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Children's audiobooks

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Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night by Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night
Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night by Cynthia Rylant

Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night

By: Cynthia Rylant

Narrated by: Suzanne Toren

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Henryโ€™s parents, Henry, and Mudge decide to go camping. They hike through the woods to Big Bear Lake, set up camp, sing songs around the campfire, and settle down for a wonderful sleep full of stars and dreams.A Live Oak Media audio production. Read more

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David and the Phoenix by Edward Ormondroyd
David and the Phoenix
Edward Ormondroyd
David and the Phoenix by Edward Ormondroyd

David and the Phoenix

By: Edward Ormondroyd

Narrated by: Edward Ormondroyd

Length: 3 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

When David finally has a chance to climb the mountain behind his new home he has no idea he is about to meet a fabulous mythical creature. Even if he had known, who could have guessed that a Phoenix would turn out to be so stuffy, so pompousโ€”and so utterly endearing? (To say nothing of its fondness for Aunt Amy's sugar cookies!) When the Phoenix... Read more

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The Moffats by Eleanor Estes
The Moffats
Eleanor Estes
The Moffats by Eleanor Estes

The Moffats

By: Eleanor Estes

Narrated by: Cynthia Bishop

Length: 3 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

For sixty years Eleanor Estes' classic novel about a family struggling to get along in the early part of the century has charmed and delighted readers with its warmth and gentle humor. Now it comes to life in a full cast recording that will have you laughing out loud-and occasionally wiping away a tear. Our whole cast fell in love with this... Read more

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The Monster's Ring by Bruce Coville
The Monster's Ring
Bruce Coville
The Monster's Ring by Bruce Coville

The Monster's Ring

By: Bruce Coville

Narrated by: Bruce Coville

Length: 2 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

When timid Russell Crannaker stumbles into Mr. Elives' strange store, he buys a mysterious ring that lets him turn himself into a monster. But Russell soon learns that when you mess around with magic you must always follow the directions! This is the frightfully funny, deliciously scary story that launched the wildly popular Magic Shop series. Read more

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Kleiner Dodo was spielst du? (Schweizer Mundart) by D'Affebandi
Kleiner Dodo was spielst du? (Schweizer Mundart)
Kleiner Dodo was spielst du? (Schweizer Mundart) by D'Affebandi

Kleiner Dodo was spielst du? (Schweizer Mundart)

By: D'Affebandi

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

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The Monsters of Morley Manor by Bruce Coville
The Monsters of Morley Manor
Bruce Coville
The Monsters of Morley Manor by Bruce Coville

The Monsters of Morley Manor

By: Bruce Coville

Narrated by: Leslie Noble

Length: 4 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Monsters, aliens, ghosts, giant frogs, and a tragic angel are just some of the ingredients of this madcap adventure that is quite possibly Bruce Coville's strangest novel yet. Bruce himself appears on this recording as Gaspar Morley, head of a strange family of monsters that draw Anthony (our narrator) and his little sister Sarah into a... Read more

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What a Trip, Amber Brown by Paula Danziger
What a Trip, Amber Brown
Paula Danziger
What a Trip, Amber Brown by Paula Danziger

What a Trip, Amber Brown

By: Paula Danziger

Narrated by: Dana Lubotsky

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

"When their families take a joint vacation to the Poconos, Amber Brown and her best friend (usually), Justin, swim, explore, and play delightedly unil a fateful cannonball into the pool...Dana Lubotsky creates the personality of exuberant Amber and brings a freshness to the story. Amber's delights and hurts become real to the listener. Lubotsky... Read more

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The Girls by Amy Goldman Koss
The Girls
Amy Goldman Koss
The Girls by Amy Goldman Koss

The Girls

By: Amy Goldman Koss

Narrated by: The Full Cast Family

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

This multiple-viewpoint novel explores several days in the life of a middle school clique that suddenly shuns one of its members. With poignant, painful detail the author takes us into the mind of each girl involved, brilliantly illuminating the problem of girl-on-girl meanness. Must listening for middle school girlsโ€”and the parents who love them! Read more

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Harry el perrito sucio  by Gene Zion
Harry el perrito sucio
Gene Zion
Harry el perrito sucio  by Gene Zion

Harry el perrito sucio

By: Gene Zion

Narrated by: Jorge Pupo

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Don't miss Harry the Dirty Dog! This funny story about the strong-willed dog who really doesn't want a bath stands the test of time. "Harry is a white dog with black spots who absolutely, positively hates to take a bath. After a day of adventure, Harry gets so dirty that he no longer looks like a white dog with black spots. Now he looks like a... Read more

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Brachiosaurus by Rena Korbe
Rena Korbe
Brachiosaurus by Rena Korbe


By: Rena Korbe

Narrated by: Russ Kline

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of the large dinosaur Brachiosaurus. Read more

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Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 94: Der Streichelzoo by Klaus-P. Weigand & Annette Hess
Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 94: Der Streichelzoo
Klaus-P. Weigand & Annette Hess
Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 94: Der Streichelzoo by Klaus-P. Weigand & Annette Hess

Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 94: Der Streichelzoo

By: Klaus-P. Weigand & Annette Hess

Narrated by: Jรผrgen Kluckert & Gunter SchoรŸ

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Benjamin und Otto treffen den alten Schรคfer Willi Wollmann. Weil er sich zur Ruhe setzen will, schenkt er ihnen das lustige Lamm Fleckchen. Es wird schnell zum Liebling der Kinder, so dass die beiden Freunde nun mit der gesamten Schafherde einen richtigen Streichelzoo einrichten wollen. Doch plรถtzlich ist Fleckchen verschwunden. Read more

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Sandryโ€™s Book  by Tamora Pierce
Sandryโ€™s Book
Tamora Pierce
Sandryโ€™s Book  by Tamora Pierce

Sandryโ€™s Book

By: Tamora Pierce

Narrated by: Tamora Pierce

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

When four strange, and strangely talented, youngsters are brought to Winding Circle by master mage Niko they find themselves drawn together in a Circle of Magicโ€”a circle that binds them despite their differences. Tamora Pierce, America's most popular writer of young adult fantasy novels, weaves her own special magic in the opening volume of her... Read more

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The Beloved Dearly by Doug Cooney
The Beloved Dearly
Doug Cooney
The Beloved Dearly by Doug Cooney

The Beloved Dearly

By: Doug Cooney

Narrated by: Doug Cooney

Length: 3 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Ernie Castellano, fast-talking wheeler-dealer kid, has come up with his greatest idea yet: pet funerals! With his pals Dusty (an artist in coffins) and Swimming Pool (one of the world's great criers, an asset to any funeral she attends) Ernie creates a thriving businessโ€”and manages to land himself in more hot water than he has ever dreamed of.... Read more

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Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 95: Die Wunderblume by Klaus-P. Weigand, Daniela Mohr & Pascale Schmidt
Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 95: Die Wunderblume
Klaus-P. Weigand, Daniela Mohr & Pascale Schmidt
Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 95: Die Wunderblume by Klaus-P. Weigand, Daniela Mohr & Pascale Schmidt

Benjamin Blรผmchen, Folge 95: Die Wunderblume

By: Klaus-P. Weigand, Daniela Mohr & Pascale Schmidt

Narrated by: Jรผrgen Kluckert & Gunter SchoรŸ

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Benjamin soll sich um die wertvolle Weck-mich-Orchidee des berรผhmten Botanikers Floribus kรผmmern. Leider bekommen das auch Hinki und Pinki, die beiden Gauner, mit. Noch am selben Tag stehlen sie die Wunderblume! In einer turbulenten Verfolgungsjagd versuchen Benjamin und Otto, die kostbare Orchidee zurรผckzubekommen. Ob es ihnen gelingt? Read more

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Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 75: Die neue Lehrerin by Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 75: Die neue Lehrerin
Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 75: Die neue Lehrerin by Ulf Thiem

Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 75: Die neue Lehrerin

By: Ulf Thiem

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz & Gunter SchoรŸ

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Bibi bekommt eine neue Lehrerin, weil Frau Mรผller-Riebensehl den Direktor vertritt. Katja Kaufmann heiรŸt die Neue. Sie ist ein echter Kumpeltyp und alle Schรผler lieben sie. Das รคrgert "Frau Direktor". Und als ihre Brosche verschwindet, verdรคchtigt sie Katja, die gerade im Lehrerzimmer war. Da ist Bibis Hexkraft gefragt. Read more

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Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 76: Schubia dreht durch by Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 76: Schubia dreht durch
Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 76: Schubia dreht durch by Ulf Thiem

Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 76: Schubia dreht durch

By: Ulf Thiem

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz & Gunter SchoรŸ

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Schubia bekommt im Hexenunterricht von der alten Lehrerin Mania eine Standpauke, dreht durch und fliegt wรผtend davon. Bibi und Flauipaui beobachten, wie die Punkerhexe Neustadt im Tiefflug unsicher macht. Aber die Junghexen kรถnnen ihre Mitschรผlerin nicht beruhigen. Da bannt Mania Schubias Motorbesen "Kawakasi". Read more

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Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 77: Bibi im Hexeninternat by Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 77: Bibi im Hexeninternat
Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 77: Bibi im Hexeninternat by Ulf Thiem

Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 77: Bibi im Hexeninternat

By: Ulf Thiem

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Gunter SchoรŸ & Ulrike Stรผrz...

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Bald sind Ferien. Bibi und die Junghexen albern im Eiscafรฉ herum und hexen drauflos - im รœbermut sogar Geld, was streng verboten ist. Die Oberhexe Walpurgia sieht das und erreicht, dass Bibi, Schubia und Flauipaui ins Hexeninternat mรผssen, um richtiges hexisches Benehmen zu lernen. Aber die drei haben nur einen Gedanken: Wie kommen wir hier raus? Read more

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Mother Goose Stories by Anonymous
Mother Goose Stories
Mother Goose Stories by Anonymous

Mother Goose Stories

By: Anonymous

Narrated by: Vanessa Maroney

Length: 1 hour 45 minutes

Abridged: No

All the favorite rhymes and riddles that have been passed down from generation to generation. Read more

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Pulgarcita Y Otros Cuentos Clasicos - Abridged by Various
Pulgarcita Y Otros Cuentos Clasicos - Abridged
Pulgarcita Y Otros Cuentos Clasicos - Abridged by Various

Pulgarcita Y Otros Cuentos Clasicos - Abridged

By: Various

Narrated by: Various

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este libro tiene: "Los tres cerditos" by Charles Perrault", "Pulgarcita" by Charles Perrault, "Blanca Nieves y los 7 enanos" (Folclorico), "La bella durmiente by Charles Perrault, y "Hansel y Gretel" (Folclorico).Some of the most famous children tales to be enjoyed by the whole family. Read more

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45: Freddy der Esel und der seltsame Gast - Abridged by Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
45: Freddy der Esel und der seltsame Gast - Abridged
Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
45: Freddy der Esel und der seltsame Gast - Abridged by Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas

45: Freddy der Esel und der seltsame Gast - Abridged

By: Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas

Narrated by: Martin Mehlitz, Christina Gustmann & Mike Bowd

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

GroรŸes Trara auf dem Bauernhof: Im Wald wird ein berรผhmter Gastredner erwartet! Alle sind ganz aufgeregt und freuen sich auf seinen Vortrag. Nur Freddy nicht. Denn er wurde nicht eingeladen! Wรคhrend Freddy enttรคuscht im Wald spazieren geht, warten die anderen Tiere ungeduldig auf den berรผhmten Redner. Der seltsame Gast scheint sich verspรคtet zu... Read more

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Peter Pan - Abridged by J. M. Barrie
Peter Pan - Abridged
J. M. Barrie
Peter Pan - Abridged by J. M. Barrie

Peter Pan - Abridged

By: J. M. Barrie

Narrated by: Carlos Muรฑoz

Length: 3 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Uno de los mas amados personajes de toda la literatura infantil es Peter Pan, el nino que no queria crecer y que hacia realidad todas las aventuras con que los ninos de todas las edades suenan. Por eso, en esta bella novela, que no solo es para ninos sino tambien para adultos, esta el Hada celosa, el capitan pirata en busca de vengarse, la... Read more

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Friends Come Back - Abridged by Donald Davis
Friends Come Back - Abridged
Donald Davis
Friends Come Back - Abridged by Donald Davis

Friends Come Back - Abridged

By: Donald Davis

Narrated by: Donald Davis

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The best friend of our youth has no replacement, ever. Though we may start out as "two peas in a pod", we often lose touch with one another. In this affecting tale of two adults who reclaim their childhood bond after 30 years apart, the comforts of friendship are affirmed with humor and wit. The second story, "The Frog Jumped Twice", recalls a... Read more

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Norfolk Tales - Abridged by Bobby Norfolk
Norfolk Tales - Abridged
Bobby Norfolk
Norfolk Tales - Abridged by Bobby Norfolk

Norfolk Tales - Abridged

By: Bobby Norfolk

Narrated by: Bobby Norfolk

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Emmy Award-winning storyteller Bobby Norfolk brings his electrifying energy to world folktales (from the African, Eastern European, Appalachian, and Irish traditions) to the delight of all ages. From Anansi, the African trickster, to Jack, the bumbling, lucky, persevering Everyman of traditional stories, Norfolk's characters instruct while they... Read more

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The Children's Shakespeare - Abridged by William Shakespeare, Linda Hamilton, Tate Donovan, Robert Davi, Daphne Zuniga, E. Nesbit, Patrick Macnee & Bill Pullman
The Children's Shakespeare - Abridged
William Shakespeare, Linda Hamilton, Tate Donov...
The Children's Shakespeare - Abridged by William Shakespeare, Linda Hamilton, Tate Donovan, Robert Davi, Daphne Zuniga, E. Nesbit, Patrick Macnee & Bill Pullman

The Children's Shakespeare - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare, Linda Hamilton, Tate Donov...

Narrated by: Jim Belushi

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Seven of Shakespeare's most celebrated playsโ€” As You Like It, Hamlet, King Lear, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Pericles, Romeo & Juliet, and The Winter's Taleโ€” have been specifically adapted by Edith Nesbit to introduce young listeners to the Bard' s works. Made accessible to young readers without sacrificing... Read more

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