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The Power of Unwavering Focus by Dandapani
The Power of Unwavering Focus
The Power of Unwavering Focus by Dandapani

The Power of Unwavering Focus

By: Dandapani

Narrated by: Dandapani

Length: 9 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

The life you want is in reach, if only you can master the power of focus

Anxiety, stress, worry, and fear—these are the mental maladies that literally plague us, contributing not only to our growing unhappiness, but also to physical ailments such as heart disease and obesity when left unmanaged. As Hindu priest and renowned speaker Dandapani... Read more

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Absolute Radio by Phillip Nyakpo
Absolute Radio
Phillip Nyakpo
Absolute Radio by Phillip Nyakpo

Absolute Radio

By: Phillip Nyakpo

Narrated by: Phillip Nyakpo

Length: 12 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

From the heart of Africa, a spellbinding true story of entrepreneurship, media, culture and tradition, all tastefully rolled into one! Absolute Radio is an authentic story of girls and boys who became women and men - and heroes - on the wings of a radio station. Running the course of 25 years, the story comes from the culturally stylish twin... Read more

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The New Rules of Marketing and PR, 8th Edition by David Meerman Scott
The New Rules of Marketing and PR, 8th Edition
David Meerman Scott
The New Rules of Marketing and PR, 8th Edition by David Meerman Scott

The New Rules of Marketing and PR, 8th Edition

By: David Meerman Scott

Narrated by: David Meerman Scott & Stephen Bowlby

Length: 16 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

The eighth edition of the pioneering guide to generating attention for your idea or business, jam-packed with new and updated techniques

The latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR has been completely revised and updated to present the most innovative methods and cost-effective strategies. The most comprehensive update yet shows you... Read more

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Like, Comment, Subscribe by Mark Bergen
Like, Comment, Subscribe
Mark Bergen
Like, Comment, Subscribe by Mark Bergen

Like, Comment, Subscribe

By: Mark Bergen

Narrated by: Sean Patrick Hopkins

Length: 14 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

The gripping inside story of YouTube, the company that upended media, culture, industry, and democracy—by a leading tech journalist

Across the world, people watch more than a billion hours of video on YouTube every day. Every minute, more than five hundred additional hours of footage are uploaded to the site, a technical feat unmatched in the... Read more

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The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich by Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher
The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich
Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher
The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich by Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher

The Secret of The Science of Getting Rich

By: Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher

Narrated by: Bob Proctor

Length: 9 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

So often we make the mistake of committing our lives and our time to empty activities – with only small glimpses of satisfaction and fulfillment. Are you tired of wishing and hoping for a lot more money? What is stopping you from earning the amount of money that you really want to earn? Do you want more out of life but aren’t sure what it... Read more

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The Success Factor by Ruth Gotian
The Success Factor
Ruth Gotian
The Success Factor by Ruth Gotian

The Success Factor

By: Ruth Gotian

Narrated by: Wendy Tremont King

Length: 10 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Enhance your personal performance by applying the four practices of high achievers to help you find your passion, develop your network of peers and mentors, and discover new opportunities to learn.
What do astronauts, Olympic champions, and Nobel laureates do differently that allows them to achieve at such a high level?

High achievers share the... Read more

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Build for Tomorrow by Jason Feifer
Build for Tomorrow
Jason Feifer
Build for Tomorrow by Jason Feifer

Build for Tomorrow

By: Jason Feifer

Narrated by: Jason Feifer

Length: 7 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Build for Tomorrow will change the way you think so you can overcome any obstacle and reach your full potential.”—Jim Kwik, New York Times bestselling author of Limitless

The moments of greatest change can also be the moments of greatest opportunity. Adapt more quickly and use the power of change to your advantage with this guide from the...
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The Journey To Respect Starts With You by Patrice M Foster
The Journey To Respect Starts With You
Patrice M Foster
The Journey To Respect Starts With You by Patrice M Foster

The Journey To Respect Starts With You

By: Patrice M Foster

Narrated by: Patrice M Foster

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you tired of experiencing disrespect in your environment? Has it become the most pressing, almost desperate desire to feel respected, appreciated and valued?Have you been doing your best in order to get these things from your environment, either work or social, and yet you end up being treated badly?Have you been wondering what it is that... Read more

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Slouching Towards Utopia by J. Bradford DeLong
Slouching Towards Utopia
J. Bradford DeLong
Slouching Towards Utopia by J. Bradford DeLong

Slouching Towards Utopia

By: J. Bradford DeLong

Narrated by: Allan Aquino

Length: 20 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

From one of the world’s leading economists, a grand narrative of the century that made us richer than ever, yet left us unsatisfied  

Before 1870, humanity lived in dire poverty, with a slow crawl of invention offset by a growing population. Then came a great shift: invention sprinted forward, doubling our technological capabilities each... Read more

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Humanizing Human Capital by Solange Charas, PhD & Stela Lupushor
Humanizing Human Capital
Solange Charas, PhD & Stela Lupushor
Humanizing Human Capital by Solange Charas, PhD & Stela Lupushor

Humanizing Human Capital

By: Solange Charas, PhD & Stela Lupushor

Narrated by: Melissa Redmond

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

In Humanizing Human Capital, Solange Charas, PhD, and Stela Lupushor reframe traditional HR practices into a future-forward strategy to optimize human capital. Charas and Lupushor shift decision-making about people from a gut sense to an evidence-based approach—a critical and much-needed departure from the... Read more

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True North by Zach Clayton & Bill George
True North
Zach Clayton & Bill George
True North by Zach Clayton & Bill George

True North

By: Zach Clayton & Bill George

Narrated by: Walter Dixon

Length: 9 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

In True North: Emerging Leaders Edition, renowned leadership expert Bill George and Millennial tech entrepreneur Zach Clayton issue the challenge to emerging leaders—from Gen X to Millennials and Gen Z—to lead their organizations authentically through never-ending crises to make this world a better place for everyone.

The Emerging Leader... Read more

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The Edge by Adam Tarnow & David Morrison
The Edge
Adam Tarnow & David Morrison
The Edge by Adam Tarnow & David Morrison

The Edge

By: Adam Tarnow & David Morrison

Narrated by: Adam Tarnow & David Morrison

Length: 4 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

If you want to stand out, you have to be all in.
In today’s job market, employers are looking for more than just talent—they’re looking for an elusive combination of talent and emotional commitment. They want people who will work hard, pursue excellence, and bring their best every day.
This attitude of being “all in” is what separates good... Read more

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Leer con binoculares by Piero Che Piu Palao
Leer con binoculares
Piero Che Piu Palao
Leer con binoculares by Piero Che Piu Palao

Leer con binoculares

By: Piero Che Piu Palao

Narrated by: Juan Manuel Rodríguez

Length: 4 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Crear contenidos que enganchen con una audiencia es una tarea retadora y casi siempre subjetiva. ¿Qué hace que un contenido sea mejor que otro? ¿Es la forma en la que se presenta o el medio en que se transmite? En esta obra, Piero Che Piu propone un nuevo método para entender la calidad de los contenidos. En sus propias palabras: "Leer con... Read more

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Mentalidad Ganadora by Kevin R. Corvey
Mentalidad Ganadora
Kevin R. Corvey
Mentalidad Ganadora by Kevin R. Corvey

Mentalidad Ganadora

By: Kevin R. Corvey

Narrated by: Nicolocutor

Length: 8 hours

Abridged: No

La mentalidad que te alentará a vencer la timidez, elevar tu autoestima y conseguir tus objetivos. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en los pasos que deberías dar para lograr hacer un cambio drástico en tu vida? Con frecuencia, estamos limitados por creencias erróneas, pensamientos negativos o estrés por el día a día, pero es allí donde construir los... Read more

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La Guía Del Emprendedor by Manuel K. Sevilla
La Guía Del Emprendedor
Manuel K. Sevilla
La Guía Del Emprendedor by Manuel K. Sevilla

La Guía Del Emprendedor

By: Manuel K. Sevilla

Narrated by: Nicolocutor

Length: 6 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Sabías que más de la mitad de los nuevos negocios fracasan dentro de los primeros 5 años? Un paso a paso para cambiar tu mentalidad como emprendedor es necesario si queremos sobrevivir en el mundo de los negocios. Pero no solo es la mentalidad, también necesitamos bajo el brazo un plan estratégico diseñado a la medida de nuestra idea.En LA GUÍA... Read more

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Tres claves de éxito de la familia empresaria by Enrique Mendoza Díaz
Tres claves de éxito de la familia empresaria
Enrique Mendoza Díaz
Tres claves de éxito de la familia empresaria by Enrique Mendoza Díaz

Tres claves de éxito de la familia empresaria

By: Enrique Mendoza Díaz

Narrated by: Marysol Cantú

Length: 5 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Las empresas familiares juegan un rol importante en la economía de los países. En su seno se han gestado y desarrollado los emprendimientos más importantes en el mundo. Basta con mencionar nombres como Samsung y Walmart en el ámbito global, o Ajegroup y Credicorp en el Perú para inmediatamente relacionarlos con familias que han logrado que sus... Read more

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Manejo de crisis by Paul Remy
Manejo de crisis
Paul Remy
Manejo de crisis by Paul Remy

Manejo de crisis

By: Paul Remy

Narrated by: Erick Cuevas

Length: 8 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

La obra de Paul Remy lo ayudará a entender y anticiparse a crisis, así como a prepararse para enfrentarlas. Esta segunda edición incorpora el Tablero de Manejo Estratégico de Crisis, una herramienta que le permitirá concentrar rápidamente -quizás en no más de dos horas- toda la energía posible en lo más importante al momento de enfrentar una... Read more

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Comunica by Manuel Udaondo
Manuel Udaondo
Comunica by Manuel Udaondo


By: Manuel Udaondo

Narrated by: Victor Bedoya

Length: 7 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

"¿Cuántas veces has comunicado algo y los demás lo han interpretado de forma diferente a la que esperabas? ¿Sabes expresar tu desacuerdo mostrando firmeza y respeto? ¿Eres capaz de interpretar correctamente lo que otros expresan mediante sus gestos, su postura o su mirada? Los seres humanos necesitamos comunicarnos constantemente y el éxito de... Read more

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Gen Z by Annahita Esmailzadeh, Hauke Schwiezer, Jo Dietrich, Julius de Gruyter, Stephanie Birkner & Yael Meier
Gen Z
Annahita Esmailzadeh, Hauke Schwiezer, Jo Dietr...
Gen Z by Annahita Esmailzadeh, Hauke Schwiezer, Jo Dietrich, Julius de Gruyter, Stephanie Birkner & Yael Meier

Gen Z

By: Annahita Esmailzadeh, Hauke Schwiezer, Jo Dietr...

Narrated by: Linda Holly, Simon Diez & Vaile Fuchs

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Fast ein Drittel aller Menschen weltweit gehören der Generation Z an, und sie sind es, die unsere Gesellschaft zukunftsfähig machen könn(t)en – wenn man sie nur ließe. Die heute 10- bis 25-Jährigen werden geprägt von Sorgen um ihre Umwelt und der bislang höchsten Rate mentaler Erkrankungen. Zugleich sind sie vernetzter und technologisch fitter... Read more

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Oltre le Strade Sfavillanti by Alberto Biffi
Oltre le Strade Sfavillanti
Alberto Biffi
Oltre le Strade Sfavillanti by Alberto Biffi

Oltre le Strade Sfavillanti

By: Alberto Biffi

Narrated by: Alessandro Soragna & Alessia Bianchi

Length: 4 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Una “discesa” on the road al cuore del Mental Coaching, in cui la finzione narrativa - condotta con sguardo sognante e a tratti cinematografico - non perde mai di vista la concretezza del Mental Trainer nel perseguire i propri intenti professionali ed etici. Un supporto indispensabile per consentire a chiunque lo desideri di mettere a fuoco la... Read more

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50 Autopsias de crisis by Paul Remy Oyague
50 Autopsias de crisis
Paul Remy Oyague
50 Autopsias de crisis by Paul Remy Oyague

50 Autopsias de crisis

By: Paul Remy Oyague

Narrated by: Ricardo Bustamante

Length: 9 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Cincuenta casos de crisis examinados minuciosamente, desde accidentes fatales, desastres ecológicos, contaminación de alimentos, colapso de servicios e imputaciones de fraude hasta ataques informáticos, protestas ciudadanas, prensa adversa, redes hostiles y amenazas regulatorias. Todo un amplio y variado repertorio de situaciones que personas y... Read more

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Diseña tu carrera by Fernando Loyola Angeles
Diseña tu carrera
Fernando Loyola Angeles
Diseña tu carrera by Fernando Loyola Angeles

Diseña tu carrera

By: Fernando Loyola Angeles

Narrated by: Jaime Collepardo

Length: 5 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Por cuánto tiempo tengo que trabajar en algo que no me gusta? ¿Cómo saber que estoy en lo correcto antes de que sea demasiado tarde? Son preguntas que más de uno se ha planteado y, a veces, sin una respuesta concreta. Por ello, de nir para qué soy bueno y diseñar una estructura de lo que quiero como vida profesional es un proceso que Fernando... Read more

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How to speak in public without fear by Julia Turner
How to speak in public without fear
Julia Turner
How to speak in public without fear by Julia Turner

How to speak in public without fear

By: Julia Turner

Narrated by: Kay Webster

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

Public speaking is a very common problem among people, and this difficulty can interfere and harm the career of any professional - even the most competent ones. After all, to communicate well is essential when it comes to conquering a good placement in the job market, or a better position in the company.With this in mind, this audiobook presents... Read more

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Afirmaciones Positivas Y Terapia Cognitiva Conductual by Dr. Javier Gómez
Afirmaciones Positivas Y Terapia Cognitiva Conductual
Dr. Javier Gómez
Afirmaciones Positivas Y Terapia Cognitiva Conductual by Dr. Javier Gómez

Afirmaciones Positivas Y Terapia Cognitiva Conductual

By: Dr. Javier Gómez

Narrated by: Nicolocutor

Length: 6 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Una sola palabra de un amigo, o alguien con quien nos topamos en la calle agradeciéndonos por algo positivo que hayamos hecho, tiene el poder para cambiar completamente nuestro día; incluso si estamos teniendo uno malo, y es que, las afirmaciones positivas entrenan a nuestro cerebro para reprogramarlo y eliminar las millones de creencias... Read more

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