבו האדם בחר, אלא גם איך לעזור לאחרים לשחק משחק טוב יותר.

עוד על... Read more

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The Big Idea by Donny Deutsch
The Big Idea
Donny Deutsch
The Big Idea by Donny Deutsch

The Big Idea

By: Donny Deutsch

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

It's the moment when you say, "There's gotta be a better way." It's the moment when you ask, "How can I solve this problem"Donny Deutsch's hit CNBC show The Big Idea has put the spotlight on that ordinary moment and the people who have the courage and stamina to make their dreams come true.Some people think a big idea is like a lightning bolt... Read more

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Love Me Tender by Geoffrey Giuliano
Love Me Tender
Geoffrey Giuliano
Love Me Tender by Geoffrey Giuliano

Love Me Tender

By: Geoffrey Giuliano

Narrated by: Geoffrey Giuliano

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes

Abridged: No

In the history of rock 'n' roll, only Elvis Aaron Presley can truly be called the King. It is a measure of his huge talent, his musical legacy and his personality that years after his death, he is still remembered and revered by legions of fans around the world. Listen to never before released interviews with Elvis and the people who knew him best. Read more

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The Lincoln-Douglas Debates by Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates by Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

By: Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas

Narrated by: David Strathairn & Richard Dreyfuss

Length: 16 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

This star-studded recording brings to life a history-changing political battle.The Lincoln-Douglas Debates made history and changed its course through seven legendary match-ups between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas during the 1858 Illinois senatorial race. Although he lost the election, Lincoln's gift for oratory and his antislavery stance... Read more

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Εισαγωγή στη Διανοητική by L. Ron Hubbard
Εισαγωγή στη Διανοητική
L. Ron Hubbard
Εισαγωγή στη Διανοητική by L. Ron Hubbard

Εισαγωγή στη Διανοητική

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Το πιο δηµοφιλές βιβλίο για τη διάνοια που εκδόθηκε ποτέ, η Διανοητική: Η Σύγχρονη Επιστήµη της Πνευµατικής Υγείας, δηµιούργησε ένα άνευ προηγουµένου κύµα ζήτησης από τον κόσµο για προσωπική καθοδήγηση από το συγγραφέα του βιβλίου. Αυτή η διάλεξη αποτελεί τα πρώτα καταγραµµένα λόγια του Λ. Ρον Χάμπαρντ σχετικά µε την επαναστατική ανακάλυψη της... Read more

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Molière by Patrick M. Bournat
Patrick M. Bournat
Molière by Patrick M. Bournat


By: Patrick M. Bournat

Narrated by: various

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Que sait-on de Molière, l'auteur de théâtre le plus joué dans le monde ? Que ses œuvres ont traversé les siècles, grâce à la justesse des personnages qu'il a créés ? Qu'il sait déceler nos défauts d'hier et d'aujourd'hui avec humour ? Tour à tour auteur de farces, de comédies, puis jugé subversif par les dévots et la bonne société, n'oublions... Read more

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A legrosszabb dolog semmit sem tenni by L. Ron Hubbard
A legrosszabb dolog semmit sem tenni
L. Ron Hubbard
A legrosszabb dolog semmit sem tenni by L. Ron Hubbard

A legrosszabb dolog semmit sem tenni

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Hogyan tudja egy egyén irányítani a sorsát egy bizonytalan jövő felé tartó világban? Némán kell várnia a következő előrejelezhetetlen csapást? Vagy tegyen erőfeszítéseket, bármi módon, bármilyen terv szerint, hogy biztosítsa a jövőt azok számára, akiket szeret, és a társadalom számára, amelyben él? L. Ron Hubbard feledhetetlen válasza az ilyen... Read more

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Het Verhogen van Efficiëntie by L. Ron Hubbard
Het Verhogen van Efficiëntie
L. Ron Hubbard
Het Verhogen van Efficiëntie by L. Ron Hubbard

Het Verhogen van Efficiëntie

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Degenen die met minder inspanning meer bereiken, zijn bereidwilliger, capabeler en in feite efficiënter. Ze zijn er geschikter voor om belangrijke besluiten te nemen. Hier is dan een heel nieuwe kijk op efficiëntie – niet in mechanische zin maar in termen van gedachte, emotie en inspanning. Bovendien wordt hier uitgelegd waarom gedachte het... Read more

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De Machinerie van het Verstand by L. Ron Hubbard
De Machinerie van het Verstand
L. Ron Hubbard
De Machinerie van het Verstand by L. Ron Hubbard

De Machinerie van het Verstand

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Wat gebeurt er wanneer iemand een heel gebied van gedachten en handelingen “op automatisch” zet? Of zelfs zijn hele leven? Hier zijn de mentale “mechanismen” die de kracht van de mens om beslissingen te nemen ondermijnen en hoe men deze in zowel zichzelf alsook anderen kan ontdekken. En dat is een doorslaggevende bekwaamheid, want net zoals een... Read more

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What in the World is a Foot? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Foot?
Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Foot? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

What in the World is a Foot?

By: Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

Narrated by: Robert Rance

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

This informative and fun multipart title introduces young readers to the concept of measuring with feet. It provides information on the terms and tools used when making simple measuerments. The accompanying photographs reinforce specific examples of measuring. The labeling of tools also provides a learning tool for ESL. Sandcastle is an imprint... Read more

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Az elme gépezete by L. Ron Hubbard
Az elme gépezete
L. Ron Hubbard
Az elme gépezete by L. Ron Hubbard

Az elme gépezete

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Mi történik akkor, amikor valaki a gondolat és a tevékenység egy egész területét „automatára” állítja? Vagy akár az egész életét? Íme azok a mentális „mechanizmusok”, amelyek megakadályozzák az ember döntési szabadságát, és az, hogy hogyan fedezhetjük ezeket fel önmagunkban és másokban. Ez pedig létfontosságú képesség, hiszen csakúgy, ahogy egy... Read more

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What in the World is a Gallon? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Gallon?
Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Gallon? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

What in the World is a Gallon?

By: Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

Narrated by: Robert Rance

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

This informative and fun multipart title introduces young readers to the concept of measuring with gallons. It provides information on the terms and tools used when making simple measuerments. The accompanying photographs reinforce specific examples of measuring. The labeling of tools also provides a learning tool for ESL. Sandcastle is an... Read more

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אברציה והטיפול בה by L. Ron Hubbard
אברציה והטיפול בה
L. Ron Hubbard
אברציה והטיפול בה by L. Ron Hubbard

אברציה והטיפול בה

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

אברציה והטיפול בה

היא בוגדת בתקוותיהם הגדולות ביותר של אינדיבידואלים, היא הורסת משפחות, מעוררת מהומות בארגונים ומכניסה אומות לתוהו ובוהו. מהו אותו זרע זדוני שצומח במיינד האנושי שלא רק מונע מאינדיבידואלים "לחשוב בהיגיון", אלא גם כופה עליהם להוציא אל הפועל את האי-רציונליות שלהם? עם בידודו של חיידק ההרס שהיה חבוי זמן רב כל-כך במיינד, יחידים, קבוצות,... Read more

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Things We Said Today by Geoffrey Giuliano
Things We Said Today
Geoffrey Giuliano
Things We Said Today by Geoffrey Giuliano

Things We Said Today

By: Geoffrey Giuliano

Narrated by: Geoffrey Giuliano

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

For the first time in spoken word audio Geoffrey Giulliano presents his material in its most authentic form. Talking with the Beatles gives new inside information on the Beatles' lives. A Treat for music fans young and old. Read more

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