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Feestdagen by Marius van Leeuwen
Marius van Leeuwen
Feestdagen by Marius van Leeuwen


By: Marius van Leeuwen

Narrated by: Marius van Leeuwen

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Het christendom heeft in vele opzichten een stempel gedrukt op de Westerse cultuur. Duidelijke voorbeelden daarvan zijn het ordenen van tijd en de kalender van feesten en bijzondere dagen. Wat is de betekenis van die feesten? Hoe en wanneer zijn ze ontstaan? Spelen voorchristelijke motieven een rol?
Werkt de joodse feestkalender door in de... Read more

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Learning as if People Really Mattered by Debora Hammond, Francisco Vazquez & Tony Mountain
Learning as if People Really Mattered
Debora Hammond, Francisco Vazquez & Tony Mountain
Learning as if People Really Mattered by Debora Hammond, Francisco Vazquez & Tony Mountain

Learning as if People Really Mattered

By: Debora Hammond, Francisco Vazquez & Tony Mountain

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Our world is facing more problems than we can count, and it's often difficult to see how we'll find the solutions. Many fear our education system is not producing the creative thinkers we'll need in the times ahead. But an innovative approach to education goes beyond traditional courses and classrooms to emphasize creativity and inspiration, so... Read more

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The Excellent 11 - Abridged by Ron Clark
The Excellent 11 - Abridged
Ron Clark
The Excellent 11 - Abridged by Ron Clark

The Excellent 11 - Abridged

By: Ron Clark

Narrated by: Ron Clark

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When The Essential 55 was published, Ron Clark became a tireless promoter, traveling the country to speak to large groups of teachers and fans. And when his Oprah appearance shot the book onto the New York Times bestseller list, he kept the heat on. We can expect the same tenacious commitment to promoting his follow-up book, The Excellent 11.The... Read more

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Absolutely American - Abridged by David Lipsky
Absolutely American - Abridged
David Lipsky
Absolutely American - Abridged by David Lipsky

Absolutely American - Abridged

By: David Lipsky

Narrated by: David Lipsky

Length: 7 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"A superb description of modern military culture, and one of the most gripping accounts of university life.... Powerful.... Wonderfully told." --The New York Times Book Review

As David Lipsky follows a future generation of army officers from their proving grounds to their barracks, he reveals the range of emotions and desires that propels these... Read more

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Loving and Learning Conversation by Claudia L’Amoreaux
Loving and Learning Conversation
Claudia L’Amoreaux
Loving and Learning Conversation by Claudia L’Amoreaux

Loving and Learning Conversation

By: Claudia L’Amoreaux

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Claudia L'Amoreaux has made an extensive study of what it takes to cultivate meaningful conversation, and how that can impact our ability to learn. She believes that the way we teach our children actually puts constraints on their intelligence, and offers exciting solutions for a more dynamic education. Read more

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Het Koninklijk Huis by Bernard Woelderink
Het Koninklijk Huis
Bernard Woelderink
Het Koninklijk Huis by Bernard Woelderink

Het Koninklijk Huis

By: Bernard Woelderink

Narrated by: Bernard Woelderink

Length: 2 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

De rijke geschiedenis van het Huis Oranje-Nassau wordt door Woelderink op zeer deskundige wijze verteld in dit twee uur durende college. Woelderink laat de geschiedkundige feiten tot de verbeelding spreken en neemt de betrokken personages, paleizen en de politiek van toen onder de loep. Mede puttend uit brieven, gedichten en archiefstukken,... Read more

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History of the European Union by Richard T. Griffiths
History of the European Union
Richard T. Griffiths
History of the European Union by Richard T. Griffiths

History of the European Union

By: Richard T. Griffiths

Narrated by: Richard T. Griffiths

Length: 3 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Richard Griffiths invites the listener to look closer at the history and the underlying reasons behind the main developments of European integration. He passionately presents a history that is richer and intellectually more satisfying than much of the elegiac literature on the European union that passes for history. A solid and humorous account... Read more

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Vaderlandse Geschiedenis by Herman Beliën
Vaderlandse Geschiedenis
Herman Beliën
Vaderlandse Geschiedenis by Herman Beliën

Vaderlandse Geschiedenis

By: Herman Beliën

Narrated by: Herman Beliën

Length: 4 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

In zijn hoorcollege neemt Herman Beliën ons op geheel eigen wijze mee door de geschiedenis van het ontstaan van Nederland als eenheidsstaat. In twaalf hoofdstukken maakt hij korte metten met bestaande opvattingen over onze 'tolerantie', de mythen rond de onafhankelijkheidsstrijd tijdens de Tachtigjarige Oorlog en de historische invloed van... Read more

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Cultuurgeschiedenis van Europa by H.W. von der Dunk
Cultuurgeschiedenis van Europa
H.W. von der Dunk
Cultuurgeschiedenis van Europa by H.W. von der Dunk

Cultuurgeschiedenis van Europa

By: H.W. von der Dunk

Narrated by: H.W. von der Dunk

Length: 4 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

De eeuw waarin schokkende gebeurtenissen elkaar snel opvolgden, wordt door Von der Dunk met passie uiteen gezet. In deze capita selecta biedt hij de luisteraar een zeer volledig beeld van de Europese culturele ontwikkeling van de 20e eeuw met oog voor de historische feiten, de politiek, de literatuur en de geschiedschrijving zelf. Von der Dunk... Read more

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Evolutietheorie by Bas Haring
Bas Haring
Evolutietheorie by Bas Haring


By: Bas Haring

Narrated by: Bas Haring

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Bas Haring benadrukt in dit bijzondere college dat de evolutie plaatsvindt zonder voorbedachten rade. Het is geen Masterplan als alternatief voor het scheppingsverhaal. evolutie overkomt het leven simpelweg. Een boeiend college over variatie, overerving en de druk om in leven te blijven. Maar ook over de ontwikkeling van de moraal. Een... Read more

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Evoluerend Heelal by Govert Schilling
Evoluerend Heelal
Govert Schilling
Evoluerend Heelal by Govert Schilling

Evoluerend Heelal

By: Govert Schilling

Narrated by: Govert Schilling

Length: 2 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

In deze poëtische vertelling over de sterrenkunde behandelt Govert Schilling de levensloop van ons heelal. Hoe is het zover gekomen dat wij bestaan, dat planeten geboren worden en sterren sterven? Vanaf het prille begin vlak na de oerknal neemt Schilling u mee op een fascinerende reis door de evolutie van de kosmos.


College 1
Hoofdstuk 1. De... Read more

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Reis door de Wiskunde by Frits Beukers
Reis door de Wiskunde
Frits Beukers
Reis door de Wiskunde by Frits Beukers

Reis door de Wiskunde

By: Frits Beukers

Narrated by: Frits Beukers

Length: 2 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

In dit boeiende hoorcollege neemt Frits Beukers u mee langs getallen, breuken en oneindigheid. Beginnend bij het imago dat wiskunde bij veel mensen heeft en waarvan de basis vaak op middelbare scholen wordt gelegd. Wiskunde zou saai zijn en stoffig. Dat wiskunde ook leuk en praktisch kan zijn, maakt hij met deze lezing duidelijk. Denk... Read more

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Acht filosofische miniaturen by Herman Philipse
Acht filosofische miniaturen
Herman Philipse
Acht filosofische miniaturen by Herman Philipse

Acht filosofische miniaturen

By: Herman Philipse

Narrated by: Herman Philipse

Length: 7 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Dit hoorcollege is een wandeling met zevenmijlslaarzen door de geschiedenis van de wijsbegeerte en is bedoeld voor geïnteresseerden zonder veel wijsgerige achtergrondkennis. In dit college is ervoor gekozen uit te gaan van het werk van acht individuele filosofen. Kernpunten uit hun denken worden telkens één uur geschetst. Het doel van deze... Read more

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Amerika by Maarten van Rossem
Maarten van Rossem
Amerika by Maarten van Rossem


By: Maarten van Rossem

Narrated by: Maarten van Rossem

Length: 2 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

In zijn hoorcollege over de moderne geschiedenis van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika zet Maarten van Rossem op humoristische wijze de ontwikkeling van de V.S. in de 20e eeuw uiteen. In een hoorcollege van zes hoofdstukken rijgt Van Rossem moeiteloos verschillende onderwerpen als de emancipatie van de zwarte burgerbevolking, de New Deal en de... Read more

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The Essential 55 - Abridged by Ron Clark
The Essential 55 - Abridged
Ron Clark
The Essential 55 - Abridged by Ron Clark

The Essential 55 - Abridged

By: Ron Clark

Narrated by: Ron Clark

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When Ron Clark walked into his fifth-grade class in rural North Carolina, he was confronted with a tremendous challenge. The children had little interest in learning, and were sorely lacking in guidance. How would he transform a group of apathetic kids into disciplined, thoughtful, and curious students? He quickly realized that they needed to... Read more

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The Myth of Laziness - Abridged by Mel Levine
The Myth of Laziness - Abridged
Mel Levine
The Myth of Laziness - Abridged by Mel Levine

The Myth of Laziness - Abridged

By: Mel Levine

Narrated by: Mel Levine

Length: 4 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“When we call someone lazy, we condemn a human being,” writes Mel Levine, M.D. In The Myth of Laziness, the bestselling author of A Mind at a Time shows that children dismissed as unproductive or “lazy” usually suffer from what he calls “output failure”—a neurodevelopmental dysfunction that can continue to cause difficulties into adulthood if... Read more

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Educating Esmé - Abridged by Esmé Raji Codell
Educating Esmé - Abridged
Esmé Raji Codell
Educating Esmé - Abridged by Esmé Raji Codell

Educating Esmé - Abridged

By: Esmé Raji Codell

Narrated by: Esmé Raji Codell

Length: 2 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Codell's portrait of an inner-city elementary school is funny, poignant, and inspiring. Read more

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A Mind At A Time - Abridged by Mel Levine
A Mind At A Time - Abridged
Mel Levine
A Mind At A Time - Abridged by Mel Levine

A Mind At A Time - Abridged

By: Mel Levine

Narrated by: Mel Levine

Length: 5 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Different minds learn differently," writes Dr. Mel Levine, one of the best-known learning experts and pediatricians in America today. Some students are strong in certain areas and some are strong in others, but no one is equally capable in all. Yet most schools still cling to a one-size-fits-all education philosophy. As a result, many children... Read more

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Soul Survivor - Abridged by Philip Yancey
Soul Survivor - Abridged
Philip Yancey
Soul Survivor - Abridged by Philip Yancey

Soul Survivor - Abridged

By: Philip Yancey

Narrated by: Philip Yancey

Length: 5 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Philip Yancey, whose explorations of faith have made him a guide for millions of readers, feels no need to defend the church. "When someone tells me yet another horror story about the church, I respond, 'Oh, it's even worse than that. Let me tell you my story.'I have spent most of my life in recovery from the church."

Yancey acknowledges... Read more

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Simone Weil by Francine Du Plessix Gray
Simone Weil
Francine Du Plessix Gray
Simone Weil by Francine Du Plessix Gray

Simone Weil

By: Francine Du Plessix Gray

Narrated by: Donada Peters

Length: 7 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

In Simone Weil, du Plessix Gray vividly evokes the life of an equally complex and intriguing figure. A patriot and a mystic, an unruly activist plagued by self-doubt, a pampered intellectual with a credo of manual labor, an ascetic who craved sensuous beauty, Simone Weil died at the age of thirty-four prematurely after a long struggle with... Read more

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Journey Into Wisdom by Pramila Jayapal
Journey Into Wisdom
Pramila Jayapal
Journey Into Wisdom by Pramila Jayapal

Journey Into Wisdom

By: Pramila Jayapal

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

India, an ancient culture, has many gifts to share with the western world.  Pramila Jayapal, is an Indian-born, Western educated woman, banker turned community activist, who returns to India to explore the complex issues of progress and development, immersing herself in the life of her native land. Read more

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Beyond Rankism: Democracy For All by Robert Fuller
Beyond Rankism: Democracy For All
Robert Fuller
Beyond Rankism: Democracy For All by Robert Fuller

Beyond Rankism: Democracy For All

By: Robert Fuller

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Rank has legitimate rights.  When rank has been earned and signifies excellence, then it's generally accepted, and rightfully so.  But the power of rank is often abused.  The abuse of rank, or of power, is rankism.  Treating others as invisible, as "nobodies," - insulting someone's dignity - that's rankism.  Most of us have felt its sting; most... Read more

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Above and Beyond by Anita Roddick
Above and Beyond
Anita Roddick
Above and Beyond by Anita Roddick

Above and Beyond

By: Anita Roddick

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop, dedicated herself to putting her money not only where her mouth is but where her heart is.  Roddick was the driving force behind The Body Shop's activism: challenging big business and the beauty industry to act responsibly in areas including human rights, animal rights, and women's self-esteem. Read more

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Eating Wisdom by Andrew Weil, M.D.
Eating Wisdom
Andrew Weil, M.D.
Eating Wisdom by Andrew Weil, M.D.

Eating Wisdom

By: Andrew Weil, M.D.

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

One of life's greatest pleasures is eating, according to Weil, who cuts through the national obsession with diet and weight like a knife through an overripe papaya. Dr. Andrew Weil believes there doesn't have to be a distinction between healthy food and pleasurable food. His sensible advice stems from a belief in a natural, balanced approach to... Read more

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