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Memorias De Barry Lindon - Abridged by William Makepeace Thackeray
Memorias De Barry Lindon - Abridged
William Makepeace Thackeray
Memorias De Barry Lindon - Abridged by William Makepeace Thackeray

Memorias De Barry Lindon - Abridged

By: William Makepeace Thackeray

Narrated by: Pedro Montoya

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La magistral pelicula de Kubrick volvio a dar vigencia a una de las novelas mas cínicas de la literatura inglesa del siglo XIX, "Las memorias de Barry Lindon" de Thackeray, obra que fue una critica a la cantidad de aventureros que habian ocupado posiciones importantes en la Inglaterra de sus tiempos y donde trato de mostrar como las riquezas... Read more

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Las Aventuras De Arturo Gordon Pym - Abridged by Edgar Allan Poe
Las Aventuras De Arturo Gordon Pym - Abridged
Edgar Allan Poe
Las Aventuras De Arturo Gordon Pym - Abridged by Edgar Allan Poe

Las Aventuras De Arturo Gordon Pym - Abridged

By: Edgar Allan Poe

Narrated by: Carlos J. Vega

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gordon Pym, un joven atraido por la vida marinera, que cae en amotinamientos, cruentas tempestades, en las manos de diabolicos salvajes y fantasias sobre la vida en el Polo Sur. Hay momentos de terror y de suspenso que hacen que esta sea novela que se destaca. Read more

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Salambo - Abridged by Gustave Flaubert
Salambo - Abridged
Gustave Flaubert
Salambo - Abridged by Gustave Flaubert

Salambo - Abridged

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: Laura García

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Amor y traicion en la antigua Cartago. Mientras las hordas romanas asedian y esperan el momento de invadir Cartago, la sacerdotisa del templo de la diosa Tanit, Salambo, ama y es amada. Ella es la hija de Amilcar, el gran general cartagines y para recobrar el perdido velo que ha caido en manos del adversario, tiene que entregarse al general... Read more

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Maria - Abridged by Jorge Isaacs
Maria - Abridged
Jorge Isaacs
Maria - Abridged by Jorge Isaacs

Maria - Abridged

By: Jorge Isaacs

Narrated by: Fabio Camero

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La historia de amor de America. La novela romantica colombiana y de America por excelencia, María ha deleitado y conmovido a sus lectores por mas de un siglo, ya que en esta obra estan no solo el tierno y tragico idilio de Efrain y María, sino tambien el paisaje vallecaucano en todo su esplendor. Esta obra de Isaacs, un descendiente de judios... Read more

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El Prisionero De Zenda - Abridged by Anthony Hope
El Prisionero De Zenda - Abridged
Anthony Hope
El Prisionero De Zenda - Abridged by Anthony Hope

El Prisionero De Zenda - Abridged

By: Anthony Hope

Narrated by: Santiago Munevar

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta historia, trata de las aventuras de Rodolfo, que por su extraordinario parecido con el rey de Ruritania, es reclutado para remplazarlo cuando el verdadero rey cae prisionero de unos villanos, mientras este es rescatado. Read more

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Maquiavelo Y La Mandragora - Abridged by Somerset Maugham
Maquiavelo Y La Mandragora - Abridged
Somerset Maugham
Maquiavelo Y La Mandragora - Abridged by Somerset Maugham

Maquiavelo Y La Mandragora - Abridged

By: Somerset Maugham

Narrated by: Santiago Munevar

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El gran novelista ingles Somerset Maugham uso como base para su picaresca novela Entonces y ahora, una popular obra de teatro de Maquiavelo, el mismo filosofo de "El príncipe", llamada "La mandragora" y quien creo dentro de las tradiciones de la Comedia del Arte una ironica farsa, en la que los viejos acaban derrotados por el amor joven. Read more

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Servidumbre Humana - Abridged by Somerset Maugham
Servidumbre Humana - Abridged
Somerset Maugham
Servidumbre Humana - Abridged by Somerset Maugham

Servidumbre Humana - Abridged

By: Somerset Maugham

Narrated by: Fabio Camero

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Philip Carey, un estudiante de medicina, se une a la camarera Mildred Rogers, una mujer sin escrupulos, cruel y sin ningun afecto ni moralidad. Ella se aprovecha de la deformidad de Philip para humillarlo y cuando finalmente se arruina y tiene que interrumpir sus estudios lo abandona. El relato de como acaba por sobreponerse es el final de esta... Read more

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A Day Late and a Dollar Short - Abridged by Terry McMillan
A Day Late and a Dollar Short - Abridged
Terry McMillan
A Day Late and a Dollar Short - Abridged by Terry McMillan

A Day Late and a Dollar Short - Abridged

By: Terry McMillan

Narrated by: Terry McMillan

Length: 5 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Without question, this is McMillan’s best. A glorious novel....A moving tapestry of familial love and redemption.”—The Washington Post

With her hallmark exuberance and a cast of characters so sassy, resilient, and full of life that they breathe, dream, and shout right off the page, Terry McMillan has given us a tour-de-force novel of family,... Read more

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Ben-Hur - Abridged by Lewis Wallace
Ben-Hur - Abridged
Lewis Wallace
Ben-Hur - Abridged by Lewis Wallace

Ben-Hur - Abridged

By: Lewis Wallace

Narrated by: Yadira Sanchez

Length: 2 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El protagonista, para quien la libertad de su pueblo tiene prelacion sobre los lujos y comodidades que podria lograr con los romanos. Amigos y enemigos de Ben-Hur estan acertadamente dibujados y el resultado es una de las novelas de aventuras mas fascinantes que existen. Read more

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El Principe Feliz/El Fantasma De Canterville/El Crimen De Lord Arturo Saville - Abridged by Oscar Wilde
El Principe Feliz/El Fantasma De Canterville/El Crimen De Lord Arturo Saville - Abridged
Oscar Wilde
El Principe Feliz/El Fantasma De Canterville/El Crimen De Lord Arturo Saville - Abridged by Oscar Wilde

El Principe Feliz/El Fantasma De Canterville/El Crimen De Lord Arturo Saville - Abridged

By: Oscar Wilde

Narrated by: Carlos Zambrano

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La estatua del principe feliz, que busca la felicidad de los hombres; el noble ingles que ante la prediccion de que se convertira en un asesino, trata de adelantarse a la profecia con fracasos continuos y al fantasma en una vieja mansion inglesa, que a pesar de sus esfuerzos ya no asusta a nadie. Read more

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Padres E Hijos - Abridged by Ivan Turgenev
Padres E Hijos - Abridged
Ivan Turgenev
Padres E Hijos - Abridged by Ivan Turgenev

Padres E Hijos - Abridged

By: Ivan Turgenev

Narrated by: Hernando Iván Cano

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Una novela sobre la lucha de generaciones. Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883) fue uno de los grandes novelistas rusos, pero en su obra se adelanto tanto a su tiempo, por exponer problemas sociales mas que psicologicos, que a pesar de sus grandes meritos nunca fue considerado dentro del puesto que merece su brillante produccion. En "Padres e hijos", obra... Read more

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Grandes Esperanzas - Abridged by Charles Dickens
Grandes Esperanzas - Abridged
Charles Dickens
Grandes Esperanzas - Abridged by Charles Dickens

Grandes Esperanzas - Abridged

By: Charles Dickens

Narrated by: Daniel Quintero

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El gran novelista ingles Charles Dickens en pocas obras dio rienda suelta a su imaginacion creadora, sin caer en el sentimentalismo y con mucho de satira, como lo hizo en Grandes Esperanzas, su penultima novela y considerada por la critica como una de las mejores de su pluma. Como acostumbraba, la obra fue escrita para ser publicada por entregas... Read more

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Madame Bovary - Abridged by Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary - Abridged
Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary - Abridged by Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary - Abridged

By: Gustave Flaubert

Narrated by: Carlos J. Vega

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Una mujer en busca de un ideal inalcanzable. Flaubert logro en su retrato de Madame Bovary una de las mayores creaciones de toda la literatura, por que mostro un personaje universal, una mujer nunca satisfecha y cuyo errado ideal la lleva al adulterio y a su propia destruccion. A ella se la ha comparado con Don Quijote, a quien sus lecturas... Read more

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Adios, Mr. Chips - Abridged by James Hilton
Adios, Mr. Chips - Abridged
James Hilton
Adios, Mr. Chips - Abridged by James Hilton

Adios, Mr. Chips - Abridged

By: James Hilton

Narrated by: Santiago Munevar

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El modesto profesor que nadie podia olvidar. Una de las obras preferidas de los publicos, que ha sido llevada al cine en numerosas oportunidades, es la historia de Mr. Chips, un modesto profesor en una escuela provinciana, que ve pasar generaciones enteras de alumnos y que vive una vida basada en los recuerdos y en las tradiciones escolares. La... Read more

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Two O'Clock, Eastern Wartime - Abridged by John Dunning
Two O'Clock, Eastern Wartime - Abridged
John Dunning
Two O'Clock, Eastern Wartime - Abridged by John Dunning

Two O'Clock, Eastern Wartime - Abridged

By: John Dunning

Narrated by: Boyd Gaines

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Widely acclaimed for his groundbreaking crime novels Booked to Die and The Bookman's Wake, award-winning author John Dunning triumphantly returns with a riveting new thriller that takes us back to the summer of 1942, when radio was in its prime, when daylight saving time gave way to "wartime," when stations like WHAR on the New Jersey coast... Read more

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The Mummy Case by Elizabeth Peters
The Mummy Case
Elizabeth Peters
The Mummy Case by Elizabeth Peters

The Mummy Case

By: Elizabeth Peters

Narrated by: Susan O’Malley

Length: 10 hours

Abridged: No

The irascible husband of Victorian Egyptologist Amelia Peabody demonstrates again why he has been nicknamed “Father of Curses.” Denied permission to dig at the pyramids of Dahshoor, Emerson is awarded instead the “pyramids” of Mazghunah: countless mounds of rubble in the middle of nowhere. Nothing in this barren spot seems worthy of... Read more

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The Fir Tree - Abridged by Hans Christian Andersen
The Fir Tree - Abridged
Hans Christian Andersen
The Fir Tree - Abridged by Hans Christian Andersen

The Fir Tree - Abridged

By: Hans Christian Andersen

Narrated by: Jane Alexander

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Out in the woods stood a nice little Fir Tree. The place he had was a very good one: the sun shone on him: as to fresh air, there was enough of that, and round him grew many large-sized comrades, pines as well as firs. But the little Fir wanted so very much to be a grown-up tree..."

So begins Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale of a little... Read more

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The World's Finest Mystery & Crime Stories - Vol. 2 by Ed Gorman
The World's Finest Mystery & Crime Stories - Vol. 2
Ed Gorman
The World's Finest Mystery & Crime Stories - Vol. 2 by Ed Gorman

The World's Finest Mystery & Crime Stories - Vol. 2

By: Ed Gorman

Narrated by: The Funny Cide Team

Length: 12 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

It’s not easy to collect, in a single volume, the finest mystery and suspense fiction the world has to offer, but The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Second Annual Collection rises to that challenge, inviting you to discover what Kirkus Reviews dubs “the year’s anthology of choice.”

In his Second Annual collection, Ed Gorman once again... Read more

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O Bed! O Breakfast! by Robert Dalby
O Bed! O Breakfast!
Robert Dalby
O Bed! O Breakfast! by Robert Dalby

O Bed! O Breakfast!

By: Robert Dalby

Narrated by: Jonathan Marosz

Length: 6 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

When the queen of the tabloids, Juliette Cadbury, decides to film a movie in Fort Rosalie, Mississippi, local Tourist Bureau executive Mary Dell Hoskins is given the unenviable task of setting up a whirlwind inspection tour of the town's three bed-and-breakfasts - only one of which can win the right to host the outrageous actress and her hunky... Read more

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Love and Death by Carolyn Hart
Love and Death
Carolyn Hart
Love and Death by Carolyn Hart

Love and Death

By: Carolyn Hart

Narrated by: Kate Reading

Length: 8 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

If you love a good mystery—or a mystery about lovers—you'll cherish this collection of fourteen seductively sinister tales. These original stories from today's finest crime and suspense writers prove that while love may be blind, it can still aim straight for the heart. Featuring fourteen tales from the most widely read, award-winning authors in... Read more

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Judah the Maccabee by author
Judah the Maccabee
Judah the Maccabee by author

Judah the Maccabee

By: author

Narrated by: Hal Linden

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

The Hanukkah story honors the heroes and heroines throughout Jewish history who have fought using both might and wisdom to overcome their foes. One of these heroes is Judah the Maccabee. Read more

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The Gift Of the Magi by O. Henry
The Gift Of the Magi
O. Henry
The Gift Of the Magi by O. Henry

The Gift Of the Magi

By: O. Henry

Narrated by: Jane Alexander

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

In O. Henry's classic story about Christmas and the holiday spirit, a young married couple deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money. Read more

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The Kill Artist - Abridged by Daniel Silva
The Kill Artist - Abridged
Daniel Silva
The Kill Artist - Abridged by Daniel Silva

The Kill Artist - Abridged

By: Daniel Silva

Narrated by: Jason Culp

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Once a key operative in secret Israeli-intelligence missions, Gabriel Allon is on the run from his past, assuming a quiet life as a meticulous restorer of priceless works of art. But now he is being called back into the game. The agent with whom he is teamed hides behind her own beautiful mask–as a French fashion model. Their target: a cunning... Read more

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Protect and Defend - Abridged by Richard North Patterson
Protect and Defend - Abridged
Richard North Patterson
Protect and Defend - Abridged by Richard North Patterson

Protect and Defend - Abridged

By: Richard North Patterson

Narrated by: Patricia Kalember

Length: 5 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A compelling new novel from Richard North Patterson- a major departure, and that confirms his place among the most important popular novelists at work today.

A newly elected president faces the unexpected chance to nominate a new chief justice of the Supreme Court.  His first choice is a nationally respected Court of Appeals judge, a woman whose... Read more

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