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Historical Fiction audiobooks

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A Relentless Rake by Anna Harrington
A Relentless Rake
Anna Harrington
A Relentless Rake by Anna Harrington

A Relentless Rake

By: Anna Harrington

Narrated by: Justine Eyre

Length: 9 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Notorious rake Alexander Sinclair, Earl of St James, takes pride in displaying his sins. When he's tasked by the Home Office with finding the men who attempted to assassinate the prime minister, his hunt leads him to Olivia Everett, a most proper schoolmistress who wants nothing to do with a profligate nobleman like him. Unknown to her, Olivia's... Read more

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Too Dangerous for a Lady by Jo Beverley
Too Dangerous for a Lady
Jo Beverley
Too Dangerous for a Lady by Jo Beverley

Too Dangerous for a Lady

By: Jo Beverley

Narrated by: Susan Duerden

Length: 11 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

The new novel in the Rogue Series from the New York Times bestselling author—and five-time RITA Award winner . . .

Lady Hermione Merryhew, daughter of an impoverished marquess, already has her share of problems. The last thing she needs is an intruder in her bedroom, especially not a fugitive thief. She should scream, but the shabby rascal is a... Read more

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Her Rebel Highness by Diana Ma
Her Rebel Highness
Diana Ma
Her Rebel Highness by Diana Ma

Her Rebel Highness

By: Diana Ma

Narrated by: Eunice Wong & Diana Ma

Length: 10 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

An epic story of love and betrayal set against the backdrop of the Tiananmen Square protests

In Heiress Apparently, Gemma Huang’s big acting break led her to Beijing, where she uncovered an incredible family secret. This second novel in the Daughters of the Dynasty series delves further into Gemma’s complex and storied legacy, moving back one... Read more

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Töfrar hvíta kastalans by Victoria Holt
Töfrar hvíta kastalans
Victoria Holt
Töfrar hvíta kastalans by Victoria Holt

Töfrar hvíta kastalans

By: Victoria Holt

Narrated by: Kristjana Eysteinsdóttir

Length: 10 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Nora Tamsin er sjálfstæð og viljasterk ung kona. En eins og aðrar ungar, ógiftar konur á viktoríutímanum í Englandi er hún fjárhagslega háð föður sínum. Þegar faðir hennar deyr tekur viðskiptafélagi hans við forræði Noru. Charles Herrick er gjarnan kallaður "gaupan" vegna þess hve sérstætt augnaráð hans er, en Nora lærir fljótt að nafnið á vel... Read more

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Dangerous Knight by Elizabeth Johns
Dangerous Knight
Elizabeth Johns
Dangerous Knight by Elizabeth Johns

Dangerous Knight

By: Elizabeth Johns

Narrated by: Alex Wyndham

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Sometimes the humorous one is deceptively dangerous . . .

Jack Owens purchased a commission in the army to escape his hateful grandmother and the dilapidated estate she refused to care for. He enjoyed serving as an officer and spy for the Duke of Wellington, and approached the adventures with humor.

Kate Rafferty had been sent to a girls' school... Read more

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The Shadow of Her Smile by Rebecca Ruger
The Shadow of Her Smile
Rebecca Ruger
The Shadow of Her Smile by Rebecca Ruger

The Shadow of Her Smile

By: Rebecca Ruger

Narrated by: Stewart Crank

Length: 10 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Ada Moncriefe cannot stand by while her betrothed cruelly executes prisoners. She makes a daring plan to free the Scots warriors in the dungeon, only asking that the brave leader take her with him when they escape. Things go horribly wrong, and Ada pays a dear price for her sacrifice. Broken and scarred afterward, she lives a ghost-like... Read more

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A Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson
A Forgery of Roses
Jessica S. Olson
A Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson

A Forgery of Roses

By: Jessica S. Olson

Narrated by: Billie Fulford-Brown

Length: 11 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

"A deliciously twisted gothic fantasy you'll want to read again and again, with characters you'll adore, prose that'll spellbind you, romance you'll swoon over, and a mystery that'll keep you guessing until the last stunning twist."
—Diana Urban, author of These Deadly Games

From the author of Sing Me Forgotten comes a lush new fantasy novel with... Read more

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The Butterfly Bride by Vanessa Riley
The Butterfly Bride
Vanessa Riley
The Butterfly Bride by Vanessa Riley

The Butterfly Bride

By: Vanessa Riley

Narrated by: Bianca Drew

Length: 12 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Frederica Burghley wants to be married by Yuletide. Or else her father will set her up with one of his friends. The bonbon-loving illegitimate daughter of the duke wants to choose her own husband. Advertising in the newspaper seems like the way to go. But a sinister response, with threats against her life, leads her to enlist the help of her... Read more

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La sombra de Julio César (Serie Dictator 1) by Andrea Frediani
La sombra de Julio César (Serie Dictator 1)
Andrea Frediani
La sombra de Julio César (Serie Dictator 1) by Andrea Frediani

La sombra de Julio César (Serie Dictator 1)

By: Andrea Frediani

Narrated by: Antonio Abenójar Moya

Length: 12 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Una novela fascinante sobre Julio César, el inicio de la leyenda. Andrea Frediani, pasión por la historia. Más de 1.500.000 de lectores. Amigos inseparables. Guerreros invencibles. Enemigos eternos. Roma, 88 a.C. Cayo Julio César es sólo un niño cuando conoce, en las peligrosas calles de la Suburra, a Tito Labieno, con quien sella una amistad... Read more

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Seared With Scars by C.J. Archer
Seared With Scars
C.J. Archer
Seared With Scars by C.J. Archer

Seared With Scars

By: C.J. Archer

Narrated by: Kasey Logan

Length: 8 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

With the Master’s spirit still haunting London, Charity must remain at Freak House. But the peace is shattered when Samuel’s father is brutally slain by a demon on the estate. Who summoned it and why?As some questions are answered, yet more secrets about Samuel emerge that send him hurtling toward madness. Secrets that terrify Charity and draw... Read more

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Wedding Violet by Beverley Oakley
Wedding Violet
Beverley Oakley
Wedding Violet by Beverley Oakley

Wedding Violet

By: Beverley Oakley

Narrated by: Beverley Oakley

Length: 5 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

When Max, Lord Belvedere, is abandoned at the altar, he believes his dreams have come true!All that’s needed to secure his freedom is to reassure his ailing Aunt Euphemia that he is really is serious about finding a bride.Wrapped up in the delightfully diverting arms of Violet Lilywhite while visiting London’s most prestigious House of... Read more

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Never Disrespect a Governess by Dawn Brower
Never Disrespect a Governess
Dawn Brower
Never Disrespect a Governess by Dawn Brower

Never Disrespect a Governess

By: Dawn Brower

Narrated by: Penny Scott-Andrews

Length: 2 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Miss Alexandra Matthews is destitute after her father dies and leaves her nothing to fend for herself. She is forced to seek employment and takes a position as a governess for the children of the Duke of Graystone.Damon Neverhartt, the Earl of Seville returns home after being out of the country for years. He is ready to take over his family... Read more

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Когда король губит Францию by Морис Дрюон
Когда король губит Францию
Морис Дрюон
Когда король губит Францию by Морис Дрюон

Когда король губит Францию

By: Морис Дрюон

Narrated by: Павел Конышев

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Мориса Дрюона читающая публика знает прежде всего по саге «Проклятые короли», открывшей мрачные тайны Средневековья. За каждым произведением цикла стояла кропотливая работа в Национальном архиве, изучение документов, написанных на архаичном французском или на латыни. Серию исторических фресок завершает роман «Когда король губит Францию».... Read more

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Bridgerton - Ein hinreißend verruchter Gentleman (ungekürzt) by Julia Quinn
Bridgerton - Ein hinreißend verruchter Gentleman (ungekürzt)
Julia Quinn
Bridgerton - Ein hinreißend verruchter Gentleman (ungekürzt) by Julia Quinn

Bridgerton - Ein hinreißend verruchter Gentleman (ungekürzt)

By: Julia Quinn

Narrated by: Dana Golombek von Senden

Length: 11 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Der sechste Band der Bridgerton-Reihe: Francesca Bridgerton heiratet erneut Unter den schönsten jungen Damen der Gesellschaft könnte Michael Stirling seine Zukünftige wählen. Doch er ist rettungslos in die Einzige verliebt, die er nicht haben kann. Denn Francesca Bridgerton hat seinen Cousin John geheiratet! Als Ehrenmann muss Michael sich wohl... Read more

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Bridgerton - In Liebe, Ihre Eloise (ungekürzt) by Julia Quinn
Bridgerton - In Liebe, Ihre Eloise (ungekürzt)
Julia Quinn
Bridgerton - In Liebe, Ihre Eloise (ungekürzt) by Julia Quinn

Bridgerton - In Liebe, Ihre Eloise (ungekürzt)

By: Julia Quinn

Narrated by: Dana Golombek von Senden

Length: 11 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Inspiration zur Netfix-Serie! Die Brieffreundschaft, die sich zwischen Eloise Bridgerton und Sir Phillip Crane entwickelt hat, bedeutet ihm viel. Seit seine Gattin einer schweren Krankheit erlag, sehnt er sich nach Gesellschaft. Überraschend geht eines Nachts sein Wunsch in Erfüllung, als eine Kutsche vorfährt und die Briefschreiberin... Read more

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Die ungehorsame Tochter (Ungekürzt) by Petra Oelker
Die ungehorsame Tochter (Ungekürzt)
Petra Oelker
Die ungehorsame Tochter (Ungekürzt) by Petra Oelker

Die ungehorsame Tochter (Ungekürzt)

By: Petra Oelker

Narrated by: Daniela Thuar

Length: 10 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Der Winter des Jahres 1769 ist lang und eisig. Die Schifffahrt in den Häfen von Hamburg und Altona ruht, nicht aber der Streit zwischen den Neumühlener Lotsen und ihren Konkurrenten vom hannöverschen Südufer. Als an einem nebelkalten Märzmorgen die Tochter des Neumühlener Oberlotsen tot in der Elbe gefunden wird, glaubt niemand an einen Unfall.... Read more

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No me cerrarán los labios by Abia Castillo
No me cerrarán los labios
Abia Castillo
No me cerrarán los labios by Abia Castillo

No me cerrarán los labios

By: Abia Castillo

Narrated by: Adriana Galindo

Length: 12 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Una mujer que luchó intensamente por la emancipación femenina. La Revolución mexicana como telón de fondo. Una historia inspiradora sobre la búsqueda de libertad. «Creo firmemente que la mujer es digna de mejor suerte que aquella que le han deparado». Hermila Galindo HermilaGalindo podría ser recordada por muchos motivos: alzó la voz a favor de... Read more

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Matemáticas para las hadas by F.G. Haghenbeck
Matemáticas para las hadas
F.G. Haghenbeck
Matemáticas para las hadas by F.G. Haghenbeck

Matemáticas para las hadas

By: F.G. Haghenbeck

Narrated by: Yuliana Díaz

Length: 7 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Ésta es la historia de una mujer excepcional, Ada Byron, que se sentía más cómoda entre números, hadas y faunos, que en el ajustado corsé de la realidad cotidiana. F. G. Haghenbeck nos presenta el fascinante retrato de este personaje complejo, vibrante y poco conocido. Con un estilo ágil y preciso nos introduce en el mundo de una mente... Read more

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Viking Warrior by Griff Hosker
Viking Warrior
Griff Hosker
Viking Warrior by Griff Hosker

Viking Warrior

By: Griff Hosker

Narrated by: Marston York

Length: 9 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

The Vikings on the Island of Man are set on revenge. Their families have been kidnapped and taken to Ireland. They have to find them and rescue them. They find themselves fighting not only Hibernian warriors but renegade Vikings too. The perpetrator of the act, Tadgh, escapes and a chase ensues. A fast moving audiobook, the story moves quickly... Read more

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Before the Dawn by Emma Pass
Before the Dawn
Emma Pass
Before the Dawn by Emma Pass

Before the Dawn

By: Emma Pass

Narrated by: Rebecca Norfolk & Walles Hamonde

Length: 8 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

A compelling WW2 romance novel from an exciting new voice in historical fiction.
When everything you hold dear is torn apart by war, can love put you back together again? It's 1943, and the Second World War is raging. Ruby Mottram works for her local newspaper, the Bartonford Herald, typing up adverts and obituaries, whilst dreaming of a more... Read more

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The River Girl by Tania Crosse
The River Girl
Tania Crosse
The River Girl by Tania Crosse

The River Girl

By: Tania Crosse

Narrated by: Emma Powell

Length: 12 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Dartmoor, 1858.
Elizabeth Thornton has every reason to want to escape from home — a ramshackle farm in the middle of nowhere on the wilds of Dartmoor. Since her father's death, she's been trapped here, in the clutches of her lascivious uncle.
When a position opens up at Rosebank Hall, she jumps at the chance. She will be a domestic drudge at the... Read more

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Dragon of the Sea by Kristie Clark
Dragon of the Sea
Kristie Clark
Dragon of the Sea by Kristie Clark

Dragon of the Sea

By: Kristie Clark

Narrated by: Stephanie Dillard

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the Caribbean's ancient sea dragon and the origins of the gold treasure she guards.After losing his place in Queen Isabella’s court, Fernando, the illegitimate teenage son of Christopher Columbus, embarks on a journey with his adopted Taíno brother Diego to the West Indies where they encounter the ancient sea dragon. And when Fernando... Read more

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Rumours & Recklessness by Nicole Clarkston
Rumours & Recklessness
Nicole Clarkston
Rumours & Recklessness by Nicole Clarkston

Rumours & Recklessness

By: Nicole Clarkston

Narrated by: Stevie Zimmerman

Length: 17 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Fitzwilliam Darcy is desperate. Finally confronted with a woman who ignites all his hopes, he agonizes over the cruel trick of fate which placed her in a situation beneath his notice. The morning after the Netherfield ball, he resolves to put as much distance between himself and her as possible.That very morning, however, Elizabeth's future is... Read more

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Tummat ja valkeat tulet by Leila Tuure
Tummat ja valkeat tulet
Leila Tuure
Tummat ja valkeat tulet by Leila Tuure

Tummat ja valkeat tulet

By: Leila Tuure

Narrated by: Carla Rindell

Length: 6 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Eletään 1850-lukua. Perheenäiti Zuleima on kauhuissaan. Tuli on vallannut Porin Seurahuoneen. Zuleiman ja hänen miehensä Arvidin koti on lähellä – liian lähellä. On vain ajan kysymys, milloin tuli nielee myös kotitalon. Zuleima toimii kuin kone: hän ohjaa lapset ja anopin turvaan joen rantaan ja pelastaa kodista mitä voi. Mutta onko hänen... Read more

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