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Mystery & Thriller audiobooks

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Lass sie gehen (Ein Fiona Red FBI-Thriller – Band 1) by Blake Pierce
Lass sie gehen (Ein Fiona Red FBI-Thriller – Band 1)
Blake Pierce
Lass sie gehen (Ein Fiona Red FBI-Thriller – Band 1) by Blake Pierce

Lass sie gehen (Ein Fiona Red FBI-Thriller – Band 1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 5 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Diese Aufnahme wurde von Blake Pierce unter Lizenz mit Hilfe einer synthetisierten Stimme eines Audiobucherzählers digital produziert. Als ein neuer Serienmörder zuschlägt, wendet sich das FBI ratlos an die brillante forensische Ermittlerin und Entomologin Fiona Red, die mit ihrem unvergleichlichen Wissen über Insekten selbst die kleinsten... Read more

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Ganz Kalt (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 2) by Blake Pierce
Ganz Kalt (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 2)
Blake Pierce
Ganz Kalt (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 2) by Blake Pierce

Ganz Kalt (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 2)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Diese Aufnahme wurde von Blake Pierce unter Lizenz mit Hilfe einer synthetisierten Stimme eines Audiobucherzählers digital produziert. Als in Gärten die Opfer eines weiteren Serienmörders gefunden werden, weiß das FBI, dass es die Hilfe eines Spürhundes braucht, um den Fall zu lösen. Special Agent Faith Bold, von ihrer Konfrontation mit einem... Read more

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Ganz Allein (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 1) by Blake Pierce
Ganz Allein (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 1)
Blake Pierce
Ganz Allein (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 1) by Blake Pierce

Ganz Allein (Ein Faith Bold FBI-Thriller – Band 1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 6 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Diese Aufnahme wurde von Blake Pierce unter Lizenz mit Hilfe einer synthetisierten Stimme eines Audiobucherzählers digital produziert. FBI Special Agent Faith Bold, im Krankenhaus und traumatisiert von ihrer Begegnung mit einem Serienmörder, ist bereit für den Ruhestand – als Turk, ein K9-Schäferhund, ebenfalls traumatisiert, in ihr Leben tritt.... Read more

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Celle qu’il a prise (Un thriller du FBI de Paige King — Volume 3) by Blake Pierce
Celle qu’il a prise (Un thriller du FBI de Paige King — Volume 3)
Blake Pierce
Celle qu’il a prise (Un thriller du FBI de Paige King — Volume 3) by Blake Pierce

Celle qu’il a prise (Un thriller du FBI de Paige King — Volume 3)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 5 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. Paige King, docteur en psychologie légale et nouvelle recrue de l’élitiste Unité d’analyse comportementale du FBI, a un don inhabituel pour pénétrer les esprits des tueurs en série. Elle a vu le pire du... Read more

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Rien ici (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 2) by Blake Pierce
Rien ici (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 2)
Blake Pierce
Rien ici (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 2) by Blake Pierce

Rien ici (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 2)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 4 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. Un tueur en série américain ayant une double nationalité frappe en Italie, attachant ses victimes à d’énormes ballons gonflés à l’hélium. L’agente spéciale du FBI Juliette Hart, à la tête d’une nouvelle... Read more

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Rien à craindre (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 1) by Blake Pierce
Rien à craindre (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 1)
Blake Pierce
Rien à craindre (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 1) by Blake Pierce

Rien à craindre (Un thriller Juliette Hart du FBI – Livre 1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. Un artiste de rue gelé devenu tueur en série échappe au FBI et s’enfuit à Paris – où il tue à nouveau, attirant les touristes dans son piège. L’agente spéciale du FBI Juliette Hart est envoyée à travers le... Read more

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Laisse la partir (Un thriller du FBI de Fiona Red — Tome 1) by Blake Pierce
Laisse la partir (Un thriller du FBI de Fiona Red — Tome 1)
Blake Pierce
Laisse la partir (Un thriller du FBI de Fiona Red — Tome 1) by Blake Pierce

Laisse la partir (Un thriller du FBI de Fiona Red — Tome 1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 4 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. Lorsqu’un nouveau tueur en série frappe, le FBI, décontenancé, s’adresse à sa brillante médecin légiste et entomologiste, Fiona Red, dont le génie incomparable et la capacité à fournir des éclairages sur... Read more

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Sans indulgence (Un Thriller à suspense Valérie Law du FBI – Livre 5) by Blake Pierce
Sans indulgence (Un Thriller à suspense Valérie Law du FBI – Livre 5)
Blake Pierce
Sans indulgence (Un Thriller à suspense Valérie Law du FBI – Livre 5) by Blake Pierce

Sans indulgence (Un Thriller à suspense Valérie Law du FBI – Livre 5)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 5 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. L’auteur à succès de thrillers Blake Pierce signe le tome 5 d’une nouvelle série captivante : des anciens patients d’un asile psychiatrique sont retrouvés morts et l’unité d’élite du FBI dédiée aux... Read more

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Si Froid (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 2) by Blake Pierce
Si Froid (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 2)
Blake Pierce
Si Froid (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 2) by Blake Pierce

Si Froid (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 2)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. Lorsque les victimes d’un nouveau tueur en série sont découvertes dans des jardins, le FBI sait qu’il leur faudra l’assistance d’un membre de la brigade canine pour démêler ce mystère. L’agent Spécial du... Read more

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Si Longtemps (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 1) by Blake Pierce
Si Longtemps (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 1)
Blake Pierce
Si Longtemps (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 1) by Blake Pierce

Si Longtemps (Un Thriller à Suspense de Faith Bold – Tome 1)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. L’agent Spécial du FBI Faith Bold, hospitalisée et hantée par sa confrontation avec un tueur en série, est prête à partir en retraite. C’est à ce moment que Turk, un berger allemand de la brigade canine,... Read more

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The Desperate Wife by C. L. Jennison
The Desperate Wife
C. L. Jennison
The Desperate Wife by C. L. Jennison

The Desperate Wife

By: C. L. Jennison

Narrated by: Henrietta Meire

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Trapped in her marriage to Rex, a violent and controlling man, Ava has one bright spot in her life: her online tutoring sessions with Ali. He is thousands of miles away but wants very much to return to the United Kingdom. As Ava and Ali grow more intimate, Ava begins pouring her heart out about her miserable situation. Soon Ali is back in the... Read more

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You're Kitten by Corrine Winters
You're Kitten
Corrine Winters
You're Kitten by Corrine Winters

You're Kitten

By: Corrine Winters

Narrated by: Emily Durante

Length: 4 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

What do you get when you mix up a dead mobster, a snarky feline familiar, and a sudden marriage proposal?

If you're Ruby Diamond, witch of Fiddler's Cove, Connecticut, you get a whole lot of problems.

It seems like everyone in town wanted Benito Lombardi dead. How can Ruby sift through the clues and navigate the biggest decision of her life at the... Read more

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Juste bien (Un thriller Cami Lark du FBI – Livre 3) by Blake Pierce
Juste bien (Un thriller Cami Lark du FBI – Livre 3)
Blake Pierce
Juste bien (Un thriller Cami Lark du FBI – Livre 3) by Blake Pierce

Juste bien (Un thriller Cami Lark du FBI – Livre 3)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Caroline (synthesized voice)

Length: 4 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Blake Pierce en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. Avec ses tatouages et ses piercings, Cami Lark, génie de l’informatique au MIT, rebelle et anti-autoritaire, s’attire de gros ennuis lorsqu’elle pirate le FBI. Confrontée au choix de la prison ou d’aider la... Read more

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Mrs. Jeffries Aims to Win by Emily Brightwell
Mrs. Jeffries Aims to Win
Emily Brightwell
Mrs. Jeffries Aims to Win by Emily Brightwell

Mrs. Jeffries Aims to Win

By: Emily Brightwell

Narrated by: Jennifer M. Dixon

Length: 9 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Mrs. Jeffries must help Inspector Witherspoon crack a new case and catch a killer in this next installment of the beloved Victorian mystery series.

Successful businessman Jeremy Marks wasn't highly regarded by any of the members of the West London Archery Club. Most of them considered him a buffoon and a bore. But everyone was stunned when the... Read more

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The Girl in the Eagle's Talons by Karin Smirnoff
The Girl in the Eagle's Talons
Karin Smirnoff
The Girl in the Eagle's Talons by Karin Smirnoff

The Girl in the Eagle's Talons

By: Karin Smirnoff

Narrated by: Simon Vance

Length: 11 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

#1 INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLER • Lisbeth Salander returns, in a trailblazing new installment to the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series • Also known as the Millennium series

Change is coming to Sweden’s far north: its untapped natural resources are sparking a gold rush with the criminal underworld leading the charge. But it’s not the prospect of... Read more

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Not That Kind of Place by Michael Melgaard
Not That Kind of Place
Michael Melgaard
Not That Kind of Place by Michael Melgaard

Not That Kind of Place

By: Michael Melgaard

Narrated by: Nick Mondelli

Length: 6 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

In May 1997, eighteen-year-old Laura McPherson left her house for a run and didn’t return. Twenty years later, a reporter arrives in the small town of Griffiths to write an article about the unsolved murder of Laura McPherson. He is the most recent in a long line of journalists, podcasters, and amateur sleuths seeking new insights into what... Read more

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On sale
The Cleaner by Kiersten Modglin
The Cleaner
Kiersten Modglin
The Cleaner by Kiersten Modglin

The Cleaner

By: Kiersten Modglin

Narrated by: Rachel L. Jacobs, Heather Costa & Chris Andrew ...

Length: 7 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Gunner James is good at death—an expert. His job is to clean up the messes no one else can. But behind that tough exterior, he has a few secrets of his own. Eight years ago, he left his hometown and vowed to never look back. When his past collides with his present in the form of a familiar face, he must return home to take care of one final... Read more

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The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp by Leonie Swann
The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp
Leonie Swann
The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp by Leonie Swann

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp

By: Leonie Swann

Narrated by: Moira Quirk

Length: 12 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

It has been an eventful morning for Agnes Sharp and the other inhabitants of Sunset Hall, a house share for the old and unruly in the sleepy English countryside.

Although they have had some issues (misplaced reading glasses, conflicting culinary tastes, decreasing mobility, and gluttonous grandsons), nothing prepares them for an unexpected visit... Read more

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A Château Under Siege by Martin Walker
A Château Under Siege
Martin Walker
A Château Under Siege by Martin Walker

A Château Under Siege

By: Martin Walker

Narrated by: Robert Ian Mackenzie

Length: 9 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

When an actor in a local play is attacked during a performance, Bruno must learn whether it was an accident, a crime of passion, or an assassination attempt with implications far beyond the small French village.The town of Sarlat is staging a reenactment of its liberation from the British in the Hundred Years’ War when the play’s French hero,... Read more

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The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf by Alexander McCall Smith
The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf
Alexander McCall Smith
The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf by Alexander McCall Smith

The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf

By: Alexander McCall Smith

Narrated by: David Rintoul

Length: 6 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

In the hilarious new novel in the best-selling Detective Varg series, Ulf Varg will need to solve both a sensitive crime and his own delicate dilemma if he hopes to preserve the peace.The Department of Sensitive Crimes is downsizing in light of a recent decrease in sensitive crime, and staff members are wondering who among them will be... Read more

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Checkmate by Blair Howard
Blair Howard
Checkmate by Blair Howard


By: Blair Howard

Narrated by: Tom Lennon

Length: 7 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Angela Hartwell was dead, strangled, with not a mark on her.When a well-known local socialite’s body is found during a round of golf with his father, Harry Starke suddenly finds himself embroiled in what quickly becomes a very thorny murder investigation.Who killed Angela Hartwell and why?The answers lie somewhere along a twisty-windy path... Read more

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GONE by Blair Howard
Blair Howard
GONE by Blair Howard


By: Blair Howard

Narrated by: Tom Lennon

Length: 8 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Emily Johnston is GONE.She’s been GONE for more than a week.She’s also the daughter of Harry Starke’s one-time boss and nemesis, Chattanooga Police Chief Wesley Johnston. Harry and Chief Johnston haven’t seen eye-to-eye in a long time, but when Johnston needs help, he knows there’s only one man he can turn to.But Johnston’s jurisdiction ends at... Read more

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Family Matters by Blair Howard
Family Matters
Blair Howard
Family Matters by Blair Howard

Family Matters

By: Blair Howard

Narrated by: Tom Lennon

Length: 5 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Harry Starke loves a cold case, but this one is really cold, more than a hundred years cold.Family Matters is a tale that takes place on the lonely coast of Maine, where Amanda, a true believer in the paranormal, has inherited—you guessed it—a haunted house. At least that’s what the rumors say.It all begins when Amanda inherits the house,... Read more

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The Hike by Lucy Clarke
The Hike
Lucy Clarke
The Hike by Lucy Clarke

The Hike

By: Lucy Clarke

Narrated by: David Johansen-Menkin & Stephanie Racine

Length: 10 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

No help.
No cell coverage.
No one to hear them scream.

Burned-out by both her marriage and work, Liz is desperate for an escape. More than that, she craves an adventure, a total reset. So, when she plans a vacation with her three best friends, she persuades them to spend four nights camping in the stunning mountains of Norway. Following a trail... Read more

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