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A kerekerdő titkai (teljes) by Fésűs Éva
A kerekerdő titkai (teljes)
Fésűs Éva
A kerekerdő titkai (teljes) by Fésűs Éva

A kerekerdő titkai (teljes)

By: Fésűs Éva

Narrated by: Pogány Judit

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Kukkantó Manóval együtt, ti is bekukkanthattok a Kerekerdő izgalmas életébe. Ennek az erdőnek Mormogi Mackó bácsi a szigorú, de igazságos gazdája. Ő felügyeli a téli élelemgyűjtést, figyel arra, hogy a madarak nevet kapjanak, és ha kell, móresre tanítja a hetvenkedőket. Fésűs Éva meséi a népmesei hagyományokból kiindulva egy olyan világban... Read more

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The Phantom of the Opera - Abridged by Gaston Leroux
The Phantom of the Opera - Abridged
Gaston Leroux
The Phantom of the Opera - Abridged by Gaston Leroux

The Phantom of the Opera - Abridged

By: Gaston Leroux

Narrated by: Christopher Cazenove

Length: 2 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A baffling series of incidents at the majestic Paris Opera sparks frightening rumors about a mysterious opera ghost. Performers are ill-at-ease when they sit alone in their dressing rooms, alleging to have seen the enigma in evening clothes moving about in the shadows. Then a young and beautiful prima donna is visited by a masked "Angel of... Read more

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Murder in Manhattan by Mary Clark, Dorothy Salisbury Davis, Whitley Strieber, Roddy McDowell, Juliet Mills, Thomas Chastain & Peter Graves
Murder in Manhattan
Mary Clark, Dorothy Salisbury Davis, Whitley St...
Murder in Manhattan by Mary Clark, Dorothy Salisbury Davis, Whitley Strieber, Roddy McDowell, Juliet Mills, Thomas Chastain & Peter Graves

Murder in Manhattan

By: Mary Clark, Dorothy Salisbury Davis, Whitley St...

Narrated by: Betsy Palmer

Length: 5 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Beginning in 1982, The Adam's Round Table— a group of America's most talented and successful mystery writers— convened every month in New York to discuss their craft. When agent and author Bill Adler suggested they each write a short story located in a different section of Manhattan, their enthusiastic response resulted in... Read more

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Elvarázsolt világ (teljes) by Gerald Durrell
Elvarázsolt világ (teljes)
Gerald Durrell
Elvarázsolt világ (teljes) by Gerald Durrell

Elvarázsolt világ (teljes)

By: Gerald Durrell

Narrated by: Szacsvay László

Length: 2 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

A szerző a hangoskönyvünk alapjául szolgáló Aranydenevérek, rózsaszín galambok című könyvében az elbűvölő Mauritius szigetére tett expedícióját írja le, ahol néhány, már csak ott élő veszélyeztetett állatfajt akart begyűjteni. A címadó történetet az ihlette, hogy szállodai szobája ablakán kitekintve páratlan élményben volt része: "Minden... Read more

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The Scarlet Letter - Abridged by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter - Abridged
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter - Abridged by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter - Abridged

By: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Narrated by: Michael Learned

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Written in the winter of 1849, The Scarlet Letter unfolds the story of Hester Prynne, a young woman branded as an adulteress in the harsh Puritan world of seventeenth-century New England. As Hester calls on her inner strength to transcend her shame, the scarlet letter ceases to be a stigma and finally becomes Hester's symbol of self-affirmation.... Read more

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The Seventh Secret - Abridged by Irving Wallace
The Seventh Secret - Abridged
Irving Wallace
The Seventh Secret - Abridged by Irving Wallace

The Seventh Secret - Abridged

By: Irving Wallace

Narrated by: Paul Scofield

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A Russian museum curator acquires a painting of a public building that includes a modification completed in 1952. The artist: Adolf Hitler. A prominent historian is mysteriously killed while in the final stages of research for his latest book— a biography of the fü hrer. An American architect preparing a book on... Read more

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Destroyed Solemnly by Meisen Zhou
Destroyed Solemnly
Meisen Zhou
Destroyed Solemnly by Meisen Zhou

Destroyed Solemnly

By: Meisen Zhou

Narrated by: Lang Chuan

Length: 11 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

In the autumn of 1919, Xinghua Coal Mining Co., Ltd. began large-scale mining of the Liujiawa coalfield in the Yellow River paleo-channel basin, causing mining-induced earthquakes and ground subsidence. Initially, about a dozen or so acres of land collapsed, rendering some areas uncultivable. Villagers brought their grievances to the company,... Read more

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Alice Through The Looking-Glass - Abridged by Lewis Carroll
Alice Through The Looking-Glass - Abridged
Lewis Carroll
Alice Through The Looking-Glass - Abridged by Lewis Carroll

Alice Through The Looking-Glass - Abridged

By: Lewis Carroll

Narrated by: AudioscapePlayers

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Alice goes out of this world and into another, replete with scatty queens, batty knights, and a kooky egg to boot! Just the kind of fantasy to relax to. Forget the so-called 'hidden meanings' and all that sort of thing, and let yourself float along with Alice, (with a bit of running thrown in), as she tries to keep her head, reach the end of... Read more

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Alice in Wonderland - Abridged by Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland - Abridged
Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland - Abridged by Lewis Carroll

Alice in Wonderland - Abridged

By: Lewis Carroll

Narrated by: AudioscapePlayers

Length: 1 hour 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

ALICE IN WONDERLAND This is a dotty, somewhat satirical, and rather musical version of Lewis Carroll's work, performed by Canadian and British actresses and actors in Calgary, Alberta. See if you can spot your own character in this production. Are you the Queen of Hearts, the White Rabbit, or perhaps The Walrus? You could even be all... Read more

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Wuthering Heights - Abridged by Emily Brontë
Wuthering Heights - Abridged
Emily Brontë
Wuthering Heights - Abridged by Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights - Abridged

By: Emily Brontë

Narrated by: AudioscapePlayers

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Heathcliff is a strange dark-skinned boy whom Cathy's father brings back to Wuthering Heights from a trip to Liverpool. He is adopted into the Earnshaw family. Cathy and Heathcliff develop an inseparable - even an ideal companionship. She admires his self-sufficiency and endurance; but her brother, Hindley, victimises him. When she marries... Read more

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If Tomorrow Comes - Abridged by Sidney Sheldon
If Tomorrow Comes - Abridged
Sidney Sheldon
If Tomorrow Comes - Abridged by Sidney Sheldon

If Tomorrow Comes - Abridged

By: Sidney Sheldon

Narrated by: Roger Moore

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Tracy Whitney is on top of the world. Young, beautiful, and intelligent, she is about to marry into wealth and glamour—until a ruthless mafia gang frames her, and she is sentenced to prison. Though beaten and broken, Tracy emerges from her savage ordeal determined to avenge herself against those who have destroyed her life. With dazzling... Read more

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Egyperces anekdoták by Örkény István
Egyperces anekdoták
Örkény István
Egyperces anekdoták by Örkény István

Egyperces anekdoták

By: Örkény István

Narrated by: Mácsai Pál

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: No

A groteszk sérti a szimmetriaérzéket, fölborítja a világ rendjét, s új arányokat, új törvényeket léptet életbe, indítéka, tagadni mindent, ami kézenfekvő, ami adott. A groteszk ugyanis nem értelmezi a világot, hanem egy új világot teremt, egy megálmodott, képzeletbeli világot, mely emlékeztet ugyan a realitásra, mégis egy másik... Read more

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Van választásunk - további egypercesek by Örkény István
Van választásunk - további egypercesek
Örkény István
Van választásunk - további egypercesek by Örkény István

Van választásunk - további egypercesek

By: Örkény István

Narrated by: Mácsai Pál

Length: 2 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Az Egyperces novellák - írójuknak merész és nem egészen komolyan veendő kijelentése szerint - egész regényekkel, sőt regényciklusokkal fölérő alkotások, annak ellenére, hogy szembetűnően rövidek. De nem azért rövidek, mert kevés a mondanivalójuk, hanem mert kevés szóval szeretnének sokat mondani. Adná az Úr. (Örkény István) Read more

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Egypercesek by Örkény István
Örkény István
Egypercesek by Örkény István


By: Örkény István

Narrated by: Mácsai Pál

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

A mellékelt novellák rövidségük ellenére is teljes értékű írások. Előnyük, hogy az ember időt spórol velük, mert nem igényelnek hosszú hetekre-hónapokra terjedő figyelmet. Amíg a lágy tojás megfő, amíg a hívott szám (ha foglaltat jelez) jelentkezik, olvassunk el egy egyperces novellát. Read more

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The Trick - Abridged by Keith Perreur-Lloyd
The Trick - Abridged
Keith Perreur-Lloyd
The Trick - Abridged by Keith Perreur-Lloyd

The Trick - Abridged

By: Keith Perreur-Lloyd

Narrated by: AudioscapePlayers

Length: 2 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

If you could view life as you know it up to now with alien eyes, what would you actually see then? In fact what would be there? Well, John Gall found out for himself. An audio-dramatisation with full cast, sound effects, and 'audio-ambience' created for you by AudioscapePlayers. Read more

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Manon Lescaut by A. Francois Prevost D'Exiles
Manon Lescaut
A. Francois Prevost D'Exiles
Manon Lescaut by A. Francois Prevost D'Exiles

Manon Lescaut

By: A. Francois Prevost D'Exiles

Narrated by: Walter Covell

Length: 5 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

A devastating depiction of obsessive love and a haunting portrait of a captivating but dangerous woman.

When the young Chevalier des Grieux first sets eyes on the exquisitely beautiful and charming Manon Lescaut they fall passionately in love. But his happiness turns to bitter despair when he discovers that Manon is mercenary and immoral, and... Read more

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The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy
The Return of the Native
Thomas Hardy
The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy

The Return of the Native

By: Thomas Hardy

Narrated by: Jill Masters

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

This fine novel sets in opposition two of Thomas Hardy’s most unforgettable creations: his heroine, the sensuous, free-spirited Eustacia Vye, and the solemn, majestic stretch of upland in Dorsetshire he called Egdon Heath. The famous opening reveals the haunting power of that dark, forbidding moor where proud Eustacia fervently awaits a... Read more

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The Nonsense T - Abridged by Keith Perreur-Lloyd
The Nonsense T - Abridged
Keith Perreur-Lloyd
The Nonsense T - Abridged by Keith Perreur-Lloyd

The Nonsense T - Abridged

By: Keith Perreur-Lloyd

Narrated by: AudioscapePlayers

Length: 2 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Whilst completing some editing work in Singapore, a video consultant undergoes a traumatic experience when he sees himself looking at his own image from behind! This introduces him to a disturbing perspective of earthly life. He will never again be able to view his world in quite the same way.... An audio-dramatisation with full cast,... Read more

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Kommissar Roth, Tote brauchen keine Leuchter by author
Kommissar Roth, Tote brauchen keine Leuchter
Kommissar Roth, Tote brauchen keine Leuchter by author

Kommissar Roth, Tote brauchen keine Leuchter

By: author

Narrated by: Franz Boehm

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Spannende Krimi-Hörspiele für Kinder um einen Kommissar Read more

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Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby
Charles Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens

Nicholas Nickleby

By: Charles Dickens

Narrated by: Wanda McCaddon

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Charles Dickens had an understanding of mid-Victorian society second to none, and genius and energy massive enough to make the absurdities and terrors of that society come alive on the page. Nicholas Nickleby, with its episodes of chicanery in finance and education, and the dramatic intensity with which it tells the story of its openhearted... Read more

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Kommissar Roth, Geld muss nicht immer teuer sein by author
Kommissar Roth, Geld muss nicht immer teuer sein
Kommissar Roth, Geld muss nicht immer teuer sein by author

Kommissar Roth, Geld muss nicht immer teuer sein

By: author

Narrated by: Franz Boehm

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Spannende Krimi-Hörspiele für Kinder um einen Kommissar Read more

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Kommissar Roth, Wer singt - stirbt by author
Kommissar Roth, Wer singt - stirbt
Kommissar Roth, Wer singt - stirbt by author

Kommissar Roth, Wer singt - stirbt

By: author

Narrated by: Franz Boehm

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Spannende Krimi-Hörspiele für Kinder um einen Kommissar Read more

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Kommissar Roth, Bei Shakespeare hatte er gefehlt by author
Kommissar Roth, Bei Shakespeare hatte er gefehlt
Kommissar Roth, Bei Shakespeare hatte er gefehlt by author

Kommissar Roth, Bei Shakespeare hatte er gefehlt

By: author

Narrated by: Franz Boehm

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Spannende Krimi-Hörspiele für Kinder um einen Kommissar Read more

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The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter

By: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Narrated by: Annie Wauters

Length: 9 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

The scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not to tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers -- stern and wild ones -- and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss. -- Nathaniel Hawthorne
As she emerges from the prison of a Puritan New England town, Hester Prynne defies the dark gloom... Read more

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