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Crandalls' Castle by Betty Ren Wright
Crandalls' Castle
Betty Ren Wright
Crandalls' Castle by Betty Ren Wright

Crandalls' Castle

By: Betty Ren Wright

Narrated by: Carol Jordan Stewart

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

In alternating chapters, two girls narrate the story of the "haunted mansion that the Crandall's have purchased to turn into a bed and breakfast. Read more

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Science Rocks! #1 by Rena Korb
Science Rocks! #1
Rena Korb
Science Rocks! #1 by Rena Korb

Science Rocks! #1

By: Rena Korb

Narrated by: Robert Rance

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

The award-winning Science Rocks! Series provides an imaginative look at science. Science has never been this groovy, and introducing the subject to the next generation of scientists has never been this fun! Read more

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Anne auf Green Gables, Folge 13: Die neue Rektorin by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne auf Green Gables, Folge 13: Die neue Rektorin
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne auf Green Gables, Folge 13: Die neue Rektorin by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne auf Green Gables, Folge 13: Die neue Rektorin

By: Lucy Maud Montgomery

Narrated by: Marie Bierstedt, Lutz Mackensy, Dagmar von Kurm...

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Anne Shirley tritt ihre Rektorinnen-Stelle an der Summerside Highschool an. Schnell muss sie erkennen, dass sie in dem beschaulichen Städtchen jedoch keineswegs erwünscht ist. Bereits die Suche nach einer Unterkunft gestaltet sich schwierig, denn der alles beherrschende Pringle-Clan hat sich gegen die Neue verschworen Read more

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What in the World is a Gallon? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Gallon?
Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Gallon? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

What in the World is a Gallon?

By: Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

Narrated by: Robert Rance

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

This informative and fun multipart title introduces young readers to the concept of measuring with gallons. It provides information on the terms and tools used when making simple measuerments. The accompanying photographs reinforce specific examples of measuring. The labeling of tools also provides a learning tool for ESL. Sandcastle is an... Read more

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La Belle et la bête by Leprince de Beaumont
La Belle et la bête
Leprince de Beaumont
La Belle et la bête by Leprince de Beaumont

La Belle et la bête

By: Leprince de Beaumont

Narrated by: Lydie Lacroix

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

La bonne et courageuse Belle se constitue prisonnière à la place de son père, qui a dérobé pour elle une rose dans le jardin de la Bête. Peu à peu cette Bête, gardienne discrète, laide et sans esprit mais très bonne et très amoureuse, gagnera le cœur de la Belle. Le sortilège sera rompu, et la Bête reprendra sa figure de prince charmant. Un... Read more

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Hans le Balourd by Grimm
Hans le Balourd
Hans le Balourd by Grimm

Hans le Balourd

By: Grimm

Narrated by: Lydie Lacroix

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Dans un manoir, un vieux seigneur a trois fils. Les deux premiers sont pleins d'esprit, alors que le troisième est peu cultivé et même assez lourdaud, à tel point qu'il est surnommé Hans le balourd. Mais un jour la fille du roi fait savoir qu'elle épousera celui qui plaidera le mieux sa cause. Les deux fils arrivent à la cour sur leurs beaux... Read more

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Good Manners in Public by Katie Marsico
Good Manners in Public
Katie Marsico
Good Manners in Public by Katie Marsico

Good Manners in Public

By: Katie Marsico

Narrated by: Alice Rea

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Good manners in public do matter! Learn which behaviors to use and which to avoid to be respectful in public. Then see how these simple lessons can be used in fun stories of etiquette in action. Sidebars and back matter offer advice and did-you-knows about good manners in a number of cultures around the globe. Looking Glass Library is an imprint... Read more

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Science Rocks! #2 by Nadia Higgins
Science Rocks! #2
Nadia Higgins
Science Rocks! #2 by Nadia Higgins

Science Rocks! #2

By: Nadia Higgins

Narrated by: Robert Rance

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: No

The award-winning Science Rocks! Series provides an imaginative look at science. Dynamic illustrations and easy-to-read text pop off the page. Science has never been this groovy, and introducing the subject to the next generation of scientists has never been this fun! Read more

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The Secret World of Polly Flint by Helen Cresswell
The Secret World of Polly Flint
Helen Cresswell
The Secret World of Polly Flint by Helen Cresswell

The Secret World of Polly Flint

By: Helen Cresswell

Narrated by: Maggie Mash

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Polly Flint was the kind of girl who was always "seeing" mysterious things. So it was hardly a surprise when she began to pick up odd echoes and reflections after she moved into her aunt's house. But it soon becomes clear that the inhabitants of a nether world were asking Polly for help... As soon as she arrives in Wellow, Polly Flint knows... Read more

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What in the World is a Foot? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Foot?
Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
What in the World is a Foot? by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

What in the World is a Foot?

By: Mary Elizabeth Salzmann

Narrated by: Robert Rance

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

This informative and fun multipart title introduces young readers to the concept of measuring with feet. It provides information on the terms and tools used when making simple measuerments. The accompanying photographs reinforce specific examples of measuring. The labeling of tools also provides a learning tool for ESL. Sandcastle is an imprint... Read more

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Les 3 mousquetaires - Abridged by Alexandre Dumas
Les 3 mousquetaires - Abridged
Alexandre Dumas
Les 3 mousquetaires - Abridged by Alexandre Dumas

Les 3 mousquetaires - Abridged

By: Alexandre Dumas

Narrated by: various

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ce spectacle de théâtre sonore est adapté du roman d'Alexandre Dumas. Il raconte les aventures d'un gascon désargenté de 18 ans, d'Artagnan, monté à Paris pour devenir mousquetaire du Roi. Il se lie d'amitié avec Athos, Porthos et Aramis, mousquetaires du roi Louis XIII. Ces quatre hommes vont s'opposer au premier ministre, le Cardinal de... Read more

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Die neugierige kleine Hexe - Abridged by Lieve Baeten
Die neugierige kleine Hexe - Abridged
Lieve Baeten
Die neugierige kleine Hexe - Abridged by Lieve Baeten

Die neugierige kleine Hexe - Abridged

By: Lieve Baeten

Narrated by: Ursula Illert, Karla Marie Hübner, Marianne Ber...

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Überraschungsbesuch im Hexenhaus Mist! Lisbets Besen ist zerbrochen und sie muss in einem alten Haus notlanden. Wer hier wohl wohnt? Und ob jemand dabei ist, der ihren Besen reparieren kann? Eine besonders liebevolle Hörspielumsetzung mit viel Musik. Read more

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Tomte Tummetott und der Fuchs - Filmhörspiel - Abridged by Astrid Lindgren
Tomte Tummetott und der Fuchs - Filmhörspiel - Abridged
Astrid Lindgren
Tomte Tummetott und der Fuchs - Filmhörspiel - Abridged by Astrid Lindgren

Tomte Tummetott und der Fuchs - Filmhörspiel - Abridged

By: Astrid Lindgren

Narrated by: Ursula Illert, Achim Hall, Wolf Frass, Monty Ar...

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Weihnachten mit Tomte: das Hörspiel zum preisgekrönten Puppentrick-Film Glücklich, wer einen Tomte hat! Der Wichtel mit der roten Mütze bewacht des Nachts Haus und Hof und beschützt die Tiere und die Menschen. Doch als ein hungriger Fuchs durch den Schnee stapft, muss Tomte sich etwas Besonderes einfallen lassen! Liebevoll umgesetztes... Read more

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Die Olchis und der karierte Tigerhai - Abridged by Erhard Dietl
Die Olchis und der karierte Tigerhai - Abridged
Erhard Dietl
Die Olchis und der karierte Tigerhai - Abridged by Erhard Dietl

Die Olchis und der karierte Tigerhai - Abridged

By: Erhard Dietl

Narrated by: Rainer Schmitt, Eva Michaelis, Robert Missler, ...

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hai-Alarm und Abenteuer! Olchi-Streiche im fernen Arabien Wer kann den letzten karierten Tigerhai fangen? Die Olchis natürlich, denn niemand hält unter Wasser so lange die Luft an wie sie und ist zugleich noch bärenstark. Der Sultan ist so begeistert, dass er Olchi-Mama am liebsten behalten möchte. Was Olchi-Papa dazu wohl sagt? Hörspiel mit... Read more

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Mama Muh feiert Weihnachten - Abridged by Jujja Wieslander
Mama Muh feiert Weihnachten - Abridged
Jujja Wieslander
Mama Muh feiert Weihnachten - Abridged by Jujja Wieslander

Mama Muh feiert Weihnachten - Abridged

By: Jujja Wieslander

Narrated by: Matthias Haase, Gabriele Blum & Biggi Wanninger

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mama Muh, die Weihnachtskuh: ein Lieblingshörbuch für den Advent Weil die Krähe nicht warten kann, hat sie ihre Geschenke schon ausgepackt und nichts mehr übrig für den Weihnachtsabend. Nun ist sie ganz traurig ... Das muss Mama Muh sich etwas einfallen lassen! Liebevolle Lesung der Weihnachtsgeschichte von der neugierigsten Kuh der Welt - ein... Read more

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La Terrible histoire de Barbe Bleue - Abridged by Patrick M. Bournat
La Terrible histoire de Barbe Bleue - Abridged
Patrick M. Bournat
La Terrible histoire de Barbe Bleue - Abridged by Patrick M. Bournat

La Terrible histoire de Barbe Bleue - Abridged

By: Patrick M. Bournat

Narrated by: various

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Il était une fois l'Utopie, le royaume où régnait le roi Michel, qui portait le triste surnom de "Barbe Bleue" car la seule vue de sa barbe flanquait à tous une trouille bleue ! Très librement inspirée de l'œuvre de Charles Perrault, cette comédie musicale ravira le jeune public. Rire, frémir, s'enthousiasmer, s'émouvoir : voilà nos sentiments... Read more

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Aladin et la lampe magique - Abridged by Anonyme
Aladin et la lampe magique - Abridged
Aladin et la lampe magique - Abridged by Anonyme

Aladin et la lampe magique - Abridged

By: Anonyme

Narrated by: Bernard Noël

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Aladin est un jeune homme pauvre et sans ressources. Il devient l'élève d'un maître qui dispose de pouvoirs magiques. Au terme d'un long voyage, le maître lui demande d'aller chercher une lampe, en lui confiant pour cela un objet magique mineur. Mais Aladin préfère conserver la lampe pour lui-même : le maître l'abandonne alors dans les ténèbres... Read more

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Peter Pan - Abridged by J.M. Barrie
Peter Pan - Abridged
J.M. Barrie
Peter Pan - Abridged by J.M. Barrie

Peter Pan - Abridged

By: J.M. Barrie

Narrated by: Robert Rance

Length: 1 hour 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Introduce classic literature to young readers with the graphic novel format. These 32-page books make classic novels accessible to reluctant readers and graphic novel enthusiasts alike. Read more

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Die kleine Hexe hat Geburtstag - Abridged by Lieve Baeten
Die kleine Hexe hat Geburtstag - Abridged
Lieve Baeten
Die kleine Hexe hat Geburtstag - Abridged by Lieve Baeten

Die kleine Hexe hat Geburtstag - Abridged

By: Lieve Baeten

Narrated by: Ursula Illert, Karla Marie Hübner, Marianne Ber...

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, kleine Lisbet! Lisbets Katze ist verschwunden! Und das auch noch an ihrem Geburtstag. Ohne die Katze mag Lisbet nicht feiern. Und deshalb sucht sie sie im ganzen Hexendorf! Eine besonders liebevolle Hörspielumsetzung mit viel Musik. Read more

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The Secret Garden - Abridged by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden - Abridged
Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden - Abridged by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Secret Garden - Abridged

By: Frances Hodgson Burnett

Narrated by: Juliet Stevenson

Length: 2 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mary Lennox is a sick and spoiled child living in India. After her parents die of cholera, she returns to England. There her health improves while meeting all sorts of strange and wonderful people and friends. Mary has all kinds of adventures with weird sounds in the night, amusing accents, and a locked garden. The Secret Garden is a magical... Read more

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One Hundred Days by Margaret McNamara
One Hundred Days
Margaret McNamara
One Hundred Days by Margaret McNamara

One Hundred Days

By: Margaret McNamara

Narrated by: Emily Bauer

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Hannah is disappointed when she misses the 100 day celebration because of a cold, but when she returns on Monday with her button collection the class is marking "one hundred plus one" day. A Live Oak Media audio production. Read more

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The Pumpkin Patch by Margaret McNamara
The Pumpkin Patch
Margaret McNamara
The Pumpkin Patch by Margaret McNamara

The Pumpkin Patch

By: Margaret McNamara

Narrated by: Emily Bauer

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

When her classmates tease Katie about the tiny pumpkin she takes home from the class trip, she decides it isn't the perfect pumpkin she thought it was - until her father helps her see that it's the perfect size for making pie! Read more

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The First Day of School by Margaret McNamara
The First Day of School
Margaret McNamara
The First Day of School by Margaret McNamara

The First Day of School

By: Margaret McNamara

Narrated by: Emily Bauer

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

On his first day of school, Michael is crushed to learn that his dog Cookie can't come with him, until his sympathetic teacher convinces him that he will be happier if Cookie waits for him at home. Read more

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Election Day by Margaret McNamara
Election Day
Margaret McNamara
Election Day by Margaret McNamara

Election Day

By: Margaret McNamara

Narrated by: Emily Bauer

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Today is Becky's first day at Robin Hill School and when she walks into elections for class president, she surprises her new classmates and herself by making a speech that wins her more than votes! Read more

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