Medicine audiobooks
Moleküle, die Geschichte schrieben - Abridged
By: Andreas S. Ziegler
Narrated by: Bernd Gnann, Frank Streichfuss & Kathrin Hildeb...
Length: 1 hour 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Spannende Wissenschaft Anhand von 25 ausgewählten Wirkstoffen lässt dieses Hörbuch faszinierende Stern- und Schicksalsstunden der Arzneimittelforschung lebendig werden und führt vor Augen, auf welch abenteuerlichen Wegen viele Wirkstoffe vom Labor ans Krankenbett gelangten. Begeben Sie sich auf eine spannende Entdeckungsreise zu den Wurzeln der... Read more
View audiobookStress, Erschöpfung und durchwachte Nächte - Abridged
By: Klaus Mohr
Narrated by: Klaus Mohr
Length: 37 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Klagt ein Patient über Schlafstörungen, nicht erholsamen Schlaf oder Tagesschläfrigkeit, ist zunächst die Ursache zu ergründen bevor therapeutische Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. In seinem Hörbuch gibt Prof. Klaus Mohr einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Schlafstörungen von Insomnie über das Restless-Legs-Syndrom bis hin zur Hypersomnie und... Read more
View audiobookConduct Under Fire - Abridged
By: John Glusman
Narrated by: Harry Chase
Length: 10 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The fierce, bloody battles of Bataan and Corregidor in the Philippines are legendary in the annals of World War II. Those who survived faced the horrors of life as prisoners of the Japanese.
In Conduct Under Fire, John A. Glusman chronicles these events through the eyes of his father and three fellow Navy doctors captured on Corregidor in May... Read more
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness - Abridged
By: Dean Edell
Narrated by: Dean Edell
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
The Cure for America's Health Anxiety!Whether you're interested in advice on sex, health, arthritis, or spotting medical myths -- millions of Americans have come to revere Dr. Dean Edell for his refreshingly candid health talk on radio and television, and in the bestselling Eat, Drink and Be Merry. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness... Read more
View audiobookSchlafen lernen - Abridged
By: Simon Wiegand
Narrated by: La Tropical Studio
Length: 1 hour 14 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Schlaf ist das Allerwichtigste für Ihre Gesundheit! Also, warum nicht lernen gut zu schlafen und die Nacht durchzuschlafen? Lernen Sie Techniken, die Ihnen helfen, sich zu entspannen und schneller einzuschlafen, sowie Techniken, die für einen erholsamen Schlaf sorgen. Dieses Hörbuch wird Ihr Leitfaden sein, um Schlaflosigkeit zu überwinden.... Read more
View audiobookRyan White - Abridged
By: Ryan White, Greg Louganis & Ann Marie Cunningham
Narrated by: Lukas Haas
Length: 2 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Ryan White was a typical 13-year-old living in a small town in the Midwest. Then, it was discovered that Ryan had contracted AIDS through tainted blood products he had been given for his hemophilia. Denied the right to return to school, he went to court. Newspaper headlines followed the many legal battles, and although Ryan won the court case,... Read more
View audiobookMolecules of Emotion - Abridged
By: Candace B. Pert
Narrated by: Candace B. Pert
Length: 3 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The bestselling and revolutionary book that serves as a “landmark in our understanding of the mind-body connection” (Deepak Chopra, MD).
Why do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health?
In her groundbreaking book Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert—an extraordinary neuroscientist who played a pivotal role in the... Read more
Complications - Abridged
By: Atul Gawande
Narrated by: William David Griffith
Length: 7 hours 47 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A brilliant and courageous doctor reveals, in gripping accounts of true cases, the power and limits of modern medicine.
Sometimes in medicine the only way to know what is truly going on in a patient is to operate, to look inside with one's own eyes. This audio is exploratory surgery on medicine itself, laying bare a science not in its idealized... Read more
Insomnia - Abridged
By: Herika Negri Brito de Vasconcelos
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: 2 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
This book brings together the most important non-pharmacological therapies aimed at treating insomnia following the most important and recent guidelines. It is aimed both at the health public and at patients who wish to learn about this drug-free approach and apply the techniques used. It also proposes important lifestyle changes that will help... Read more
View audiobookThe 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging - Abridged
By: Mike Moreno
Narrated by: Mike Moreno
Length: 8 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From the author of the #1 bestselling The 17 Day Diet, the inspiring and easy-to-follow plan for staying young and healthy, based on the same 17 day model that made the diet the bestselling diet book of 2011.
Every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute that you are alive, you are getting older. No matter how old you are, your... Read more
Mutti macht jetzt Schläferchen - Abridged
By: Stefan Hauck
Narrated by: Hans-Peter Zimmermann
Length: 5 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Dieses Hörbuch beschreibt und erklärt anschaulich, warum Tiere ihren Haltern sehr oft ähneln, warum sie häufig gleiche Krankheiten entwickeln wie ihre Besitzer, und was Sie als Tierfreund konkret unternehmen können, damit Ihre Gefährten wieder gesund werden. Wie klassische und ganzheitliche Tiermediziner ticken, sowie die damit verbundenen... Read more
View audiobookMarte Y Venus En El Dormitorio - Abridged
By: John Gray
Narrated by: Francisco Rivela
Length: 1 hour 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Con el libro Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Muieres son de Venus, en el primer puesto de la lista de bestsellers del New York Times el doctor John Gray ha ayudado a miles de parejas a mejorar sus relaciones, haciéndolas más amorosas y afectuosas. Ahora examina el lugar donde la buena comunicación más se necesita pero donde muchas veces falta: en... Read more
View audiobookInstant Emotional Healing - Abridged
By: George Pratt & Peter Lambrou
Narrated by: George Pratt & Peter Lambrou
Length: 5 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The revolutionary, highly effective technique that allows you to free yourself from emotional hang-ups—forever!
Does your fear of flying make travel with friends and family impossible? Are you having trouble coping with the loss of a loved one or forgiving yourself for a mistake you made long ago? For the millions of people who suffer from... Read more
So therapieren Sie COPD - Abridged
By: Sigrid Nesterenko
Narrated by: Maja Dörsam-Bellemann
Length: 5 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In diesem Ratgeber erfahren Betroffene und Angehörige alles, was sie wissen müssen - wie COPD behandelt wird, welche Hilfen sie in Anspruch nehmen können und wie sie trotz allem das Leben genießen. Profitieren Sie außerdem von den vielen Tipps aus der Sicht von Betroffenen und aus dem Bereich der Naturheilkunde. Bewusst habe ich... Read more
View audiobookDr. Fulford's Touch of Life - Abridged
By: Dr. Robert Fulford
Narrated by: Mason Adams
Length: 1 hour 33 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From Simon & Schuster, Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life: The Healing Power of the Natural Life Force is an information-packed volume in which he delineates the healing principles of osteopathy, shares compelling case histories, and offers advice on integrating natural healing methods with modern healthcare.
The ninety-one-year-old doctor known for... Read more
Fearfully and Wonderfully - Abridged
By: Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey
Narrated by: Charles Constant
Length: 8 hours 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
- ECPA 2020 Christian Book Award Finalist - Christian Living - 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award - 2019 WORLD Magazine Book of the Year Short List - ScienceDiscover this updated and combined edition of two bestselling books! The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the... Read more
View audiobookHappiness for Dummies - Abridged
By: W. Doyle Gentry
Narrated by: Brett Barry
Length: 3 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Now, you can find the happiness you want and live ""the good life"" you deserve by applying the helpful information in Happiness For Dummies, the ultimate guide to achieving bliss! You'll discover proven techniques for living a meaningful, healthy, and productive life no matter what your life circumstances happen to be. Positive concepts and... Read more
View audiobookEat, Drink, & Be Merry - Abridged
By: Dean Edell
Narrated by: Dean Edell
Length: 2 hours 59 minutes
Abridged: Yes
""Help me, Dr. Dean! I want to be healthy, but I just don't know where to turn for advice.""No wonder. How often have you felt whipsawed by the experts, confused by conflicting advice, or torn with guilt over what you eat, drink, think? Prepare yourself for a shock: You can relax, enjoy life, and still be healthy.Renowned for candid straight... Read more
View audiobookThe Anatomy of Hope - Abridged
By: Jerome Groopman
Narrated by: Jerome Groopman
Length: 4 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
An inspiring and profoundly enlightening exploration of one doctor’s discovery of how hope can change
the course of illness
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, human beings have believed that hope is essential to life. Now, in this groundbreaking book, Harvard Medical School professor and New Yorker staff writer Jerome Groopman shows us why.
The... Read more