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The Silent Bride by Shalini Boland
The Silent Bride
Shalini Boland
The Silent Bride by Shalini Boland

The Silent Bride

By: Shalini Boland

Narrated by: Katie Villa

Length: 8 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

In this chilling story from the bestselling author of The Secret Mother, it’s the wedding day of Alice’s dreams. Until it becomes a nightmare…Alice and Seth are a perfect love story: the handsome doctor and his beautiful fiancée. They’re wealthy, well liked and made for each other—the envy of all their friends. Alice can’t wait for the day of... Read more

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Isä Brownin yksinkertaisuus by G. K. Chesterton
Isä Brownin yksinkertaisuus
G. K. Chesterton
Isä Brownin yksinkertaisuus by G. K. Chesterton

Isä Brownin yksinkertaisuus

By: G. K. Chesterton

Narrated by: Ari-Matti Hedman

Length: 10 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Rikoksia, mysteereitä ja eräs nokkela pappi – niistä on hyväntuuliset Isä Brown -tarinat tehty! Isä Brown on paitsi seurakuntansa hengellinen tukipilari, myös innokas amatöörietsivä. Kun yhteisössä tapahtuu mitä kummallisimpia rikoksia, on hän aina valmiina selvittämään, mitä on tapahtunut ja kuka on syyllinen. Isä Brownin terävä silmä ja tarkka... Read more

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Go Seek by Michelle Teahan
Go Seek
Michelle Teahan
Go Seek by Michelle Teahan

Go Seek

By: Michelle Teahan

Narrated by: Emer Heatley

Length: 9 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No


Your daughter is gone, and only you can find her.
Because you know exactly who took her.
And they're making her pay for your past.

To save one child, you must leave the other.
You must return to your old life.
And become the woman you left behind years ago.

It's every parent's worst nightmare.
Now it's your... Read more

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The Ship of Death by Vera Morris
The Ship of Death
Vera Morris
The Ship of Death by Vera Morris

The Ship of Death

By: Vera Morris

Narrated by: Antonia Beamish

Length: 10 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Vera Morris returns with the fourth instalment in her much-loved Anglian Detective Agency Series.

With a ruthless criminal loose on the Suffolk coast, life is anything but peaceful for the Anglian Detective Agency . . .

At Rooks Wood Farm, Rosalind Breen's twin sons grieve her death. Daniel shoulders the burdens of running the farm and caring for... Read more

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You Look Beautiful Tonight by L. R. Jones
You Look Beautiful Tonight
L. R. Jones
You Look Beautiful Tonight by L. R. Jones

You Look Beautiful Tonight

By: L. R. Jones

Narrated by: Andi Arndt

Length: 10 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

A secret admirer’s devotion turns deadly in a twisting novel of psychological suspense.Mia Anderson is an invisible woman. An unremarkable thirty-two-year-old Tennessee librarian, she’s accustomed to disappearing in a crowd, unseen and unheard. Then she receives an anonymous note: You look beautiful today.It doesn’t stop there. The attentive... Read more

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Lost In Your Nightmare by Rachel Lawson
Lost In Your Nightmare
Rachel Lawson
Lost In Your Nightmare by Rachel Lawson

Lost In Your Nightmare

By: Rachel Lawson

Narrated by: Rachel Lawson

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

When Magician Lance Alexander Jnr is lost in a dark vision the Neuromancer Sandy the Sandman must go into his dream and save him from his dream and bring him back to the waking world or he will die. Read more

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Bretonischer Ruhm - Kommissar Dupin ermittelt, Band 12 (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Jean-Luc Bannalec
Bretonischer Ruhm - Kommissar Dupin ermittelt, Band 12 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Jean-Luc Bannalec
Bretonischer Ruhm - Kommissar Dupin ermittelt, Band 12 (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Jean-Luc Bannalec

Bretonischer Ruhm - Kommissar Dupin ermittelt, Band 12 (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Jean-Luc Bannalec

Narrated by: Christian Berkel

Length: 9 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Kommissar Dupins zwölfter Fall entführt uns in die Welt der Winzer, der vorzüglichen Weine und an den größten See der Bretagne, den Lac de Grand-Lieu, an dem schon die berühmte Kosmetikdynastie Guerlain residierte. Kommissar Dupin und Claire verbringen ihre Flitterwochen an der Loire, im traumhaften Pays de Retz. Von Weingut zu Weingut, von... Read more

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Der Club. Dabeisein ist tödlich (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Ellery Lloyd
Der Club. Dabeisein ist tödlich (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Ellery Lloyd
Der Club. Dabeisein ist tödlich (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Ellery Lloyd

Der Club. Dabeisein ist tödlich (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Ellery Lloyd

Narrated by: Christiane Marx

Length: 11 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Für diesen Club gilt: Wer einmal drin ist, kommt nie wieder raus! Ellery Lloyds Thriller Der Club. Dabeisein ist tödlich dreht sich um ein verruchtes Luxus-Resort, jede Menge schmutzige Geheimnisse - und Mord. Auf einer vergessenen Insel vor der britischen Küste herrscht seit kurzem der Gipfel des Luxus: Nur die wahrhaft Reichen, Schönen und... Read more

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Será larga la noche by Santiago Gamboa
Será larga la noche
Santiago Gamboa
Será larga la noche by Santiago Gamboa

Será larga la noche

By: Santiago Gamboa

Narrated by: Adrián Wowczuk

Length: 11 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

«Desde donde estaba el niño, el aire era un tejido de centellas y fogonazos». Un niño es testigo de un brutal enfrentamiento en una carretera perdida en el departamento del Cauca. Nadie en el pueblo más cercano dice haber oído nada, pero una denuncia anónima del hecho llega a manos del fiscal Jutsiñamuy, en Bogotá. En compañía de dos... Read more

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El último verdugo by Toni Hill
El último verdugo
Toni Hill
El último verdugo by Toni Hill

El último verdugo

By: Toni Hill

Narrated by: Aleix Peña Miralles & Toni Hill

Length: 11 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Él no puede dejar de matar. Tú no podrás parar de leer. «Toni Hill ha reinventado el thriller desde Barcelona».
El País Una serie de brutales asesinatos desconciertan a la policía. Los cadáveres presentan una extraña marca en la nuca. Y junto a ellos aparece siempre una nota con un mensaje enigmático: ALGUIEN TIENE QUE HACERLO. Aunque parezca... Read more

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Almas muertas by Angela Marsons
Almas muertas
Angela Marsons
Almas muertas by Angela Marsons

Almas muertas

By: Angela Marsons

Narrated by: Begoña Pérez Millares

Length: 12 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

La verdad estaba muerta y enterrada… Hasta ahora.    Con la aparición de un conjunto de huesos humanos, desenterrados durante una excavación arqueológica de rutina, un campo de Black Country se convierte, de pronto, en una compleja escena criminal para la detective Kim Stone.    A medida en que los huesos son clasificados, se hace evidente que... Read more

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Lausnargjaldið (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 11) by Erling Poulsen
Lausnargjaldið (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 11)
Erling Poulsen
Lausnargjaldið (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 11) by Erling Poulsen

Lausnargjaldið (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 11)

By: Erling Poulsen

Narrated by: Hildur Ýr Jónsdóttir

Length: 5 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Þegar hin nítján ára Kit Tanning vaknar við skothvell og finnur særðan mann við heimili sitt tekur tilvera hennar stakkaskiptum. Þrátt fyrir að maðurinn þjáist af minnisleysi eftir árásina laðast Kit samstundis af hlýrri nærveru hans. Sömu nótt er hann fluttur á sjúkrahús en er stuttu seinna sakaður um glæpi á borð við mannrán og hryðjuverk.... Read more

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The Catch - Sie sagt, er sei perfekt. Doch ich weiß, dass er lügt ... (ungekürzt) by T.M. Logan
The Catch - Sie sagt, er sei perfekt. Doch ich weiß, dass er lügt ... (ungekürzt)
T.M. Logan
The Catch - Sie sagt, er sei perfekt. Doch ich weiß, dass er lügt ... (ungekürzt) by T.M. Logan

The Catch - Sie sagt, er sei perfekt. Doch ich weiß, dass er lügt ... (ungekürzt)

By: T.M. Logan

Narrated by: Sascha Rotermund

Length: 8 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Erkennst du die wahre Gefahr? Familienvater Ed freut sich, endlich den Verlobten seiner Tochter Abbie kennenzulernen. Auf den ersten Blick ist Ryan der perfekte Schwiegersohn. Doch irgendetwas stimmt nicht mit ihm, da ist sich Ed sicher. Aus Angst, seine Tochter könnte in die Fänge eines Psychopathen geraten, beginnt Ed, Ryans vermeintlich... Read more

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Óvænt örlög (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 4) by Erling Poulsen
Óvænt örlög (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 4)
Erling Poulsen
Óvænt örlög (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 4) by Erling Poulsen

Óvænt örlög (Rauðu ástarsögurnar 4)

By: Erling Poulsen

Narrated by: Marta Gréta Magnúsdóttir

Length: 6 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Þann 22. janúar árið 1940 fæðast tvær stúlkur hjá ljósmóðurinni í Karild sem bíða ólík örlög. Önnur þeirra er greifadóttir sem elst upp á Herragarðinum í Hardingborg á meðan hin flakkar móðurlaus á milli barnaheimila. Af einskærri tilviljun liggja leiðir stúlknanna saman á 15 ára afmælisdaginn þeirra og tekst með þeim vinátta. Endurfundir þessir... Read more

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Death of Mr. Dodsley by John Ferguson
Death of Mr. Dodsley
John Ferguson
Death of Mr. Dodsley by John Ferguson

Death of Mr. Dodsley

By: John Ferguson

Narrated by: David Thorpe

Length: 10 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Mr. Richard Dodsley, owner of a fine second-hand bookshop on Charing Cross Road, has been found murdered in the cold hours of the morning. Shot in his own office, few clues remain besides three cigarette ends, two spent matches and a few books on the shelves which have been rearranged. In an investigation spanning the second-hand bookshops of... Read more

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El tatuaje invisible by Erick De Kerpel
El tatuaje invisible
Erick De Kerpel
El tatuaje invisible by Erick De Kerpel

El tatuaje invisible

By: Erick De Kerpel

Narrated by: Scarlett Bernal, Diego Santana, Dan Osorio, Rob...

Length: 5 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

En un país en el que la violencia es un mal sistémico, un tatuador decide herir a una joven y marcarla de por vida. Emma y Samuel entran a un estudio de tatuajes en Tlatelolco y se topan de frente con alguien cuya perversión terminará por cambiar el rumbo de sus vidas. Este es un thriller de persecución, crimen e impunidad que muestra las... Read more

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A Killer's Game by Isabella Maldonado
A Killer's Game
Isabella Maldonado
A Killer's Game by Isabella Maldonado

A Killer's Game

By: Isabella Maldonado

Narrated by: Almarie Guerra & Feodor Chin

Length: 11 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

An FBI agent with a background in cryptography. A brilliant game maker bent on revenge. A deadly battle of wits and wills. An ingenious thriller from the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Cipher.FBI agent and former military codebreaker Daniela “Dani” Vega witnesses a murder on a Manhattan sidewalk. The victim is chief of staff for a... Read more

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Assassins by Jim Eldridge
Jim Eldridge
Assassins by Jim Eldridge


By: Jim Eldridge

Narrated by: John Telfer

Length: 9 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

London, 1921. The Great War has recently ended and tensions in England are high. Now, prominent Cabinet minister Lord Amersham has been shot dead outside his Regent's Park home and the signs point to a professional hit. Charged with solving one of the most sensitive and high-profile cases Scotland Yard has ever faced, DCI Paul Stark is under... Read more

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The Light on Farallon Island by Jen Wheeler
The Light on Farallon Island
Jen Wheeler
The Light on Farallon Island by Jen Wheeler

The Light on Farallon Island

By: Jen Wheeler

Narrated by: Sarah Zimmerman

Length: 10 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

From debut author Jen Wheeler comes a spellbinding tale about the dangers a nineteenth-century woman encounters as she flees a tragic past to the menacing Farallon Islands.Thirty miles off the coast of San Francisco lie the Farallon Islands, known to sailors as the Devil’s Teeth. Despite their fearsome reputation, their remote nature appeals to... Read more

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Maria & The Devil by Graham Thomas
Maria & The Devil
Graham Thomas
Maria & The Devil by Graham Thomas

Maria & The Devil

By: Graham Thomas

Narrated by: Molly Malcolm

Length: 10 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

The Devil has ridden out...Montana's most feared outlaw has left his secret lover, Maria, alone in their secluded house deep in the wilds. If he had known that she was pregnant at the time, The Devil might have stayed.That was almost nine months ago and Maria is still awaiting her lover's return and the arrival of her child. But while Maria... Read more

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Le Destin entre les mains by Cecilia Sahlström
Le Destin entre les mains
Cecilia Sahlström
Le Destin entre les mains by Cecilia Sahlström

Le Destin entre les mains

By: Cecilia Sahlström

Narrated by: Ségolène Birien

Length: 9 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Un polar suédois palpitant par l'autrice du best-seller Un Rameau de lilas blanc.Le commissaire Sara Vallén se sent dévastée après avoir témoigné contre l'homme qui l'a maltraitée. Elle reste émotionnellement fragilisée quand elle est appelée à enquêter sur une mort suspecte dans la ville universitaire de Lund. La victime a tout du gendre idéal... Read more

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Good Girls Stay Quiet by Jo Cassidy
Good Girls Stay Quiet
Jo Cassidy
Good Girls Stay Quiet by Jo Cassidy

Good Girls Stay Quiet

By: Jo Cassidy

Narrated by: Alexa Elmy

Length: 9 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Stay silent...
To stay alive.
Fifteen-year-old Cora Snow has a dark secret she only shares with her journal and her best friend, Noah, who happens to be her talking stuffed elephant. Well, and Sally, a wrench and trusted confidant for when Cora's locked in the basement after breaking one of "Daddy's" rules.
House rules: Keep hair neatly braided.... Read more

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Death By A HoneyBee by Abigail Keam
Death By A HoneyBee
Abigail Keam
Death By A HoneyBee by Abigail Keam

Death By A HoneyBee

By: Abigail Keam

Narrated by: Theresa Bakken

Length: 6 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"Abigail Keam writes with vision and understanding. Keam leaves the reader yearning for more." -Midwest Book Review Josiah Reynolds is a beekeeper trying to stay financially afloat by selling honey at the Farmers' Market. She finds her world turned upside down when a man is found dead in her beeyard, only to discover the victim is her nemesis.... Read more

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A Scandal In Bohemia by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A Scandal In Bohemia
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A Scandal In Bohemia by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A Scandal In Bohemia

By: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrated by: Caroline Fantozzi

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: No

After Watson's marriage, his visits to the peculiar detective, Sherlock Holmes, became infrequent. Watson had settled into a happy life with his wife, Mary Morstan, while Holmes continued his work at 221b Baker Street, freelancing in criminal cases. One day, while on his way back from his practice, Watson pays a visit to Holmes, where they are... Read more

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