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Join a Team by L.L. Owens
Join a Team
L.L. Owens
Join a Team by L.L. Owens

Join a Team

By: L.L. Owens

Narrated by: Alice Rea

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

There are many kinds of teams. In fact, two people are all it takes to form a team. Team members work together toward a common goal. Easy-to-read text and bright illustrations explore the relationships, diversity, and interactions that can be found in a team. Let's be social and meet your team members! Looking Glass Library is an imprint of... Read more

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Raccoons by Emily Green
Emily Green
Raccoons by Emily Green


By: Emily Green

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Raccoons are clever scavengers that live in forests, prairies, marshes, and even cities. Readers will learn about the unique markings of raccoons, their diverse diets, and how they are able to live in many different habitats. Read more

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Rabbits by Derek Zobel
Derek Zobel
Rabbits by Derek Zobel


By: Derek Zobel

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing. A rabbit needs to continually eat and chew to wear them down! Kids will learn what rabbits look like, where they live, and what they need to eat to keep their teeth short. Read more

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Cyrano by Geraldine McCaughrean
Geraldine McCaughrean
Cyrano by Geraldine McCaughrean


By: Geraldine McCaughrean

Narrated by: Cynthia Bishop

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Swordsman, soldier, poet . . . and possessor of the biggest nose in all of France! Cyrano de Bergerac was all this and more, for behind his grotesque face beat the heart of a lover. And, being Cyrano, who could he fall in love with but the most beautiful woman in Paris? From this conflict of nose versus heart springs one of the most uproarious,... Read more

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Meet Your Neighborhood by L.L. Owens
Meet Your Neighborhood
L.L. Owens
Meet Your Neighborhood by L.L. Owens

Meet Your Neighborhood

By: L.L. Owens

Narrated by: Alice Rea

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Every city is made up of neighborhoods. In a big city, thousands of families live in one neighborhood. A neighborhood in a small town has just a few homes. Easy-to-read text and bright illustrations explore the relationships, diversity, and interactions that can be found in a neighborhood around them. Let's be social and meet your... Read more

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Iraq by Lisa Owings
Lisa Owings
Iraq by Lisa Owings


By: Lisa Owings

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Did you know that Iraq was home to the oldest known human civilization on Earth? This area used to be known as Mesopotamia, and many different ancient peoples lived there. Readers will learn about daily life in Iraq, contemporary Iraqi culture, and the changes the country is going through today. Read more

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Saving Zasha by Randi Barrow
Saving Zasha
Randi Barrow
Saving Zasha by Randi Barrow

Saving Zasha

By: Randi Barrow

Narrated by: Roger Mueller

Length: 4 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

World War II has just ended when Mikhail finds a dying man and his German shepherd, Zasha, in the woods. It’s dangerous — some say traitorous — to own a German dog after Germany attacked Russia, so Mikhail must keep Zasha a secret to keep her alive. But Mikhail’s rival, Katia, is determined to find the dog she is sure he’s hiding. At the same... Read more

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Turtles by Emily K. Green
Emily K. Green
Turtles by Emily K. Green


By: Emily K. Green

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Did you know that some turtles live to be over 100 years old? Some live in the ocean, others on land, and some live both in water and on land! Young readers will discover what turtles eat, where they live, and how their shells and other physical features help them survive in the wild. Read more

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There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick! by Lucille Colandro
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick!
Lucille Colandro
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick! by Lucille Colandro

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick!

By: Lucille Colandro

Narrated by: Skip Hinnant

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

A wacky new Easter version of the classic "There Was an Old Lady" song!This time, the hungry old lady swallows a chick, some straw, an egg, some candy, a basket, and a bow! And just as she's hopping and skipping along, who should she meet but the Easter Bunny! Watch what happens when she trips, with amazing results!With rhyming text and funny... Read more

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Deer by Derek Zobel
Derek Zobel
Deer by Derek Zobel


By: Derek Zobel

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Deer can run at speeds up to 40 miles per hour and can leap as high as 9 feet. In this introduction to deer, students will learn about the physical features of deer, where they live, and what they eat each season. Read more

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Les lettres de mon moulin - Abridged by Alphonse Daudet
Les lettres de mon moulin - Abridged
Alphonse Daudet
Les lettres de mon moulin - Abridged by Alphonse Daudet

Les lettres de mon moulin - Abridged

By: Alphonse Daudet

Narrated by: Fernandel

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Les " Lettres de mon moulin " est un recueil de nouvelles d'Alphonse Daudet. Deux nouvelles sont racontées par l'inimitable et talentueux Fernandel, " La chèvre de Monsieur Seguin " et " Le curé de Cucugnan ". Read more

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Der kleine Lord - Abridged by Frances Burnett
Der kleine Lord - Abridged
Frances Burnett
Der kleine Lord - Abridged by Frances Burnett

Der kleine Lord - Abridged

By: Frances Burnett

Narrated by: Ursula Illert

Length: 4 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gehört zum Fest wie Lichter und Lametta: der kleine Lord! Eben war Cedric noch ein ganz normaler amerikanischer Junge und jetzt soll er plötzlich ein Lord sein! Sein Großvater, ein Graf, holt ihn nach England, um ihn zu einem richtigen Adligen auszubilden. Voller Staunen begibt Cedric sich in die fremde Welt - und schafft es, aus dem... Read more

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Die Wilden Küken 3. Endlich Ferien! - Abridged by Thomas Schmid
Die Wilden Küken 3. Endlich Ferien! - Abridged
Thomas Schmid
Die Wilden Küken 3. Endlich Ferien! - Abridged by Thomas Schmid

Die Wilden Küken 3. Endlich Ferien! - Abridged

By: Thomas Schmid

Narrated by: Anne Moll

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Kükensommer in Bella Italia! Bandenmädchen trennen sich nie Da kann man ja neidisch werden! Die Olme fahren in den Ferien an den Bodensee, um einen Surfkurs zu machen. Und die Küken? Die haben keine Pläne - bis Bobs italienischer Cousin Fernando auftaucht und alle vier zu sich nach Italien einlädt. Doch sie müssen ohne Lilli fahren, denn... Read more

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Le petit prince - Abridged by Antoine de St Exupéry
Le petit prince - Abridged
Antoine de St Exupéry
Le petit prince - Abridged by Antoine de St Exupéry

Le petit prince - Abridged

By: Antoine de St Exupéry

Narrated by: Gérard Philipe

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Le narrateur est un aviateur qui, à la suite d'une panne de moteur, a dû se poser en catastrophe dans le désert du Sahara et tente seul de réparer son avion. Le lendemain de son atterrissage forcé, il est réveillé par une petite voix qui lui demande : " S'il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton ! " Jour après jour, le petit prince raconte son... Read more

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Die Wilden Küken 4. Es spukt! - Abridged by Thomas Schmid
Die Wilden Küken 4. Es spukt! - Abridged
Thomas Schmid
Die Wilden Küken 4. Es spukt! - Abridged by Thomas Schmid

Die Wilden Küken 4. Es spukt! - Abridged

By: Thomas Schmid

Narrated by: Anne Moll

Length: 3 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hilfe, Kükengespenster! Gruselspaß für Bandenmädchen Bandentreffen der Wilden Küken! Die Mädchen sinnen auf Rache, nachdem Oberküken Lilli in eine besonders fiese Falle der Grottenolme getappt ist. Während die beiden Banden noch darum wetteifern, wer wem den größten Schrecken einjagen kann, machen die Küken eine aufregende Entdeckung: Im... Read more

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Pierre et le Loup - Abridged by Serge Prokofiev
Pierre et le Loup - Abridged
Serge Prokofiev
Pierre et le Loup - Abridged by Serge Prokofiev

Pierre et le Loup - Abridged

By: Serge Prokofiev

Narrated by: Gérard Philipe

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Un jour, Pierre part explorer la forêt. Mais son grand-père le lui a interdit... Car dans la forêt vit le loup ! Avec ses amis le chat et l'oiseau, arrivera-t-il à l'attraper ? 'Pierre et le loup' est un conte musical qui connaît un immense succès depuis sa création en 1936. Les instruments à cordes jouent un très beau thème qui représente... Read more

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Peter Pan - Abridged by J. M. Barrie
Peter Pan - Abridged
J. M. Barrie
Peter Pan - Abridged by J. M. Barrie

Peter Pan - Abridged

By: J. M. Barrie

Narrated by: François Perier & various

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ce vendredi soir, la voie est libre pour Peter Pan, le petit garçon qui refuse de grandir : Mr et Mrs Darling sont absents et la chienne Nana, qui tient lieu de nurse à leurs enfants Wendy, John et Michael, a été enchaînée dans le jardin. Venu récupérer son ombre abandonnée lors d'une précédente visite, Peter se trouve face à Wendy. Avide des... Read more

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Pinocchio - Abridged by Carlo Collodi
Pinocchio - Abridged
Carlo Collodi
Pinocchio - Abridged by Carlo Collodi

Pinocchio - Abridged

By: Carlo Collodi

Narrated by: François Perier

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gepetto, un vieux menuisier n'ayant pour seule compagnie que son chat Clochette, travaille sans relâche à la construction de jouets en bois pour les enfants de son village. Par une nuit de pleine lune, un miracle se produit : la fée Luciole rend visite au vieil homme et donne vie à sa dernière création, un magnifique pantin de bois nommé... Read more

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Die Olchis und die Teufelshöhle - Abridged by Erhard Dietl
Die Olchis und die Teufelshöhle - Abridged
Erhard Dietl
Die Olchis und die Teufelshöhle - Abridged by Erhard Dietl

Die Olchis und die Teufelshöhle - Abridged

By: Erhard Dietl

Narrated by: Rainer Schmitt, Eva Michaelis, Robert Missler, ...

Length: 2 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hier hilft nur Olchi-Spürsinn! Müllanschläge und mehr: ein Olchi-Krimi Die Olchis haben eine neue Freundin: Vicky. Gemeinsam mit ihr entdecken sie unter dem Schmuddelfinger Schloss der Gräfin Kreszentia von Wurm und Bakschisch ein geheimes Höhlenlabyrinth. Die Olchis sind schrecklich neugierig, aber da überschlagen sich die Ereignisse: Auf... Read more

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Karlsson vom Dach - Abridged by Astrid Lindgren
Karlsson vom Dach - Abridged
Astrid Lindgren
Karlsson vom Dach - Abridged by Astrid Lindgren

Karlsson vom Dach - Abridged

By: Astrid Lindgren

Narrated by: Dirk Bach

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Karlsson vom Bach? Passt optimal zusammen! Karlsson ist einmalig. Er wohnt auf dem Dach und fliegt mithilfe des kleinen Motors auf seinem Rücken durch die Luft. Er liebt Bonbons und Fleischklößchen, ist unglaublich eingebildet und der allerbeste Freund von Lillebror. Seit Karlsson regelmäßig an dessen Kinderzimmerfenster klopft, ist es mit der... Read more

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Festivals Around the World by Richard Northcott
Festivals Around the World
Richard Northcott
Festivals Around the World by Richard Northcott

Festivals Around the World

By: Richard Northcott

Narrated by: Multiple Narrators

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Read and discover all about festivals around the world. When is the festival of Diwali? What do people do at Halloween? Read and discover more about the world! This series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work.An Oxford Press Audio production. Read more

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Animals at Night by Rachel Bladon
Animals at Night
Rachel Bladon
Animals at Night by Rachel Bladon

Animals at Night

By: Rachel Bladon

Narrated by: Multiple Narrators

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Read and discover all about amazing animals at night. Why do some animals come out at night? What special senses do nocturnal animals have? Read and discover more about the world! This series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work.An Oxford Press Audio production. Read more

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The Jaguar Stones, Book Two: The End of the World Club by Jon Voelkel & Pamela Voelkel
The Jaguar Stones, Book Two: The End of the World Club
Jon Voelkel & Pamela Voelkel
The Jaguar Stones, Book Two: The End of the World Club by Jon Voelkel & Pamela Voelkel

The Jaguar Stones, Book Two: The End of the World Club

By: Jon Voelkel & Pamela Voelkel

Narrated by: Scott Brick

Length: 9 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

While everyone else is panicking about the so-called end of the Maya calendar, fourteen-year-old Max Murphy has his own problems. He owes a favor to the ancient Maya Lords of Death and now they’ve called it in. Max has just seven days to bring the long-lost Yellow Jaguar to Xibalba, the cold and watery Maya underworld.

Accompanied by his Maya... Read more

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Andy the Allicamel by Shirley Diamond
Andy the Allicamel
Shirley Diamond
Andy the Allicamel by Shirley Diamond

Andy the Allicamel

By: Shirley Diamond

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

No information available at this time. Author will provide once available. Read more

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