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Attract Unlimited Money Coaching & Meditations by ThinkAndBloom
Attract Unlimited Money Coaching & Meditations
Attract Unlimited Money Coaching & Meditations by ThinkAndBloom

Attract Unlimited Money Coaching & Meditations

By: ThinkAndBloom

Narrated by: Chantalia

Length: 5 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

What if there is a way to attract money & wealth effortlessly? What if you have the power to do so?
We will guide you to clear any obstacle around money and wealth. We let you build your wealth in your mind through the law of attraction in a step-by-step way. The secret lies in the power of you putting your intention into it
In this course,... Read more

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Vida Alienígena by Olveido del Valle & France del Castillo
Vida Alienígena
Olveido del Valle & France del Castillo
Vida Alienígena by Olveido del Valle & France del Castillo

Vida Alienígena

By: Olveido del Valle & France del Castillo

Narrated by: Vinicio Aguinaga

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Has mirado el cielo y te has preguntado si existen seres que nos podrían estar observando en ese mismo momento? ¿Te has preguntado cuáles son los casos más impactantes de contacto con seres de otros mundos? ¿Qué es lo que sucede cuando un ser humano tiene un contacto cercano con un extraterrestre? Entonces sigue leyendo..
“Se encuentra frente al... Read more

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El Triángulo de las Bermudas y otros Misterios sin Resolver by Blake Aguilar
El Triángulo de las Bermudas y otros Misterios sin Resolver
Blake Aguilar
El Triángulo de las Bermudas y otros Misterios sin Resolver by Blake Aguilar

El Triángulo de las Bermudas y otros Misterios sin Resolver

By: Blake Aguilar

Narrated by: Vinicio Aguinaga

Length: 6 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Te has preguntado cuál es la razón detrás de los cientos de barcos y decenas de aviones que han desaparecido en el triángulo de las bermudas? ¿Te has preguntado qué secretos ocultan los gobiernos y líderes del mundo a las personas? ¿Porqué muchos sucesos históricos parecen tener poco sentido y están rodeados de misterio y confusión? Entonces... Read more

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Successful Business & Entrepreneurs Coaching sessions & meditations by ThinkAndBloom
Successful Business & Entrepreneurs Coaching sessions & meditations
Successful Business & Entrepreneurs Coaching sessions & meditations by ThinkAndBloom

Successful Business & Entrepreneurs Coaching sessions & meditations

By: ThinkAndBloom

Narrated by: Chantalia

Length: 9 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Most successful businesses and entrepreneurs are having a positive mindset, radical self-discipline. They have clear mind thinking. They make decisions promptly and wisely. You can also expand your business as those successful people. You only need to set an intention to do so. 
In this course, we will rewire your brain into self-discipline mode.... Read more

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Wirtschaftspsychologie für Anfänger: Wie Sie die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspsychologie leicht verstehen und für sich nutzen – inkl. der 4 Säulen: Arbeitspsychologie, Organisationspsychologie, Marktpsychologie und Konsumpsychologie by Martin Kulas
Wirtschaftspsychologie für Anfänger: Wie Sie die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspsychologie leicht verstehen und für sich nutzen – inkl. der 4 Säulen: Arbeitspsychologie, Organisationspsychologie, Marktpsychologie und Konsumpsychologie
Martin Kulas
Wirtschaftspsychologie für Anfänger: Wie Sie die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspsychologie leicht verstehen und für sich nutzen – inkl. der 4 Säulen: Arbeitspsychologie, Organisationspsychologie, Marktpsychologie und Konsumpsychologie by Martin Kulas

Wirtschaftspsychologie für Anfänger: Wie Sie die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspsychologie leicht verstehen und für sich nutzen – inkl. der 4 Säulen: Arbeitspsychologie, Organisationspsychologie, Marktpsychologie und Konsumpsychologie

By: Martin Kulas

Narrated by: Marie Blumenberg

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Auf dem Markt agieren nicht nur rationale und wirtschaftliche Kräfte, sondern auch emotionale und menschliche. Die Unternehmen fokussieren sich immer mehr auf den Faktor Mensch mit seinen individuellen Entscheidungen und Verhaltensweisen. Um diese psychologischen Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen, gibt es die Wirtschaftspsychologie. Sie wollen mehr über... Read more

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Under Dog by Kerry Kaya
Under Dog
Kerry Kaya
Under Dog by Kerry Kaya

Under Dog

By: Kerry Kaya

Narrated by: Annie Aldington

Length: 9 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Nothing to lose…When nineteen-year-old Tommy Carter throws away a promising career to work for local villain Davey Abbott, everyone thinks he’s made a huge mistake - collecting debts and working in strip clubs is no life for a young lad just starting out in life.Everything to gain.A brutal fighter, Tommy quickly earns a reputation for himself –... Read more

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The Breakthrough Challenge by Richard Branson, John Elkington & Jochen Zeitz
The Breakthrough Challenge
Richard Branson, John Elkington & Jochen Zeitz
The Breakthrough Challenge by Richard Branson, John Elkington & Jochen Zeitz

The Breakthrough Challenge

By: Richard Branson, John Elkington & Jochen Zeitz

Narrated by: Stephen Hoye

Length: 7 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Businesses today need to balance the pursuit of profit with the needs of growing numbers of people on a planet under pressure. While sustainability programs, government action, and nonprofits are all parts of the solution, a growing contingent of forward-looking leaders recognizes the real challenge: a fundamental shift in the nature of... Read more

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Von Hamburg nach Haparanda by Friedrich Steindorf
Von Hamburg nach Haparanda
Friedrich Steindorf
Von Hamburg nach Haparanda by Friedrich Steindorf

Von Hamburg nach Haparanda

By: Friedrich Steindorf

Narrated by: Friedrich Steindorf

Length: 6 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein einzigartiger Segeltörn, der bis ans Ende der Ostsee geht: Ganz im Norden liegt die kleine Stadt Haparanda zwischen Schweden und Finnland. Dieses Buch ist ein Reisebericht von einer Fahrt rund um das Bottnische Meer.An sandigen Küsten vorbei, durch die Schären mit Tausenden kleiner Inseln geht der Törn, durch Stockholm und weiter nördlich an... Read more

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United States of True Crime: Alaska by Ashley Hudson
United States of True Crime: Alaska
Ashley Hudson
United States of True Crime: Alaska by Ashley Hudson

United States of True Crime: Alaska

By: Ashley Hudson

Narrated by: Ashley Hudson

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

United States of True Crime is an anthology series with books devoted to the most disturbing cases in each of the 50 states. This book focuses on ten of the most chilling crimes in Alaska history.The cases in this book:Robert Hansen: Serial killer who flew his victims to the remote wilderness and hunted them. He confessed to murdering 17 women... Read more

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Self-love FOR WOMEN Coaching Sessions & Meditations Embrace your true beauty from within by ThinkAndBloom
Self-love FOR WOMEN Coaching Sessions & Meditations Embrace your true beauty from within
Self-love FOR WOMEN Coaching Sessions & Meditations Embrace your true beauty from within by ThinkAndBloom

Self-love FOR WOMEN Coaching Sessions & Meditations Embrace your true beauty from within

By: ThinkAndBloom

Narrated by: Chantalia

Length: 7 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

In our modern days, being a woman is not always an easy task. women have so many demands on them including career, family, children, and other commitments. Often, a woman makes herself like a superwoman, taking care of everything. You over-schedule and get overwhelmed doubting your abilities, self-worth, and inner beauty. Sometimes you forget to... Read more

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Die Maschen der Narzissten by Julia Marie Schmoll
Die Maschen der Narzissten
Julia Marie Schmoll
Die Maschen der Narzissten by Julia Marie Schmoll

Die Maschen der Narzissten

By: Julia Marie Schmoll

Narrated by: Lisa Rauen

Length: 5 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Wie oft ärgert man sich, weil man wieder einmal auf die Masche eines Narzissten hereingefallen ist? Warum fällt es uns so schwer, klare Grenzen zu setzen, obwohl uns das Verhalten narzisstischer Menschen oft ärgert und belastet? Dahinter steht in der Regel ein unbewusstes Zusammenspiel mit dem Narzissten. Man passt zusammen wie Schlüssel und... Read more

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Todo Sobre Hombres Lobo y Vampiros by Frederich Hoz & Drake Garrison
Todo Sobre Hombres Lobo y Vampiros
Frederich Hoz & Drake Garrison
Todo Sobre Hombres Lobo y Vampiros by Frederich Hoz & Drake Garrison

Todo Sobre Hombres Lobo y Vampiros

By: Frederich Hoz & Drake Garrison

Narrated by: Vinicio Aguinaga

Length: 7 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Sientes curiosidad por los vampiros y buscas entender a estas criaturas con mayor profundidad? ¿Te has preguntado porqué los vampiros y su mitología han sido parte importante de muchas culturas a través de los años? ¿Los hombres lobo son una verdadera criatura a la que deberíamos temer o una pesadilla ancestral que puede ser seguramente... Read more

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Le petit livre du guerrier pacifique by Lionel Cruzille
Le petit livre du guerrier pacifique
Lionel Cruzille
Le petit livre du guerrier pacifique by Lionel Cruzille

Le petit livre du guerrier pacifique

By: Lionel Cruzille

Narrated by: Lionel Cruzille

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Le Guerrier Pacifique est le symbole d’une force, d’une détermination, d’une souplesse intérieure et d’une certaine sagesse. Autant de qualités que les défis d’aujourd’hui - écologiques, sociaux … - nous demandent de développer afin de garder la tête froide, mais le cœur ouvert, et ainsi entreprendre des actions concrètes avec le plus de... Read more

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Getting Acquired by Andrew Gazdecki
Getting Acquired
Andrew Gazdecki
Getting Acquired by Andrew Gazdecki

Getting Acquired

By: Andrew Gazdecki

Narrated by: Jay Aaseng

Length: 4 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Andrew Gazdecki knows startups. He founded Bizness Apps as a broke, twenty-something entrepreneur and sold it to a private equity firm before the age of thirty—after going head-to-head with Apple over a blanket App Store policy that threatened to ruin him.

He’s been a growth consultant for several more multimillion-dollar startups. His companies... Read more

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Mozart and Beethoven by Kelly Mass
Mozart and Beethoven
Kelly Mass
Mozart and Beethoven by Kelly Mass

Mozart and Beethoven

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Chris Newman

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a compilation of 2 different titles, which are about the following topics:
1: Many people have had the pleasure to listen to Mozart’s music. His legacy has lived on for more than two centuries. And although he only lived to be 35 years old, he has had a major impact on the classical music genre. From simple rebel to sheer genius, this... Read more

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El cártel chilango by Antonio Nieto
El cártel chilango
Antonio Nieto
El cártel chilango by Antonio Nieto

El cártel chilango

By: Antonio Nieto

Narrated by: Rafa Serrano

Length: 6 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

En el corazón de la capital de México -la ciudad que alguna vez estuvo "prohibida" para los capos del narco- nació La Unión Tepito, el primer y único cártel chilango. No es una pandilla, no es una célula de un grupo mayor ni tampoco una banda doméstica, sino un auténtico cártel que logró apoderarse del centro del país, justo en las narices de... Read more

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RenaSer by Tania Karam
Tania Karam
RenaSer by Tania Karam


By: Tania Karam

Narrated by: Tania Karam

Length: 14 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Cómo emprende el vuelo aquel que no sabe que tiene alas? Por la autora de los bestsellers Una vida con Ángeles y Tiempo de Arcángeles. ¿Cómo te recuperas cuando estás lastimado, cuando no tienes fuerza ni confianza? ¿Alguna vez te ha dolido la mentira, algo que no puedes cambiar? ¿Cierta ruptura de corazón? ¿Un fraude que no puedes ni... Read more

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Warriors of Ancient Japan by Kelly Mass
Warriors of Ancient Japan
Kelly Mass
Warriors of Ancient Japan by Kelly Mass

Warriors of Ancient Japan

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a combo of 2 topics: Topic 1: The ancient Ninjas in Japan have fueled stories, movies, books and other media to go on and on about the sneaky assassins that terrorized their country. Today, you and I will go in-depth into this topic and find out more about the truth. Some of the stories sound accurate, others have more to it, or are... Read more

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19th Century-Authors by Kelly Mass
19th Century-Authors
Kelly Mass
19th Century-Authors by Kelly Mass

19th Century-Authors

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Chris Newman

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a compilation of 3 different titles, which are about the following topics:
1: Charles Dickens is often remembered because of his Christmas Carol. And even though that is a very interesting novel, it wasn’t even his favorite. Some artists and authors claim that a work of art or a novel should be completely separated from the creator.... Read more

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Háblame de ti. Carta a Matilda by Andrea Camilleri
Háblame de ti. Carta a Matilda
Andrea Camilleri
Háblame de ti. Carta a Matilda by Andrea Camilleri

Háblame de ti. Carta a Matilda

By: Andrea Camilleri

Narrated by: Luis Ignacio González

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Andrea Camilleri, el querido maestro de la novela negra fallecido en julio de 2019, escribe una carta a su bisnieta Matilda. En ella repasa los episodios más representativos de su trayectoria personal y profesional junto con los hechos históricos más notables del último siglo. ____________________ Matilda, querida mía:Te escribo esta larga carta... Read more

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Huns and Mongols by Kelly Mass
Huns and Mongols
Kelly Mass
Huns and Mongols by Kelly Mass

Huns and Mongols

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 1 hour 47 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a compilation of 2 different titles, which are about the following topics:
1: You may have heard about him: Attila the Hun. Let's discover who this individual actually was and why he has such a bad track record of being a callous, aggressive conqueror in the first millennium after Christ. Attila the Hun was the ruler of the Huns from the... Read more

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Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Classic Version by Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Classic Version
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Classic Version by Jannah Firdaus Mediapro

Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Classic Version

By: Jannah Firdaus Mediapro

Narrated by: Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Studio

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Audiobook erjemahan Dan Makna Surat 19 At-Tin (Buah Tin) The Fig Edisi Bilingual Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Serta Bahasa Inggris Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Versi Klasik.Surah At-Tin adalah surah ke-95 dalam al-Qur'an. Surah ini terdiri atas 8 ayat dan termasuk golongan surah Makkiyah. Surah ini diturunkan setelah surah Al-Buruj. Nama At-Tin diambil... Read more

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History of India by Kelly Mass
History of India
Kelly Mass
History of India by Kelly Mass

History of India

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a compilation of 2 different titles, which are about the following topics:
1: The Maurya Empire was a South Asian Iron Age historic empire centered in Magadha, created by Chandragupta Maurya in the year 322 before Christ and lasting till 185 before Christ in a loose-knit way. The conquest of the Indo-Gangetic Plain focused the Maurya... Read more

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UnSelling by Alison Kramer & Scott Stratten
Alison Kramer & Scott Stratten
UnSelling by Alison Kramer & Scott Stratten


By: Alison Kramer & Scott Stratten

Narrated by: Alison Kramer & Scott Stratten

Length: 6 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

UnSelling will look at the ever-changing relationship between businesses and customers, employers and employees, brands and the market. A fierce consumer advocate, Scott Stratten brings his voice, experience, and understanding of the current media landscape to the conversation.  How can we change the way we sell, and shape the way we are... Read more

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