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Mathias by Cristina Nemerovschi
Cristina Nemerovschi
Mathias by Cristina Nemerovschi


By: Cristina Nemerovschi

Narrated by: Andreea Neamțu

Length: 4 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

După întâmplările petrecute în V., Alexandra încearcă să redevină adolescenta normală de dinainte de a fi prinsă în povestea contesei-vrăjitoare. Însă Mathias apare surprinzător la uşa ei, arătând cu 10 ani mai tânăr şi fiind perfect adaptat la decorul şi viaţa de noapte din Bucureşti. Mathias nu este însă singurul care revine… Alexandra se... Read more

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The Lady and the Hussites by Sara R. Turnquist
The Lady and the Hussites
Sara R. Turnquist
The Lady and the Hussites by Sara R. Turnquist

The Lady and the Hussites

By: Sara R. Turnquist

Narrated by: Becky Brabham

Length: 7 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Karin and Pavel have found their way safely to his parents home, but things are not as well as they seem. There are secrets between them. A wall goes up. And then Pavel is called into battle.Radek and Zdenek find themselves pulled into the conflict despite their best efforts to remain neutral, while Stepan finds himself ready for bloodshed.With... Read more

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Het erfdeel by Catherine Cookson
Het erfdeel
Catherine Cookson
Het erfdeel by Catherine Cookson

Het erfdeel

By: Catherine Cookson

Narrated by: Margareth van Slijpe

Length: 12 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Zal de nieuwe Mallen-generatie aan de vloek kunnen ontsnappen? Barbara, bekend uit het gelijknamige tweede deel van de Mallen-trilogie, krijgt samen met haar echtgenoot Dan een zoon. Tot haar grote schrik ziet zij de geruchtmakende kenmerken terug van de hopeloze mannen in haar familie... De Mallen-vloek is terug. Ook Barbara zelf is niet klaar... Read more

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Die Maitresse - Aufstieg und Fall der Gräfin Cosel (Ungekürzt) by Birgit Jasmund
Die Maitresse - Aufstieg und Fall der Gräfin Cosel (Ungekürzt)
Birgit Jasmund
Die Maitresse - Aufstieg und Fall der Gräfin Cosel (Ungekürzt) by Birgit Jasmund

Die Maitresse - Aufstieg und Fall der Gräfin Cosel (Ungekürzt)

By: Birgit Jasmund

Narrated by: Karoline Mask von Oppen

Length: 13 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Sachsen 1705: Anna Constantia von Cosel ist die mächtigste Frau Sachsens. Durch ihre Anmut und Klugheit hat sie das Herz von König August dem Starken erobert. Doch Anna Constantina ist nicht wie andere Frauen am Hofe. Sie ist stolz, unnahbar und hat ihren eigenen Kopf. Zunächst geht König August auf ihre Bedingungen ein, doch dann wird Anna ihre... Read more

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Wer Lügen sät - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 30 (Ungekürzt) by Peter Tremayne
Wer Lügen sät - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 30 (Ungekürzt)
Peter Tremayne
Wer Lügen sät - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 30 (Ungekürzt) by Peter Tremayne

Wer Lügen sät - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 30 (Ungekürzt)

By: Peter Tremayne

Narrated by: Gabriele Blum

Length: 11 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Fidelma hat einen Eid geschworen, über die Aufgabe zu schweigen, die sie im Auftrag ihres Bruders, des Königs, zu erfüllen hat. Der alte Abt, den sie als Ersten aufsucht, wird ermordet, noch bevor sie mit ihm sprechen kann. Kurz darauf sitzt Fidelma mit seiner mutßmaßlichen Mörderin im Kerker eines rebellischen Stammesfürsten. Im Land gehen... Read more

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Die Sünden der Gerechten - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 31 (Ungekürzt) by Peter Tremayne
Die Sünden der Gerechten - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 31 (Ungekürzt)
Peter Tremayne
Die Sünden der Gerechten - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 31 (Ungekürzt) by Peter Tremayne

Die Sünden der Gerechten - Schwester Fidelma ermittelt, Band 31 (Ungekürzt)

By: Peter Tremayne

Narrated by: Gabriele Blum

Length: 11 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein Mord im Paradies. Irland 671: Als Fidelma und Eadulf in dem Dorf Cloichin eintreffen, das den Ruf hat, ein äußerst idyllischer Ort zu sein, wollen die aufgebrachten Bewohner dort gerade einen Mann hängen. Der Wanderarbeiter soll einen wohlhabenden Bauern und dessen gesamte Familie ermordet haben. Fidelma kann ihn gerade noch rechtzeitig vor... Read more

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Vanilletage - Die Frauen der Backmanufaktur - Die Backdynastie, Band 1 (Ungekürzt) by Eva-Maria Bast
Vanilletage - Die Frauen der Backmanufaktur - Die Backdynastie, Band 1 (Ungekürzt)
Eva-Maria Bast
Vanilletage - Die Frauen der Backmanufaktur - Die Backdynastie, Band 1 (Ungekürzt) by Eva-Maria Bast

Vanilletage - Die Frauen der Backmanufaktur - Die Backdynastie, Band 1 (Ungekürzt)

By: Eva-Maria Bast

Narrated by: Regine Lange

Length: 9 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Träume aus Zucker Bielefeld, 1892. Die junge Josephine und ihr Mann Carl haben große Pläne: Sie wollen ein Mittel herstellen, das das Backen revolutionieren wird. Es fehlt nur noch die richtige Mischung. Während Josephine in der gemeinsamen Apotheke bereits an der Werbung arbeitet, experimentiert Carl weiter - und dann ist es geschafft: Ihr... Read more

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The Schoolmistress by Maggie Sullivan
The Schoolmistress
Maggie Sullivan
The Schoolmistress by Maggie Sullivan

The Schoolmistress

By: Maggie Sullivan

Narrated by: Chloe Massey

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Heartwarming and nostalgic new Saga series from the author of Mother’s Day on Coronation Street. It’s 1940 and for the Lancashire town of Greenhill, everything is about to change… Local schoolteacher Violet Pegg is surprised to get a letter out of the blue. Her... Read more

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تفصيل ثانوي by عدنية شبلي
تفصيل ثانوي
عدنية شبلي
تفصيل ثانوي by عدنية شبلي

تفصيل ثانوي

By: عدنية شبلي

Narrated by: عائشة الخراط

Length: 3 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

آب 1949، يخيّم قائدُ كتيبة عسكريّة مع جنوده في بقعة من الصحراء النقب، يُشتبه في أنها ممرٌّ يسلكه المتسلّلون العرب. بعد أكثر من خمسة عقود، تنطلق فتاةٌ موظفةٌ فلسطينيّةٌ في رحلة صوب النقب ساعيةً إلى كشف ملابسات حادثة جرت في ذلك المعسكر، مستعينةً بتفاصيل ثانويّة شتّى. عدنية شلبي روائية فلسطينية حازت على جوائز مرموقة، ووصلت روايتها "تفصيل ثانوي"... Read more

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Bridgerton - Hochzeitsglocken für Lady Lucy (ungekürzt) by Julia Quinn
Bridgerton - Hochzeitsglocken für Lady Lucy (ungekürzt)
Julia Quinn
Bridgerton - Hochzeitsglocken für Lady Lucy (ungekürzt) by Julia Quinn

Bridgerton - Hochzeitsglocken für Lady Lucy (ungekürzt)

By: Julia Quinn

Narrated by: Dana Golombek von Senden

Length: 13 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Das große Hochzeitsfinale der Bridgerton-Reihe Der Weg zur Hochzeit ist verschlungen: Erstens verliebt Gregory Bridgerton sich in die falsche Frau. Zweitens verliebt die sich in jemand anderen. Drittens beschließt Lucy Abernathy, sich einzumischen. Viertens verliebt sie sich dabei in Gregory. Fünftens ist sie so gut wie verlobt mit Lord Haselby.... Read more

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La Escuela Del Canto by Nell Leyshon
La Escuela Del Canto
Nell Leyshon
La Escuela Del Canto by Nell Leyshon

La Escuela Del Canto

By: Nell Leyshon

Narrated by: Brenda Vázquez

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Inglaterra, 1573. Los días de la pequeña Ellyn transcurren trabajando de sol a sol en la humilde granja de su familia, paleando las heces de los animales y recibiendo los menosprecios y los golpes de su hermano Tomas. Desde que su padre quedara inválido en un accidente, y más ahora que una nueva hermanita, Agnes, ha llegado a ese mundo de... Read more

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Campos de gloria by Pedro Santamaria
Campos de gloria
Pedro Santamaria
Campos de gloria by Pedro Santamaria

Campos de gloria

By: Pedro Santamaria

Narrated by: Horacio Castelo

Length: 11 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Año 450 d. C.

El imperio de Atila, rey de los hunos, se extiende desde el Rin hasta el mar Negro y desde el Danubio hasta el Báltico. Sus hordas invencibles han sometido a las tribus germánicas y han derrotado una y otra vez al Imperio romano de Oriente, que ahora, temeroso, se inclina ante él y paga tributo. Desde el Danubio hasta... Read more

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In Dreams of Dragons by Sonya Lawson
In Dreams of Dragons
Sonya Lawson
In Dreams of Dragons by Sonya Lawson

In Dreams of Dragons

By: Sonya Lawson

Narrated by: Julie Cleburn

Length: 4 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Raised a lady and married to a lord I did not know well, I thought my life would always follow a predictable path. However, when my new husband threw the dragon head on the banquet hall table, the creature's dead eyes somehow staring fiercely into my own, my life changed. I changed.My days as Lady of Ingar Keep became consumed by my growing need... Read more

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Liefde kent geen duisternis by Barbara Cartland
Liefde kent geen duisternis
Barbara Cartland
Liefde kent geen duisternis by Barbara Cartland

Liefde kent geen duisternis

By: Barbara Cartland

Narrated by: Karin Douma

Length: 7 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Op een zonnige dag in Engeland, in de lente van 1880, loopt Atlanta Lynton door het park op weg naar huis. Hier ontmoet ze de charmante Franse kunstenaar Paul Beaulieu. De twee worden op slag verliefd op elkaar. Echter, de vader van Atlanta, de lokale pastoor, heeft andere plannen voor zijn dochter. Hij wil dat ze trouwt met haar ijskoude en... Read more

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We’ll Meet Again by Bartle Bull
We’ll Meet Again
Bartle Bull
We’ll Meet Again by Bartle Bull

We’ll Meet Again

By: Bartle Bull

Narrated by: Simon Vance

Length: 12 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Written with what the New York Times has called, “Mr. Bull’s spirited, sensuous, hotblooded evocation of a rich and eventful historical world,” Bartle Bull’s We’ll Meet Again is a powerful romantic novel set in Egypt and Jugoslavia during World War II.It is 1942, and the American and British armies are landing in North Africa to fight the German... Read more

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Степан Бандера и судьба Украины by Леонид Млечин
Степан Бандера и судьба Украины
Леонид Млечин
Степан Бандера и судьба Украины by Леонид Млечин

Степан Бандера и судьба Украины

By: Леонид Млечин

Narrated by: Пётр Энтис

Length: 10 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Долго и мучительно украинский народ шел к своей самостоятельности. На этом пути было множество преград: смена правителей, войны, оккупация. Сколько невинной крови было пролито за «свободную самостийную Украину»; менялась власть, вожди, территория переходила из рук в руки, но идея независимого Украинского государства, за которую так ожесточенно... Read more

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The Hat Girl's Heartbreak by Lindsey Hutchinson
The Hat Girl's Heartbreak
Lindsey Hutchinson
The Hat Girl's Heartbreak by Lindsey Hutchinson

The Hat Girl's Heartbreak

By: Lindsey Hutchinson

Narrated by: Annie Aldington

Length: 7 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Will it be tears or triumph for the Hat Girl from Silver Street?It’s been five years since Ella Bancroft lost the love of her life, Harper Fortescue, and despite her friends’ encouragement, she’s still not been able to move on. The one thing keeping Ella smiling is the success of her hat shop, Ivella. Her beautiful designs and fabulous creations... Read more

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The Tree of Strife by David Wade
The Tree of Strife
David Wade
The Tree of Strife by David Wade

The Tree of Strife

By: David Wade

Narrated by: Bernard Hepton, Maureen O'Brien, Struan Rodger,...

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

An epic BBC historical drama based on Iceland's famous saga of tragedy, heroism and fate

Written by an anonymous storyteller in the 13th Century, and describing events between 960 and 1020, Njáls saga is one of the great works of medieval literature. The longest and most celebrated of the Icelandic sagas, it deals with family honour, vengeance,... Read more

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Fuego que no muere by Claudia Marcucetti Pascoli
Fuego que no muere
Claudia Marcucetti Pascoli
Fuego que no muere by Claudia Marcucetti Pascoli

Fuego que no muere

By: Claudia Marcucetti Pascoli

Narrated by: Antonio Raluy

Length: 13 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Cuando el cadáver de Tina Modotti llega a la morgue del doctor Zárate para que le practique la autopsia, Armando, fotógrafo aficionado e hijo del forense, se escabulle para intentar hacerle un retrato a la mujer que fuera modelo, artista y revolucionaria. ¿Realmente fue una falla del corazón la causa de su deceso o hay algo más que se está... Read more

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Sylvia Townsend Warner: A BBC Radio Collection by Sylvia Townsend Warner
Sylvia Townsend Warner: A BBC Radio Collection
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Sylvia Townsend Warner: A BBC Radio Collection by Sylvia Townsend Warner

Sylvia Townsend Warner: A BBC Radio Collection

By: Sylvia Townsend Warner

Narrated by: Full Cast, Louise Brealey, Tilly Vosburgh, Edwa...

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

BBC radio productions of the works of Sylvia Townsend Warner - plus bonus programmes about the author herself

Sylvia Townsend Warner was a prolific author of novels, short stories and poetry, who also wrote a biography of T. H. White, translated Proust and was an authority on Tudor church music. A sharp, insightful storyteller, she was one of the... Read more

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RED DOOR: A Cry in the Moon's Light by Alan McGill
RED DOOR: A Cry in the Moon's Light
Alan McGill
RED DOOR: A Cry in the Moon's Light by Alan McGill

RED DOOR: A Cry in the Moon's Light

By: Alan McGill

Narrated by: Alan McGill, Linnea Sage, Andrew Oakes & Sarah ...

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Before there was A Cry in the Moon’s Light . . .This is the story of a beautiful peasant girl and a farm boy who fall in love in the South of France, years before she becomes mi Lady, the Duchess of Harcourt and he becomes . . . something else. It is also the story of William de Parlimae, their childhood companion, whose path takes a different... Read more

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The Wartime Bookshop by Lesley Eames
The Wartime Bookshop
Lesley Eames
The Wartime Bookshop by Lesley Eames

The Wartime Bookshop

By: Lesley Eames

Narrated by: Polly Edsell

Length: 11 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

The first in a brand-new nostalgic and heart-warming WWII series, perfect for fans of Donna Douglas and Elaine Everest.

Alice is nursing an injured hand and a broken heart when she moves to the village of Churchwood at the start of WWII. She is desperate to be independent but worries that her injuries will make that... Read more

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Roaring Liberty by Jean Grainger
Roaring Liberty
Jean Grainger
Roaring Liberty by Jean Grainger

Roaring Liberty

By: Jean Grainger

Narrated by: Siobhan Waring

Length: 8 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

New York City, 1922 Harp Devereaux is torn. Part of her desperately wants to return to Ireland to finish what she and her family and friends started, and to witness the departure of the British forces from Ireland after eight hundred long years. But the other part finds life in America during the Roaring Twenties too exciting to trade for the... Read more

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Oprørerne by Vivian Stuart
Vivian Stuart
Oprørerne by Vivian Stuart


By: Vivian Stuart

Narrated by: Jesper Bøllehuus

Length: 9 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Femte bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme. I den britiske koloni, Australien, er forhindringerne udfordrende og uendelige. Den nye guvernør, Bligh - bedre kendt for sin kommando på Bounty og mytteriet mod ham - har allerede fået en ubarmhjertig fjende: New South... Read more

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