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Muitas léguas pelo sertão - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged by Frei Vicente do Salvador
Muitas léguas pelo sertão - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged
Frei Vicente do Salvador
Muitas léguas pelo sertão - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged by Frei Vicente do Salvador

Muitas léguas pelo sertão - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged

By: Frei Vicente do Salvador

Narrated by: Everton Ferreira

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Extraídas da extraordinária obra de Frei Vicente do Salvador "História do Brasil", as pitorescas crônicas aqui reunidas oferecem ao leitor cenas do cotidiano da vida dos indígenas brasileiros ao tempo da colônia, num texto em que se pode sentir o prazer do autor na sua descrição. São estas as crônicas: "Do clima e temperamento do Brasil", "Das... Read more

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Uma caravelinha que lá vai e vem - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged by Frei Vicente do Salvador
Uma caravelinha que lá vai e vem - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged
Frei Vicente do Salvador
Uma caravelinha que lá vai e vem - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged by Frei Vicente do Salvador

Uma caravelinha que lá vai e vem - crônicas selecionadas - Abridged

By: Frei Vicente do Salvador

Narrated by: Everton Ferreira

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Extraídas da extraordinária obra de Frei Vicente do Salvador "História do Brasil", as pitorescas crônicas aqui reunidas oferecem ao leitor cenas do cotidiano da vida dos indígenas brasileiros ao tempo da colônia, num texto em que se pode sentir o prazer do autor na sua descrição. São estas as crônicas: "Como foi descoberto este estado", "Do nome... Read more

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A Ritinha e o Asa-Negra - dois contos - Abridged by Artur de Azevedo
A Ritinha e o Asa-Negra - dois contos - Abridged
Artur de Azevedo
A Ritinha e o Asa-Negra - dois contos - Abridged by Artur de Azevedo

A Ritinha e o Asa-Negra - dois contos - Abridged

By: Artur de Azevedo

Narrated by: Everton Ferreira

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Um gatilho dispara uma recordação do passado – e dá corda a este coto extraordinário de Artur Azevedo, que tem por enredo a história do Flores, que reencontra depois de muitos anos um amor do passado. Quem? Ritinha! Já em "O Asa-negra", vingança, castigo, ódio marcam a relação entre Raimundo e Aureliano, tendo por pano de fundo o Maranhão da... Read more

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Ivanhoe - Abridged by Sir Scott
Ivanhoe - Abridged
Sir Scott
Ivanhoe - Abridged by Sir Scott

Ivanhoe - Abridged

By: Sir Scott

Narrated by: David Warner

Length: 5 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ivanhoe, a trusted ally of Richard-the-Lionhearted, returns from the Crusades to reclaim the inheritance his father denied him. Ivanhoe defends Rebecca, a vibrant, beautiful Jewish woman, against a charge of witchcraft— but it is Lady Rowena who is Ivanhoe's true love. Richard's brother, the wicked Prince John, plots to usurp... Read more

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The Three Musketeers - Abridged by Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers - Abridged
Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers - Abridged by Alexandre Dumas

The Three Musketeers - Abridged

By: Alexandre Dumas

Narrated by: Michael York

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This swashbuckling epic of intrigue, romance, and swordplay has earned a reputation as one of the most thrilling adventure novels ever written. A young Gascon nobleman, D'Artagnan, makes his way to Paris, hoping to join the Musketeers, a legion of heroes held in high esteem by the king. D'Artagnan quickly proves he has the heart of a Musketeer... Read more

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Don Quixote de la Mancha - Abridged by Miguel Cervantes
Don Quixote de la Mancha - Abridged
Miguel Cervantes
Don Quixote de la Mancha - Abridged by Miguel Cervantes

Don Quixote de la Mancha - Abridged

By: Miguel Cervantes

Narrated by: Christopher Cazenove

Length: 5 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Entranced by romantic tales of heroism and chivalry, Don Quixote— self-proclaimed knight errant— embarks on a delusional quest for fame and adventure. The eccentric Spanish country gentleman and his companion Sancho encounter an array of unforgettable characters and undertake some of the most famously foolhardy exploits... Read more

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Persuasion - Abridged by Jane Austen
Persuasion - Abridged
Jane Austen
Persuasion - Abridged by Jane Austen

Persuasion - Abridged

By: Jane Austen

Narrated by: Glenda Jackson

Length: 5 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This rich and charming novel about a virtuous young woman's search for love amidst the fickle world of country gentry in Regency England is one of Jane Austen' s most memorable works. Anne Elliot exists in a world where shallowness and hypocrisy present a challenge to her centered values and tender emotions. Anne vies for the... Read more

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The Fir Tree - Abridged by Hans Christian Andersen
The Fir Tree - Abridged
Hans Christian Andersen
The Fir Tree - Abridged by Hans Christian Andersen

The Fir Tree - Abridged

By: Hans Christian Andersen

Narrated by: Jane Alexander

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Out in the woods stood a nice little Fir Tree. The place he had was a very good one: the sun shone on him: as to fresh air, there was enough of that, and round him grew many large-sized comrades, pines as well as firs. But the little Fir wanted so very much to be a grown-up tree..."

So begins Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale of a little... Read more

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The Red Badge of Courage - Abridged by Stephen Crane
The Red Badge of Courage - Abridged
Stephen Crane
The Red Badge of Courage - Abridged by Stephen Crane

The Red Badge of Courage - Abridged

By: Stephen Crane

Narrated by: Richard Thomas

Length: 2 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, The Red Badge of Courage tells the story of Henry Fleming, a young private in the Union Army who flees from the horror of battle and then struggles with shame and self-loathing. Outstanding in its portrayal of the quiet tension and violent emotion of war, this powerful psychological study of a... Read more

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Amor a amar nos convida e outros poemas - Abridged by Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
Amor a amar nos convida e outros poemas - Abridged
Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage
Amor a amar nos convida e outros poemas - Abridged by Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage

Amor a amar nos convida e outros poemas - Abridged

By: Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage

Narrated by: Everton Ferreira

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Manuel Maria Barbosa l'Hedois du Bocage, ou simplesmente Bocage, é um dos mais relevantes poetas da língua portuguesa, tendo vivido na virada do século XVIII para o XIX. Versátil, desenvolveu vários estilos de poesia, com conteúdo igualmente variáveis. Neste volume estão reunidos alguns dos mais célebres poemas árcades – movimento do qual Bocage... Read more

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Geschichten aus Mausopotamien - Abridged by Susanne von Loessl
Geschichten aus Mausopotamien - Abridged
Susanne von Loessl
Geschichten aus Mausopotamien - Abridged by Susanne von Loessl

Geschichten aus Mausopotamien - Abridged

By: Susanne von Loessl

Narrated by: Susanne von Loessl

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mausopotamien liegt unterhalb von München, dort ist alles eins zu eins wie in der großen Landeshauptstadt und hier lebt Charly Mausheimer. Eines Tages wird er wieder einmal von einer kreischenden Dame verfolgt (iiiihh 'ne Maus!). Durch einen rettenden Sprung in einen offenen Reisekoffer landet er im quirligen New York. Dort trifft auf Erwin,... Read more

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Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged by Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner
Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged
Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner
Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged by Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner

Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged

By: Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner

Narrated by: Matthias Ernst Holzmann

Length: 3 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Menschen verändern sich. Sie werden aggressiver, streitsüchtiger. Keiner merkt, was der Erde katastrophales bevorsteht. Niemand? Nur Professor Challanger hat eine vage Ahnung. Und als er seine Freunde zu sich ruft, um sie noch einmal wiederzusehen, ahnt keiner, dass es das letzte Mal sein wird, dass sie sich lebend begegnen... Read more

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Der Trost runder Dinge - Abridged by Clemens J. Setz
Der Trost runder Dinge - Abridged
Clemens J. Setz
Der Trost runder Dinge - Abridged by Clemens J. Setz

Der Trost runder Dinge - Abridged

By: Clemens J. Setz

Narrated by: Clemens J. Setz

Length: 5 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Irrlichternd, radikal, amüsant und zärtlich Ausgewählte Erzählungen, gelesen vom Autor. "Die meisten Dinge in der Stadt wirkten im Winter um vieles weicher und runder, und der allgemeine Trost runder Dinge ist etwas, für das die Dauer eines normalen Menschenlebens glücklicherweise nicht ausreicht, um dagegen immun zu werden" – warm fließende... Read more

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Something Wicked This Way Comes - Abridged by Ray Bradbury
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Abridged
Ray Bradbury
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Abridged by Ray Bradbury

Something Wicked This Way Comes - Abridged

By: Ray Bradbury

Narrated by: a full cast, J. T. Turner, Anastas Varinos, Mat...

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“By the pricking of my thumbs … something wicked this way comes.”Ray Bradbury has dramatized his literary classic, Something Wicked This Way Comes, into this first-class audio drama, produced by the Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air, complete with a full cast, sound effects, and original music."Cooger and Dark's Pandemonium Shadow Show" comes to... Read more

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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged by Lewis Carroll
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged
Lewis Carroll
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged by Lewis Carroll

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged

By: Lewis Carroll

Narrated by: Various

Length: 1 hour 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A dramatization of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass for the stage.
In this version, Alice goes through the looking glass and encounters a variety of strange and wonderful creatures from favorite scenes of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland the Through the Looking Glass. Including a conversation with the... Read more

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Um capricho e fatalidade - dois contos - Abridged by Artur de Azevedo
Um capricho e fatalidade - dois contos - Abridged
Artur de Azevedo
Um capricho e fatalidade - dois contos - Abridged by Artur de Azevedo

Um capricho e fatalidade - dois contos - Abridged

By: Artur de Azevedo

Narrated by: Everton Ferreira

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Em um tom marcadamente novelístico, rocambolesco, o conto "Um capricho" traz a história de Epidauro, jovem que tinha uma namorada, Zulmira, muito mimada. Ele almejava pedir sua mão em casamento, mas ela só aceitaria o pedido se o nome dele saísse publicado em algum lugar... Em "Fatalidade", Artur Azevedo usa o recurso, incomum em sua escrita, da... Read more

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Kinder- & Hausmärchen der Gebrüder Grimm - Abridged by Gebrüder Grimm
Kinder- & Hausmärchen der Gebrüder Grimm - Abridged
Gebrüder Grimm
Kinder- & Hausmärchen der Gebrüder Grimm - Abridged by Gebrüder Grimm

Kinder- & Hausmärchen der Gebrüder Grimm - Abridged

By: Gebrüder Grimm

Narrated by: Gerd Haffmans

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Es war einmal …" – einmal ganz anders. Die Handexemplare der Grimm'schen Märchen zählen längst zum Weltdokumentenerbe der UNESCO. Die Sammlung, die Peter Rühmkorf wohl nicht zu Unrecht als "Vorschule der Betrugs- und Täuschungskunst, der Verblendungs- und Überlistungsmanöver" bezeichnet, ist das Standardwerk urdeutscher Literatur – weltweit. ... Read more

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Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzählt - Abridged by Antoine Galland
Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzählt - Abridged
Antoine Galland
Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzählt - Abridged by Antoine Galland

Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzählt - Abridged

By: Antoine Galland

Narrated by: Petra-Janina Schultz & Ernst-August Schepmann

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Aladin, einziges Kind eines mittellosen Schneiders, hat nichts als Flausen im Kopf. Als der Vater erfährt, dass Aladin partout nicht in dessen Fußstapfen treten möchte, versinkt er so sehr in Gram, dass er stirbt. Von nun muss die Mutter allein für den Unterhalt sorgen, während sich ihr Sohn weiterhin als Taugenichts in der Stadt herumtreibt.... Read more

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Oliver Twist - neu erzählt - Abridged by Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist - neu erzählt - Abridged
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist - neu erzählt - Abridged by Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist - neu erzählt - Abridged

By: Charles Dickens

Narrated by: Walter Kreye

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der Waisenjunge Oliver Twist wächst im Armenhaus einer englischen Kleinstadt auf, unter dem harten Regiment von Mr. Bumble. Er flieht nach London, wo er in die Fänge des Hehlers Fagin gerät. Zwar bewahrt der den Jungen vor dem sicheren Tod auf der Straße, dafür aber muss sich Oliver in der von Fagin angeführten Diebesbande verdingen. Während... Read more

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A Christmas Carol - Abridged by Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol - Abridged
Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol - Abridged by Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol - Abridged

By: Charles Dickens

Narrated by: Callum Hale

Length: 1 hour 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hearth & Home Audio are proud to present this new abridged audiobook of Charles Dickens' classic 'A Christmas Carol'Performed by Callum Hale with Music by Dylan Allcock.Ebenezer Scrooge is infamous throughout London as a cruel miser, but one Christmas evening; he is visited by the spectre of an old acquaintance, an acquaintance who urges... Read more

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Abridged by Mark Twain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Abridged
Mark Twain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Abridged by Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Abridged

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Paul Newman

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Enriched Classics offer readers accessible editions of great works of literature enhanced by helpful notes and commentary. Each book includes educational tools alongside the text, enabling students and readers alike to gain a deeper and more developed understanding of the writer and their work.

Originally published in 1876, The Adventures of Tom... Read more

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Alice im Wunderland – neu erzählt - Abridged by Lewis Carroll
Alice im Wunderland – neu erzählt - Abridged
Lewis Carroll
Alice im Wunderland – neu erzählt - Abridged by Lewis Carroll

Alice im Wunderland – neu erzählt - Abridged

By: Lewis Carroll

Narrated by: Ilja Richter

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Oxford, 4. Juli 1862. Der Himmel ist bedeckt, es ist ein frischer Tag. Der 30-jährige Mathematikdozent Charles Lutwidge Dodgson unternimmt mit einem Kollegen eine Bootsfahrt auf der Themse. Mit an Bord sind die drei Töchter des Dekans, Lorina, Charlotte und Alice Liddell. Um den Mädchen die Zeit zu vertreiben, erzählt Dodgson eine Geschichte, in... Read more

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Tom Sawyer - neu erzählt - Abridged by Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer - neu erzählt - Abridged
Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer - neu erzählt - Abridged by Mark Twain

Tom Sawyer - neu erzählt - Abridged

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Uwe Friedrichsen

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts am Mississippi: Der Waisenjunge Tom Sawyer lebt bei seiner Tante Polly in der Kleinstadt St. Petersburg und hat nur Flausen im Kopf. Er schwänzt die Schule, prügelt sich mit anderen Jungs und würde am liebsten gefürchteter Pirat oder Schatzgräber werden. Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Huckleberry Finn, der am Rande der... Read more

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Das Dschungelbuch -  neu erzählt - Abridged by Rudyard Kipling
Das Dschungelbuch - neu erzählt - Abridged
Rudyard Kipling
Das Dschungelbuch -  neu erzählt - Abridged by Rudyard Kipling

Das Dschungelbuch - neu erzählt - Abridged

By: Rudyard Kipling

Narrated by: Jens Wawrczeck & Susanne Schrader

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Seit Generationen begeistert die Geschichte vom Findelkind Mowgli, das im Bär Baloo und im Panther Bagheera treue Begleiter findet, junge Leser. 1894 veröffentlichte der britische Schriftsteller Rudyard Kipling den ersten Band seines "Dschungelbuchs", bereits ein Jahr darauf folgte der zweite. Der kleine Mowgli wird von Wölfen gerettet,... Read more

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