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Fiona 4 by Zsolt Majsai
Fiona 4
Zsolt Majsai
Fiona 4 by Zsolt Majsai

Fiona 4

By: Zsolt Majsai

Narrated by: Birgit Arnold

Length: 6 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Mein Name ist Fiona und ich bin eine Kriegerin. Meine Aufgabe ist es, für das Gleichgewicht zu sorgen. Leider wurde nie genau definiert, was das Gleichgewicht eigentlich ist. Und wie ich eine Störung desselben erkenne. Oder was ich eigentlich tun soll, wenn ich eine solche Störung feststelle. Überhaupt ist meine Jobbeschreibung sehr kurz: Achte... Read more

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Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk by Jaroslav Hašek
Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk
Jaroslav Hašek
Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk by Jaroslav Hašek

Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk

By: Jaroslav Hašek

Narrated by: Thomas Fedrowitz

Length: 6 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk, von Jaroslav Hašek, gelesen von Thomas Fedrowitz. 2. Teil. Im Zug von Prag nach Budweis betätigt Schwejk die Notbremse. In Tábor versäumt er den Zug, vertrinkt sein Fahrgeld und muss daher zu Fuß nach Budweis laufen. Auf diesem Fußmarsch, "Schwejks Budweiser Anabasis", gelangt er nach einigen... Read more

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Ashen Weald by K. Vale Nagle
Ashen Weald
K. Vale Nagle
Ashen Weald by K. Vale Nagle

Ashen Weald

By: K. Vale Nagle

Narrated by: James Scott Spaid

Length: 14 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

A world on fire. A gryphon army. A mysterious sickness.For years, Satra rotted in the dungeon depths while her kin were forced to wage wars to keep her safe. Now the eyrie is ash and she controls the largest army the continent has ever seen. As her opinicus enemies plot and scheme, she sets her sights on the Crackling Sea, where the last of her... Read more

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Edge of Darkness by C.J. Archer
Edge of Darkness
C.J. Archer
Edge of Darkness by C.J. Archer

Edge of Darkness

By: C.J. Archer

Narrated by: Kasey Logan

Length: 8 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Past secrets have come back to haunt the residents of Freak House and their visitors. With the help of a 300 year-old ghost, Charity, Samuel and their friends peel back the layers of lies and deception to reveal the terrible events of 1867 that changed everything. At the heart of it all is a page of spells and two missing men.But as they draw... Read more

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Spindle by W.R. Gingell
W.R. Gingell
Spindle by W.R. Gingell


By: W.R. Gingell

Narrated by: Esther Wane

Length: 11 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

What is a maiden to do when her prince is not a prince, her hair won’t stop growing, and someone has cursed her to sleep for 300 years?In Polyhymnia’s case, it seems expedient to get up with the help of a kiss or two, trailing her hair behind her, and find out who did it. Nothing quite works out as planned, however, and Poly can’t be sure if... Read more

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Chance's Game by Eve Langlais
Chance's Game
Eve Langlais
Chance's Game by Eve Langlais

Chance's Game

By: Eve Langlais

Narrated by: Marie Smith

Length: 8 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Find the box, save the realm.In a world where magic is common, Breanna is among the rarest of her kind and highly sought after – by all the wrong men. With a roll of his dice, in steps the God of Chance, who sets her up on a quest to free the Realm from a powerful spell. There’s just one problem. Chance expects her to team up with a wizard – who... Read more

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The Little White Bird (Unabridged) by J. M. Barrie
The Little White Bird (Unabridged)
J. M. Barrie
The Little White Bird (Unabridged) by J. M. Barrie

The Little White Bird (Unabridged)

By: J. M. Barrie

Narrated by: AI Marcus

Length: 6 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. The Little White Bird is generally divided into three sections: the first chronicles the narrator’s life in London, beginning with how he came to know a little boy named David (who joins him on his adventures), and describes other matters of his everyday life. The second section... Read more

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Rentierfieber by Emma Zecka
Emma Zecka
Rentierfieber by Emma Zecka


By: Emma Zecka

Narrated by: Lisa Schmidt

Length: 4 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

»Du willst mir also sagen, dass all meine Rentiere in Wahrheit verzauberte Weihnachtsmänner sind?« Als das Christkind Besuch vom Weihnachtsmann bekommt, erschrickt es. Der sonst so fröhliche Mann sieht müde aus und zeigt erste Anzeichen einer drohenden Rentierverwandlung. Um dieses Schicksal zu verhindern und Weihnachten zu retten, schickt... Read more

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Sherwood by Tomasz Pacyński
Tomasz Pacyński
Sherwood by Tomasz Pacyński


By: Tomasz Pacyński

Narrated by: Przemysław Bargiel

Length: 24 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Minęło wiele lat od śmierci Robin Hooda, jednak jego legenda jest wciąż żywa. Do Sherwood przybywa Jason - mężczyzna złej sławy, kanciarz, który naraził się, siadając do gry w kości z niebezpiecznym człowiekiem. Na miejscu spotyka Matcha - niegdyś członka bandy Robin Hooda, dziś mieszkańca leśnego klasztoru. Bohaterowie mają złowieszcze wizje... Read more

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Szatański interes by Tomasz Pacyński
Szatański interes
Tomasz Pacyński
Szatański interes by Tomasz Pacyński

Szatański interes

By: Tomasz Pacyński

Narrated by: Artur Ziajkiewicz

Length: 10 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Kontynuacja przygód bohaterów "Linii ognia" - Matyldy i Pawła Morozowa (vel. Dziadka Mroza). Zbiór opowiadań połączonych tematyką walki z przeciwnikiem starszym i potężniejszym od rodzaju ludzkiego, przejawiającym się w mrocznych baśniach, ludowych podaniach. Na tle tego generalnego konfliktu rozgrywają się drobniejsze, lecz nie mniej... Read more

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Wieczne róże: Tajemniczy ogrodnik – opowiadanie erotyczne by Nadia Drozd
Wieczne róże: Tajemniczy ogrodnik – opowiadanie erotyczne
Nadia Drozd
Wieczne róże: Tajemniczy ogrodnik – opowiadanie erotyczne by Nadia Drozd

Wieczne róże: Tajemniczy ogrodnik – opowiadanie erotyczne

By: Nadia Drozd

Narrated by: Joanna Derengowska

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: No

"– Muszę mieć swoje tajemnice.– Tych masz już chyba wystarczająco, nawet nie powiedziałeś mi, gdzie dokładnie mieszkasz – próbuję odpowiadać z równą pewnością siebie, ale już się rozpływam, będąc tak blisko niego. Mężczyzna przewraca oczami i podchodzi do mnie; łapie mnie za biodra i dociska do ściany.– Czy chcesz wszystko wiedzieć od razu? Nie... Read more

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Tunichtgut und Sorglos by Petra Lukoschek
Tunichtgut und Sorglos
Petra Lukoschek
Tunichtgut und Sorglos by Petra Lukoschek

Tunichtgut und Sorglos

By: Petra Lukoschek

Narrated by: Jens Dreesmann

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Elfenfreunde Tunichtgut und Sorglos planen eine geheime Reise zum Nordpol, weil sie von einem Haus dort gehört haben, in dem alle Wünsche erfüllt werden, und weil sie des Elfenlebens im Wald überdrüssig sind. Während Sorglos tatsächlich zum Nordpol möchte, träumt Tunichtgut heimlich davon, auf der Reise einem Prinzen zu begegnen. Im Verlauf... Read more

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Sansaria 1. Träume der Finsternis by Tania Messner
Sansaria 1. Träume der Finsternis
Tania Messner
Sansaria 1. Träume der Finsternis by Tania Messner

Sansaria 1. Träume der Finsternis

By: Tania Messner

Narrated by: Jona Mues

Length: 10 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Stell dir vor, es ist Nacht und du fällst aus dem Bett. Doch du landest nicht auf dem Teppich in deinem Zimmer, sondern in einer vollkommen anderen Welt. Auf einer Ankunftsplattform, inmitten von Wesen, die nicht gerade einen freundlichen Eindruck machen. Genau das passiert Leonard Federspiel und plötzlich rennt er nicht nur um sein Leben,... Read more

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Der Zombie, die Sukkubus und ich (ungekürzt) by Michaela Harich
Der Zombie, die Sukkubus und ich (ungekürzt)
Michaela Harich
Der Zombie, die Sukkubus und ich (ungekürzt) by Michaela Harich

Der Zombie, die Sukkubus und ich (ungekürzt)

By: Michaela Harich

Narrated by: Nadine Most

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Bevor Nicole ihr Glück mit Marc fand, lebte sie ein etwas anderes Leben als das eines Hausmädchens. Mit ihrer besten Freundin und Mitbewohnerin Lore wurde sie nicht nur in eine andere Welt katapultiert, sondern auch wieder mit ihrer Vergangenheit konfrontiert. Dass die Geister der Vergangenheit ihr aber das Herz brechen würden, damit hatte sie... Read more

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True Teryn by S.G. Blaise
True Teryn
S.G. Blaise
True Teryn by S.G. Blaise

True Teryn

By: S.G. Blaise

Narrated by: Emily Ellet

Length: 8 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

ALL BEGINNINGS COME AT A PRICE. ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY IT?Lilla must recruit the biggest and most dangerous army in the Seven Galaxies, but the Teryn emperor will not comply unless Lilla earns the blessing of the Teryn Guardian Goddess Laoise.Dealing with gods is never easy. Guardian Goddess Laoise’s condition for bestowing her blessing is for... Read more

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La sirena del hielo by Eva Millet & María Dresden
La sirena del hielo
Eva Millet & María Dresden
La sirena del hielo by Eva Millet & María Dresden

La sirena del hielo

By: Eva Millet & María Dresden

Narrated by: Andrea Hermoso

Length: 4 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

La sirena del hielo es una mágica historia sobre la amistad, el trabajo en equipo y el poder que supone luchar por las cosas en las que creemos. Con el deshielo de los polos, criaturas que hasta ahora habían permanecido ocultas comienzan a atemorizar a las sirenas del hielo. Kiona, una pequeña sirena de la Antártida, deberá emprender un viaje en... Read more

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Linia ognia by Tomasz Pacyński
Linia ognia
Tomasz Pacyński
Linia ognia by Tomasz Pacyński

Linia ognia

By: Tomasz Pacyński

Narrated by: Ewa Wodzicka - Dondziłło

Length: 10 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Matylda i Dziadek Mróz to osobliwa para głównych bohaterów. W kolejnych opowiadaniach zbioru brutalnie rozprawiają się ze Świętym Mikołajem, krasnoludkami i całą resztą bajkowego imaginarium. W tle współczesne konflikty zbrojne, wojna w Iraku i Osama bin Laden. Bajki dla dorosłych napisane są - jak przystało na tę grupę wiekową - dosadnym... Read more

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Vroeling - Abridged by Dieter Zwicky
Vroeling - Abridged
Dieter Zwicky
Vroeling - Abridged by Dieter Zwicky

Vroeling - Abridged

By: Dieter Zwicky

Narrated by: Dieter Zwicky

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

»Es grünt, die Sprache knospt, Dieter Zwickys Vroeling ist da. Dieses verschwenderisch kurze Buch führt von Polen quer durch Leib und Leben, reich an Schauplätzen, reich an Tönen, reich an Figuren der Seltsamkeit. Im Coiffeursalon Jeanrichard kommen betagte Damen unter die Haube, an den Olympischen Spielen von Melbourne knickt das Sprungbein... Read more

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Kai Lung’s Golden Hours (Unabridged) by Ernest Bramah
Kai Lung’s Golden Hours (Unabridged)
Ernest Bramah
Kai Lung’s Golden Hours (Unabridged) by Ernest Bramah

Kai Lung’s Golden Hours (Unabridged)

By: Ernest Bramah

Narrated by: AI Marcus

Length: 8 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Ernest Bramah’s Kai Lung stories are set in a fantastical ancient China and written with an oblique, ornate prose style that serves to mimic that of Chinese folk tales. The titular character is an itinerant storyteller and the books themselves are mostly collections of stories... Read more

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Of Snow and Roses by T.M. Franklin
Of Snow and Roses
T.M. Franklin
Of Snow and Roses by T.M. Franklin

Of Snow and Roses

By: T.M. Franklin

Narrated by: Leanne Woodward

Length: 5 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Handcuffs chaining her to a sterile hospital bed.Weird occurrences that no one can explain.No memories of who she is or what came before.They say she’s been a patient at the Blackbriar Institute since childhood, that she’s sick, alone, and nobody’s coming for her.But someone’s already here—a mysterious man in her therapy group with unfathomable... Read more

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Manuel Arroyo Durán


By: Manuel Arroyo Durán

Narrated by: Manuel Arroyo Durán

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Recordáis la pistola que llevaba el cura en el cuento de El Pordiosero? Ahora os hablaré de ella aunque, antes me gustaría situaros un poco. Ya os dije que el barrio es como un pequeños pueblo, aislado del resto de la ciudad debido al trazado de las vías del tren y del cauce de un pequeño arroyo que solía dar grandes sustos porque se desbordaba... Read more

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Of Songs and Seashells by T.M. Franklin
Of Songs and Seashells
T.M. Franklin
Of Songs and Seashells by T.M. Franklin

Of Songs and Seashells

By: T.M. Franklin

Narrated by: Leanne Woodward

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

An immortal woman.An ancient curse.A deadly pact.Lily has roamed the earth for centuries, unable to die but also unable to truly live, lest her secret be discovered.Unfortunately, saving a young boy from an almost-deadly accident attracts a handsome stranger’s rapt attention.He sees her in a way few others have before, putting them both at risk... Read more

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The Gathering by Charlie Sweeney
The Gathering
Charlie Sweeney
The Gathering by Charlie Sweeney

The Gathering

By: Charlie Sweeney

Narrated by: Alaura Howery

Length: 6 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

The Clan live a good life.Their lands, the Nine Boroughs, are abundant in food and shelter. They prosper, expand and it could be said, have become complacent in their existence.However, far to their Western Border, other eyes look on with want and jealousy on this bountiful land. Now a great Lord has assembled the Hoard, West of the River... Read more

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Wicked is the Reaper by Nisha J Tuli
Wicked is the Reaper
Nisha J Tuli
Wicked is the Reaper by Nisha J Tuli

Wicked is the Reaper

By: Nisha J Tuli

Narrated by: Angelina Rocca

Length: 3 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

I was a good little princess...until the Reaper came for me.It’s the day of the Hunt, and I've always known it would decide my future. The man who brings the largest stag to the feet of my father will win my hand in marriage.My oldest friend and the greatest hunter in Aetherus is favored to win, and we've planned our entire lives together.That... Read more

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