Family & Relationships audiobooks
Family First - Abridged
By: Phil McGraw
Narrated by: Phil McGraw
Length: 6 hours 36 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Do you feel that your family is not what it used to be, or what it has the potential to be? Do you worry that the parenting decisions you're making today may be scarring your child for life? Do you sometimes feel you are in a tug-of-war with the world over who will shape your child's values and beliefs?
With Family First: Your Step-by-Step Plan... Read more
Hillary's Choice - Abridged
By: Gail Sheehy
Narrated by: Gail Sheehy
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
This is the story of a woman and a marriage, both so famous the world over, we think we know everything there is to know. But Hillary's Choice renders America's First Lady fully human for the first time.
Gail Sheehy uncovers the lifelong imprint of Hillary's drillmaster father and the frustrated mother who taught her to bottle up her... Read more
Adele malt die Welt bunt - Abridged
By: Sabine Bohlmann
Narrated by: Sabine Bohlmann
Length: 2 hours 26 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Familie Anders ist ganz aufgeregt: Adeles kleine Schwester kommt endlich in die Schule! Doch zuvor soll Blümchen noch ihren kleinen Sprachfehler loswerden. Die ganze Hummelgasse hilft eifrig mit. Aber plötzlich will Blümchen gar nichts mehr sagen – kann Adele ihr Mut machen, sie selbst zu sein? Das Allerwichtigste ist doch, dass man zusammenhält... Read more
View audiobook03: Maike im Kindergarten - Abridged
By: Bärbel Löffel-Schröder
Narrated by: Merisha Janke, Anna Niedergesäss, Svenja Veldho...
Length: 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Im Kindergarten erlebt Maike immer wieder spannende Dinge. Als sie von Danny geärgert wird, sie mit ihrer Gruppe in den Zoo fährt, aber auch, als Mama sie später als sonst abholt, wird es ganz schön aufregend. Aber Maike bewältigt diese Herausforderungen in ihrem Kindergartenleben und erlebt dabei, dass Gott ihr hilft. Read more
View audiobook04: Maike und das rote Geschenk - Abridged
By: Bärbel Löffel-Schröder
Narrated by: Merisha Janke, Anna Niedergesäss, Ulrike Schild...
Length: 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Im Winter im Schnee zu spielen und einen Schneemann zu bauen macht Spaß. Und Weihnachten rückt immer näher. Aber alle Türen des Adventskalenders auf einmal aufmachen darf man nicht. Und die Geschenke vorher auspacken auch nicht. Oder? Doch nicht nur sie soll etwas geschenkt bekommen - auch die Eltern, die Puppen und natürlich Jesus. Denn zu... Read more
View audiobookA Soldier's Promise - Abridged
By: First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex
Narrated by: Lee Sellars
Length: 5 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: Yes
An uplifting story of unlikely friendship and hope during the Iraq War.
After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex was dispatched along with his unit, Dragon Company, to Husaybah, a small town bordering Syria in the Sunni-dominated Al Anbar Province in Iraq. Their mission was to plug the bottleneck at the border... Read more
Fixing the Fates - Abridged
By: Diane Dewey
Narrated by: Rachel Pater
Length: 9 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The secrets, lies, and layers of deception about Diane Dewey’s origins were meant for her protection—but eventually, they imploded. Living with her family in suburban Philadelphia, Diane had grown up knowing she was born in Stuttgart and adopted at age one from an orphanage. She’d been told her biological parents were dead. Then, in 2002, when... Read more
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