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Building Up the White House by Christi E. Parker
Building Up the White House
Christi E. Parker
Building Up the White House by Christi E. Parker

Building Up the White House

By: Christi E. Parker

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Charlie dreams of becoming president and living in the White House. So, to quickly make that dream real, he decides to build his own White House tree house. With the help of his friends, Charlie discovers all there is to know about becoming president and living in the White House during this adventure. Read more

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Coming to America by Kathleen E. Bradley
Coming to America
Kathleen E. Bradley
Coming to America by Kathleen E. Bradley

Coming to America

By: Kathleen E. Bradley

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Coming to America is the story of a family of immigrants who are eager to come to America. After traveling from their homeland and arriving in America, they find that they cannot keep their eyes off the Statue of Liberty with its promises and hopes for the future. Certain that they will have a better life in America, the family finds the Statue... Read more

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The Liberty Bell by Debra Housel
The Liberty Bell
Debra Housel
The Liberty Bell by Debra Housel

The Liberty Bell

By: Debra Housel

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

In The Liberty Bell: Saving the Sound of Freedom, the Mickley family realizes that they might be the only ones that can save the important Old State House Bell as they run from the British. Though they risk their lives and must leave most of their belongings behind, they know that they have an important job to do. Based on actual events, this... Read more

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Fishers Then and Now by Lisa Zamosky
Fishers Then and Now
Lisa Zamosky
Fishers Then and Now by Lisa Zamosky

Fishers Then and Now

By: Lisa Zamosky

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Fishers have provided food for thousands of years. Long ago, fishers had to fish close to land and used simple fishing tools such as knives, hoes, and spears. With the use of modern boats and fishing equipment, todayโ€™s fishers fish far out in the ocean and catch a large variety of fish for market. Read more

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Camping Constitution by Christi E. Parker
Camping Constitution
Christi E. Parker
Camping Constitution by Christi E. Parker

Camping Constitution

By: Christi E. Parker

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

This story takes the class on a camping trip with a group of children. Realizing that they need a set of rules to govern themselves, they refer to the best example: the United States Constitution. After discovering the reasons that the Constitution was written, what it means for democracy in our country, and how it gives citizens rights, laws,... Read more

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Farmers Then and Now by Lisa Zamosky
Farmers Then and Now
Lisa Zamosky
Farmers Then and Now by Lisa Zamosky

Farmers Then and Now

By: Lisa Zamosky

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Farmers are important because they grow the food that people eat. Modern equipment enables farmers to grow more food for an ever-increasing world population. Read more

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Librarians Then and Now by Roben Alarcon
Librarians Then and Now
Roben Alarcon
Librarians Then and Now by Roben Alarcon

Librarians Then and Now

By: Roben Alarcon

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Librarians lend and take care of books. Many years ago, the job of a librarian was simpler because librarians only took care of a few books and libraries were small. Most libraries today contain many books, magazines, computers, and other media equipment. Librarians today help people find information and show them new ways to find it. Read more

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Teachers Then and Now by Roben Alarcon
Teachers Then and Now
Roben Alarcon
Teachers Then and Now by Roben Alarcon

Teachers Then and Now

By: Roben Alarcon

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

The first teachers in the United States were students who did well in school and were hired to teach other students. Today, teachers must have college degrees to teach. Schools today are larger than those in the past and often have several separate classes at the same grade level. Read more

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Nurses Then and Now by Sarah Kartchner Clark
Nurses Then and Now
Sarah Kartchner Clark
Nurses Then and Now by Sarah Kartchner Clark

Nurses Then and Now

By: Sarah Kartchner Clark

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Many years ago, doctors trained nurses to help them treat people. Today, nurses go to school to learn about medicine and about how to help people when they are sick. Nurses perform many of the same duties as doctors. Read more

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Doctors Then and Now by Sarah Kartchner Clark
Doctors Then and Now
Sarah Kartchner Clark
Doctors Then and Now by Sarah Kartchner Clark

Doctors Then and Now

By: Sarah Kartchner Clark

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Doctors help people stay healthy. When people get sick, doctors help them get well again. Today, doctors use many complex instruments to treat people. Long ago, doctors had few instruments and did not know as many ways to help people get well. Read more

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Make It Healthy by Lisa Greathouse
Make It Healthy
Lisa Greathouse
Make It Healthy by Lisa Greathouse

Make It Healthy

By: Lisa Greathouse

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Preparing healthy meals is easier than you may think. Discover how to safely prepare your favorite foods. Learn how to read a recipe and try new foods. Take control of your eating habits! Read more

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Eat Healthy by Lisa Greathouse
Eat Healthy
Lisa Greathouse
Eat Healthy by Lisa Greathouse

Eat Healthy

By: Lisa Greathouse

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you know how to eat healthy? You may be surprised to learn that many of the foods you already enjoy are not just good, but good for you. Discover the importance of eating healthy meals and snacks. You have the power to eat healthy and feel great. Read more

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Sub-Saharan Africa by Lisa Zamosky
Sub-Saharan Africa
Lisa Zamosky
Sub-Saharan Africa by Lisa Zamosky

Sub-Saharan Africa

By: Lisa Zamosky

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Africa, the second largest continent on Earth, is home to the largest desert and the longest river in the world. Trade routes gave rise to the ancient kingdoms in Africa, providing a rich history in culture, trade, and tradition. Read more

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Socrates: Greek Philosopher by Lisa Zamosky
Socrates: Greek Philosopher
Lisa Zamosky
Socrates: Greek Philosopher by Lisa Zamosky

Socrates: Greek Philosopher

By: Lisa Zamosky

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who helped shape Greek beliefs. However, not everyone agreed with Socrates, and he made many people angry over the years. He was eventually arrested and sentenced to death. But Socratesโ€™s ideas and beliefs can still be found today. Read more

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Julius Caesar: Roman Leader by Christine Dugan
Julius Caesar: Roman Leader
Christine Dugan
Julius Caesar: Roman Leader by Christine Dugan

Julius Caesar: Roman Leader

By: Christine Dugan

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Julius Caesar was a major figure in the ancient Roman Republic. Born in 100 B.C., Caesar grew up to be a talented leader who had a very successful military career. Not long after his death, the republic ended and Rome became an empire. Read more

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Police Officers Then and Now by Melissa A. Settle
Police Officers Then and Now
Melissa A. Settle
Police Officers Then and Now by Melissa A. Settle

Police Officers Then and Now

By: Melissa A. Settle

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

For over two hundred years, individuals have protected and served their communities as lawmen. Today, people who help enforce the law are called police officers because both men and women can serve in the police force. Read more

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Women's Suffrage: Fighting For Women's Rights by Harriet Isecke
Women's Suffrage: Fighting For Women's Rights
Harriet Isecke
Women's Suffrage: Fighting For Women's Rights by Harriet Isecke

Women's Suffrage: Fighting For Women's Rights

By: Harriet Isecke

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

The fight to change the law to allow women to vote was called the Suffrage Movement. Those who joined this fight were called suffragists. Many brave suffragists organized groups, gave speeches, and held marches and parades. It took women almost 150 years to get the right to vote. This is the story of how they did it. Read more

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The Cold War by Wendy Conklin
The Cold War
Wendy Conklin
The Cold War by Wendy Conklin

The Cold War

By: Wendy Conklin

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

The Cold War was a different kind of war that lasted for more than 40 years. Countries did not shoot at one another, but they spied on and competed against one another. It was a war of beliefs as the United States believed in democracy and the Soviet Union advocated communism. Read more

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The Civil Rights Movement by Wendy Conklin
The Civil Rights Movement
Wendy Conklin
The Civil Rights Movement by Wendy Conklin

The Civil Rights Movement

By: Wendy Conklin

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Although slavery was illegal at the beginning of the twentieth century, segregation was prevalent, especially in the South. Through many uprisings, protests, and demonstrations, segregation was finally abolished and civil rights were established for people of varying colors, races, and genders. Today, we celebrate diversity in our nation because... Read more

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World War II by Lisa Zamosky & Wendy Conklin
World War II
Lisa Zamosky & Wendy Conklin
World War II by Lisa Zamosky & Wendy Conklin

World War II

By: Lisa Zamosky & Wendy Conklin

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: No

In 1939, another war that would encompass the world began in Europe. World War II began as a conflict of beliefs concerning government among countries in Europe. The United States stayed on the sidelines, unwilling to become involved in the war until Japan attacked a Pacific Fleet of the United States Navy at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Read more

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Eleanor Roosevelt by Wendy Conklin
Eleanor Roosevelt
Wendy Conklin
Eleanor Roosevelt by Wendy Conklin

Eleanor Roosevelt

By: Wendy Conklin

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Eleanor Roosevelt lived during an exciting time. Women had just gained the right to vote. As a first lady, she made her own agenda and gave her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, plenty of advice. She stood up for the weak and advocated for equal rights regardless of gender or skin color. Read more

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World War I by Lisa Zamosky
World War I
Lisa Zamosky
World War I by Lisa Zamosky

World War I

By: Lisa Zamosky

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

World War I, or the Great War, began in Europe as a military rivalry between France and Germany. As other countries took sides and joined the conflict, the war grew and became worldwide. In 1917, the United States entered the war in an effort to make the world safe for democracy, and afterwards it became a world power. Read more

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Industrial Giants by Debra Housel
Industrial Giants
Debra Housel
Industrial Giants by Debra Housel

Industrial Giants

By: Debra Housel

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Several major industrialists facilitated the growth of industry in America. These individuals, including Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, and Henry Ford, were responsible for building industries that employed many people and provided commodities necessary for life in the United States. Read more

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Government Leaders Then and Now by Lisa Zamosky
Government Leaders Then and Now
Lisa Zamosky
Government Leaders Then and Now by Lisa Zamosky

Government Leaders Then and Now

By: Lisa Zamosky

Narrated by: Teacher Created Materials

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Government leaders help to govern our country, our states, and our cities. They make important decisions, solve problems, and see that laws are enforced. The people they serve elect most government officials. Long ago, there were not as many government officials as there are today because the United States had a smaller population. Read more

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