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Historical Fiction audiobooks

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Soldier of the Queen by Griff Hosker
Soldier of the Queen
Griff Hosker
Soldier of the Queen by Griff Hosker

Soldier of the Queen

By: Griff Hosker

Narrated by: Marston York

Length: 8 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

1878: When his family loses their home, to Jack Roberts, who has grown up hearing stories of the Crimean war and the magnificent charge of the Heavy Brigade, the choice between working in a dangerous factory or enlisting in the army and putting on the famed red uniform is an easy one. But when fighting for Queen and Country takes him far from... Read more

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El rey de Jerusalén by Jesús Alberto Reyes Cornejo
El rey de Jerusalén
Jesús Alberto Reyes Cornejo
El rey de Jerusalén by Jesús Alberto Reyes Cornejo

El rey de Jerusalén

By: Jesús Alberto Reyes Cornejo

Narrated by: Martín Quirós

Length: 4 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Esta es la historia de Balduino IV de Jerusalén, llamado el Leproso o el Santo (Jerusalén, 1.161 – 1.185), hijo del rey Amalarico que murió a los treinta y tres años de edad, un adalid de la cristiandad, un joven que luchó contra la adversidad dedicándose en cuerpo y alma a su reino. A la muerte de su padre, el niño Balduino fue coronado rey,... Read more

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Las lágrimas de Julio César by Jesús Maeso de la Torre
Las lágrimas de Julio César
Jesús Maeso de la Torre
Las lágrimas de Julio César by Jesús Maeso de la Torre

Las lágrimas de Julio César

By: Jesús Maeso de la Torre

Narrated by: Pablo Martínez Gugel

Length: 27 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Una visión clara y amena de la trayectoria de uno de los personajes más fascinantes de la historia de Roma: Julio César. Las lágrimas de Julio César es una palpitante novela que recrea la intensa relación de Julio César con Hispania, tomando como punto de partida su llegada a la península Ibérica en el año 68 a. C. Cónsul, dictador, eficaz... Read more

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Kommissar Gennat und der grüne Skorpion - Gennat-Krimi, Band 4 (ungekürzt) by Regina Stürickow
Kommissar Gennat und der grüne Skorpion - Gennat-Krimi, Band 4 (ungekürzt)
Regina Stürickow
Kommissar Gennat und der grüne Skorpion - Gennat-Krimi, Band 4 (ungekürzt) by Regina Stürickow

Kommissar Gennat und der grüne Skorpion - Gennat-Krimi, Band 4 (ungekürzt)

By: Regina Stürickow

Narrated by: Björn Harras

Length: 9 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Sommer 1926. Der Berliner Kommissar Ernst Gennat wird wegen eines Mordfalles nach Hohenschönhausen gerufen. Aber als er am Tatort eintrifft, fehlt von der Leiche jede Spur. Zwei Zeugen können allerdings das angebliche Opfer gut beschreiben. Und ein Taxifahrer will eine auf die Beschreibung passende Frau gefahren haben. Sie trug eine auffällige,... Read more

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Fratelli contro by Valentino Quintana
Fratelli contro
Valentino Quintana
Fratelli contro by Valentino Quintana

Fratelli contro

By: Valentino Quintana

Narrated by: Alessandro Smorlesi

Length: 7 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Trieste, 1941. Giorgio e Mattia Gherdovich sono i figli di un importante esponente del Partito fascista. Partiti per Lubiana convinti di poter fare la differenza nella fondazione della nuova provincia da poco annessa, scoprono presto quanto la guerra può essere cruda e straziante sia con i vinti che con i vincitori. Così nel 1943, pochi giorni... Read more

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The Champion by David Pilling
The Champion
David Pilling
The Champion by David Pilling

The Champion

By: David Pilling

Narrated by: Mark Elstob

Length: 7 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

The CHAMPION (II): BLOOD AND GOLD is the latest historical fiction thriller by David Pilling, author of the Longsword series.
1297 AD: the kings of England and France have struck a truce, but elsewhere conflict still rages. In Scotland, the armies of Edward Longshanks have been driven out by a mysterious champion named William Wallace. Meanwhile,... Read more

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Mit dir bis ans andere Ende der Welt by Mary Beth Keane
Mit dir bis ans andere Ende der Welt
Mary Beth Keane
Mit dir bis ans andere Ende der Welt by Mary Beth Keane

Mit dir bis ans andere Ende der Welt

By: Mary Beth Keane

Narrated by: Ditte Ferrigan

Length: 13 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Irland in den 1960er Jahren: Nie hätte Greta gedacht, dass sie ihr Heimatdorf an der irischen Küste jemals verlassen wird – bis sie nach einem tragischen Unfall mit ihrer Schwester nach New York reist, wo die Beziehung der beiden auf eine harte Probe gestellt wird. Mit dir bis ans andere Ende der Welt erzählt von der Liebe in ihren verschiedenen... Read more

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Outlaw by Griff Hosker
Griff Hosker
Outlaw by Griff Hosker


By: Griff Hosker

Narrated by: Saul Reichlin

Length: 8 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

It is 1066 and the Saxon leadership lie dead at Senlac Hill. Only Aelfraed and his northern rebels hold out against the Norman war machine. Fighting treachery as well as Normans Aelfraed and his warriors bravely take the fight to the Normans. Forced to become outlaws they fight a rearguard action from the northern forests until William... Read more

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Il confine tradito by Valentino Quintana
Il confine tradito
Valentino Quintana
Il confine tradito by Valentino Quintana

Il confine tradito

By: Valentino Quintana

Narrated by: Alessandro Smorlesi

Length: 12 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Nella Venezia Giulia del dopoguerra, a Trieste, i due fratelli Gherdovich cercano a tutti i costi di salvare la loro terra natia. Tra lotte intestine guidate soltanto dalla brama di potere, intrighi sinistri e controbattute diplomatiche, Giorgio e Mattia dovranno affrontare ancora una volta grandi tumulti sia politici che personali, sullo sfondo... Read more

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The Lost Girls by Jennifer Wells
The Lost Girls
Jennifer Wells
The Lost Girls by Jennifer Wells

The Lost Girls

By: Jennifer Wells

Narrated by: Rachel Atkins & Lizzie Schenk

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Iris Caldwell and Nell Ryland were never meant to be friends. From two very different backgrounds, one the heir to the Caldwell estate, the other a humble vicar's daughter. Both have their secrets, both have their pasts, but they each find solace with one another and soon their futures become irrevocably intertwined. Until May Day 1912, a day... Read more

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The Keepsake by Julie Brooks
The Keepsake
Julie Brooks
The Keepsake by Julie Brooks

The Keepsake

By: Julie Brooks

Narrated by: Helen Duff

Length: 13 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

A book of treasures. A wealth of secrets.

The Keepsake is a thrilling dual-time novel, with a fascinating, complex woman at its heart and a wealth of twists, turns and secrets.

Saturday: Pot-au-feu for luncheon. Father willed away inheritance. Betrayed by Edward.

1832. The morning after her father's... Read more

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Mastro Titta e l'accusa del sangue by Nicola Verde
Mastro Titta e l'accusa del sangue
Nicola Verde
Mastro Titta e l'accusa del sangue by Nicola Verde

Mastro Titta e l'accusa del sangue

By: Nicola Verde

Narrated by: Marco Sgrevi

Length: 10 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

In questa nuova avventura di Giambattista Bugatti, il boia papalino noto come Mastro Titta, la scenografia è ancora quella di una Roma ottocentesca, a pochi passi dall'annessione al nascente Regno d'Italia. Siamo nel 1859: la scomparsa di un bambino ebreo, figlio di un ufficiale francese, fa temere il suo rapimento da parte della balia, che lo... Read more

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L'Enlèvement de la Redoute by Prosper Mérimée
L'Enlèvement de la Redoute
Prosper Mérimée
L'Enlèvement de la Redoute by Prosper Mérimée

L'Enlèvement de la Redoute

By: Prosper Mérimée

Narrated by: Jérôme Pilette

Length: 10 minutes

Abridged: No

L'Enlèvement de la redoute est une courte nouvelle de suspense racontant une offensive des troupes françaises, du point de vue d'un jeune lieutenant fraîchement arrivé dans l'armée, sur la redoute de Cheverino. Prosper Mérimée y décrit avec un détail poignant l'horreur de la guerre, la tension des troupes avant la bataille et la confusion du... Read more

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Rilla of Ingleside by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rilla of Ingleside
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rilla of Ingleside by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Rilla of Ingleside

By: Lucy Maud Montgomery

Narrated by: Karen Savage

Length: 8 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Anne's children are almost grown up, except for pretty, high-spirited Rilla. No one can resist her bright hazel eyes and dazzling smile. Rilla, almost fifteen, can't think any further ahead than going to her very first dance at the Four Winds lighthouse and getting her first kiss from handsome Kenneth Ford. But undreamed-of challenges await the... Read more

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Хроника Горбатого by София Синицкая
Хроника Горбатого
София Синицкая
Хроника Горбатого by София Синицкая

Хроника Горбатого

By: София Синицкая

Narrated by: Алексей Багдасаров

Length: 7 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

«Хроника Горбатого» — новый роман Софии Синицкой, финалиста литературных премий «Большая книга», «Национальный бестселлер», «НОС» и «Ясная Поляна». Сюжет «Хроники Горбатого» охватывает несколько столетий, а действие разворачивается в городе Выборг — от момента его снования шведами до наших дней. Мириады персонажей разного возраста, этноса и... Read more

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The Ghosts of Culloden Moor Collections: Volume IV by L.L. Muir
The Ghosts of Culloden Moor Collections: Volume IV
L.L. Muir
The Ghosts of Culloden Moor Collections: Volume IV by L.L. Muir

The Ghosts of Culloden Moor Collections: Volume IV

By: L.L. Muir

Narrated by: Andrew McDermott & Jenn McGuirk

Length: 11 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Pirates, Balls, and The Great Escape...In this collection of romantic Highlanders, you'll go on the High Seas with Watson to protect a mysterious woman, visit Regency England with Connor to rescue an enchanting heiress in big trouble, and run for your life with Brodrick and the charming psychologist who is too clever for her own good. Read more

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Nelson's Folly by Oliver Greeves
Nelson's Folly
Oliver Greeves
Nelson's Folly by Oliver Greeves

Nelson's Folly

By: Oliver Greeves

Narrated by: Ian Palmer & Oliver Greeves

Length: 10 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

The French Revolutionary Wars have begun, and as fighting intensifies, Horatio is recalled to sea.As the years pass and the war rages on, Horatio Nelson becomes a lauded hero, while Fanny loyally manages their affairs back in England. But Horatio’s success in battle has changed him – he’s proud, arrogant, bitter. How can a woman like Fanny,... Read more

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Engellieder by Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke
Engellieder by Rainer Maria Rilke


By: Rainer Maria Rilke

Narrated by: Lilia Schliephacke

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Rainer Maria Rilke: Engellieder 1. Gebet Sommer/Herbst 1898, Ort unbekannt, Klangcollage: Peter Eckhart Reichel 2. Abendschweigen 20.3.1898, Arco (Südtirol), Komposition: 3. Das ist dort, wo die letzten Hütten sind... 19.11.1897, Berlin-Wilmersdorf 4. Blendender Weg, der sich vor Licht verlor... 21.5.1898, Viareggio,... Read more

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Kolonisterne by Vivian Stuart
Vivian Stuart
Kolonisterne by Vivian Stuart


By: Vivian Stuart

Narrated by: Jesper Bøllehuus

Length: 11 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Fjerde bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme. Kampen fortsætter i den nye britiske koloni, Australien: kampen om magt såvel som overlevelse. De korrupte militærofficerer gør alt, hvad de kan for at få juridisk og politisk magt, mens guvernøren har svært ved at udføre... Read more

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Vivianna by Michele Pollock Dalton
Michele Pollock Dalton
Vivianna by Michele Pollock Dalton


By: Michele Pollock Dalton

Narrated by: Rick Barr

Length: 2 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Vivianna Risler enjoys interacting with the young women of her daughter’s acquaintance. But when the girls form the Ladies Victory League and undertake a letter writing campaign to the Doughboys, she supervises the activities with a mother’s eye toward propriety and protection.However, the vivacious widow is intrigued by the idea and finds an... Read more

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How To Marry An Earl by Alyxandra Harvey
How To Marry An Earl
Alyxandra Harvey
How To Marry An Earl by Alyxandra Harvey

How To Marry An Earl

By: Alyxandra Harvey

Narrated by: Jonathan Johns

Length: 7 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

A Bluestocking, a betrothal of convenience, a traitor . . . and a handsome rake. What could go wrong?

Persephone Blackwell prefers digging in the dirt for old bones and secret treasure to anything Society might have to offer. When her godfather, the Duke of Pendleton, decides to host a Festival of Antiquaries, she jumps at the chance to take... Read more

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The Daring Girls of Guernsey by Gayle Callen
The Daring Girls of Guernsey
Gayle Callen
The Daring Girls of Guernsey by Gayle Callen

The Daring Girls of Guernsey

By: Gayle Callen

Narrated by: Jayne Entwistle

Length: 10 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

From USA Today bestselling author Gayle Callen comes a fascinating historical novel of three courageous young women who aid a desperate British spy during the German occupation of Guernsey Island in World War II.

In 1940, Germany seizes control of Guernsey without a fight—but not without resistance. Innocent young teacher Catherine is forced to... Read more

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Murder at the Serpentine Bridge by Andrea Penrose
Murder at the Serpentine Bridge
Andrea Penrose
Murder at the Serpentine Bridge by Andrea Penrose

Murder at the Serpentine Bridge

By: Andrea Penrose

Narrated by: James Cameron Stewart

Length: 11 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Charlotte, now the Countess of Wrexford, would like nothing more than a summer of peace and quiet with her new husband and their unconventional family and friends. Still, some social obligations must be honored, especially with the grand Peace Celebrations unfolding throughout London to honor victory over Napoleon.

But when Wrexford and their... Read more

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Holubice lásky by Barbara Cartland
Holubice lásky
Barbara Cartland
Holubice lásky by Barbara Cartland

Holubice lásky

By: Barbara Cartland

Narrated by: Markéta Haroková

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Probudí chudá dívka lásku v domě, kde jsou všichni chladní jako led?Chudá Nolita Walfordová zůstává po smrti rodičů jen se svou tetou, lady Kathrin. Právě na její přání se stává společnicí dvanáctileté Bettine, dcery markýze ze Sarle. Opouští proto rodný dům a ocitá se v obrovském paláci rodiny Sarlů.Brzy ale zjišťuje, že mezi zdejšími obyvateli... Read more

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