Apocalyptic & Dystopian audiobooks
Falls Confession
By: Dawn Blair
Narrated by: Dawn Blair
Length: 52 minutes
Abridged: No
He fed the wrong snake and it led to his doom.
As a champion, Fall fights for the side of good, until that moment when he doesn’t. Chaos needs attention too or the universe tilts out of balance. Now incarcerated, they press for Fall’s confession: why did he do it?
Can his actions make up for his heinous crime and let good once again triumph over... Read more
By: Mark Wales
Narrated by: Arthur L. Wood
Length: 8 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: No
Jack Dunne will do anything to save his son.
A violent civil war. An unstoppable enemy. One road to freedom.
In the wake of a global conflict, foreign forces occupy part of Australia, quashing all but a few pockets of local resistance. The tense stalemate ends in 2034, when Jack Dunne reignites the war.
Dunne is an Outrider, one of the last elite... Read more
Das Portal 3
By: Joshua Tree
Narrated by: Mark Bremer
Length: 7 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
Der finale Band der Portal-Trilogie von Bestsellerautor Joshua Tree James hat gemeinsam mit Wolf den Sprung ins Ungewisse gewagt. Auf die andere Seite. Zu den Anderen. Fest entschlossen Agent Lucille Walker zu finden, und um jeden Preis zu retten, müssen sie schnell feststellen, dass das antarktische Portal anderen Regeln und Gesetzen folgt,... Read more
View audiobookA Handyman Can't Fix The Wasteland Vol. 2
By: Joshua B Coleman
Narrated by: Joshua Coleman
Length: 6 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: No
After his run-in with The Handyman, Paul is in search of the simple life: simple job, simple food, simple place to stay. But the town of Deliverance is anything but simple in their attempts to be simply charming. Behind all their fancy niceties, the town harbors hate and disgust for grimy Wasteland people. They’ll do anything to protect their... Read more
View audiobookSulan Box Set, Books 1-4
By: Camille Picott
Narrated by: Karen Savage & Michele Carpenter
Length: 21 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: No
Sulan is sick of the lectures. Leave the fighting to others, Sulan. Concentrate on your school work, Sulan.
How is she supposed to concentrate on anything when she’s worried about getting blown up or shot?
One thing is certain. Sulan Hom is not going to be the girl with a bullet in her head or the girl with a bomb... Read more
Uśpione archiwum. Yggdrasill 1
By: Wawrzyniec Podrzucki
Narrated by: Kamil Maria Małanicz
Length: 19 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: No
Czy Ziemia, jaką znamy, ma szansę w konkurencji z nieprzewidywalną, wciąż rozrastającą się tajemniczą strukturą? Drzewo to gigantyczna nanostruktura od wieków zamieszkała przez ludzi. Współistniejąca z tym organizmem ludzkość przeszła szereg przemian i podzieliła się na odrębne kultury. W tym niezwykłym świecie sąsiadują ze sobą prymitywne... Read more
View audiobookThe Final Victor
By: L. Blaise Hues
Narrated by: Caleb Hafen
Length: 10 hours 29 minutes
Abridged: No
HOPE IS A RISK. FEAR IS A CHOICE.As the lines between friends and foe blur, Victor-27 can either embrace the mask he’s created or lean into the darker side of his abilities to protect and recover loved ones. This takes him beyond the Outskirts and back into the depths of Rhosivi Mine as he vows to dissolve The Preemptive Initiative by any means... Read more
View audiobookWelt des Friedens - Wie viel bist du wert?: Roman: Dystopie-Abenteuer (Band 1)
By: Rose Daniel
Narrated by: Janica Schmeelk-Weigel
Length: 13 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: No
Du bestimmst, wie hoch dein Wert ist, doch SIE entscheiden, wie viel du wert bist. Jeder Mensch hat einen gesellschaftlichen Wert, der täglich steigen oder fallen kann. Und jeder hat nur 72 Stunden Zeit, um im Notfall das Schlimmste zu verhindern. Amalia Thomson lebt in einer Welt ohne Grenzen, dafür jedoch der ständigen Überwachung. Mit... Read more
View audiobookLey de enfermedad 0
By: M. J. Moreno
Narrated by: Marta Baonza Jerez & Raúl García Arrondo
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: No
¿Imaginas enfermar y disponer de un tiempo límite para curarte? ¿Qué tu valía dependa de lo productiva que seas para la sociedad? Maia ingresa en el Centro 505 tras un hecho traumático. Según la Ley de Enfermedad 0, tiene dos años para curarse o será eliminada. El tiempo se acaba, pero Maia tiene otros planes. Algo inesperado sucede y... Read more
View audiobookDen döda zonen
By: David Robbins
Narrated by: Lars Winclair
Length: 5 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Det tredje världskriget ödelägger det land som en gång hette Amerika. Platserna där atombomberna slår ner kallas för döda zoner och består av sandöknar utan vare sig liv eller växtlighet. Geronimo jagas in i ett sådant område av Kavalleriet, en grupp plundrande nomader, och befinner sig plötsligt i ett mystiskt landskap. Snart inser han att... Read more
View audiobookMetrópolis
By: Thea von Harbou
Narrated by: Alfredo Giménez
Length: 8 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: No
Ciencia y fantasía, horror y belleza, misterio, amenaza, locura, magnificencia, significado... por una vez en la vida todos esos elementos se combinaron mágicamente para crear el clásico imaginativo, la obra suprema: Metrópolis. Éste es el libro que ha sido definido como una obra genial. "Estoy de acuerdo. La experiencia que le suponga su... Read more
View audiobookArmageddon 1970
By: Robert W. Crepps
Narrated by: Gregory Green
Length: 3 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: No
Set in a post-apocalyptic world chronicling the main character Alan Rackham as he navigates a chaotic and very dangerous landscape. He struggles to survive in a society on the brink of collapse. Read more
View audiobookNotfalldurchsage
By: Boris Bacic
Narrated by: Kai Powalla
Length: 4 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: No
„Schließen Sie Fenster und Türen und verhalten Sie sich ruhig. Gehen Sie auf keinen Fall nach draußen.”Als James Zeuge eines brutalen Mordes direkt vor seinem Haus wird, muss er sich entscheiden, ob er Hilfe sucht oder auf Rettung in einer von Infizierten überlaufenen Stadt wartet.Der Wissenschaftler Daniel ist in seinem Labor gefangen, während... Read more
View audiobookДарога
By: Кормак Макарці
Narrated by: Віталь Краўчанка
Length: 6 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: No
Кормак Макарці "Дарога" — постапакаліпсіс найвышэйшай пробы.Постапакаліпсіс на нашай планеце. Паўсюль руіны і цемра. Ніводнай птушкі, ніводнай жывёлы, толькі банды здзічэлых ад голаду людаедаў. На фоне мёртвых краявідаў па разбуранай зямлі вандруюць дзве ледзь заўважныя фігуры — бацька і сын. Наперадзе іх чакае поўная небяспекі дарога ў... Read more
View audiobookRudeljagd
By: Scott Medbury
Narrated by: Kai Powalla
Length: 4 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: No
Im herzzerreißenden Finale der TOLLWÜTIGE STAATEN-Serie, "Rudeljagd", stand noch nie mehr auf dem Spiel. Crowley und die Überreste seines Teams befinden sich in einem unerbittlichen Wettlauf mit dem Tod.
Während sich tollwütige Menschen und Hunde von allen Seiten nähern, müssen die Überlebenden jedes Quäntchen Mut, Einfallsreichtum und... Read more
Once Upon a Fever
By: Angharad Walker
Narrated by: Lucy Strange
Length: 6 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: No
From the critically acclaimed author of The Ash House, in a society where emotions themselves are thought to be the cause of the illness that has taken over the world, sisters Ani and Payton must unravel a dark truth in this story that explores the depth of our own strength in how we observe and deal with our emotions. Since the world fell sick... Read more
View audiobook12 Miles Below III: Grand Design
By: Mark Arrows
Narrated by: Scott Aiello
Length: 17 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: No
Deep within the underground reaches, To'Wrathh wages her war against the Undersider city of Capra'Nor.She has the city brought to its knees, a single death stroke away from victory, but in the same breath, she struggles with her own wavering loyalty. Haunted by the fate of her predecessors, who all turned against the Pale Lady—and nearly... Read more
View audiobookUrlaub in der Apokalypse 2
By: Stefan Krell
Narrated by: Paul Jumin Hoffmann
Length: 12 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Menschen werden zu Teufeln, wenn das Paradies zur Hölle wird… Gestatten, mein Name ist Karl. Ich habe Grauenvolles hinter mir. Meine Frau wurde gebissen. Ich musste vor ihr fliehen und schaffte es mit Mühe und Not zurück ins Hotel. Ich verbarrikadierte mich, während draußen die Welt unterging. Ich wäre verhungert, hätte mich nicht dieser... Read more
View audiobookFinding Jesus
By: Jonathan Dunne
Narrated by: Jonathan Dunne
Length: 7 hours 19 minutes
Abridged: No
Atheist Dr. Jonathan Dunraven meets Jesus in a most nightmarish way. But Jonathan goes on to discover that the holy man is actually a wisecracking, miracle-making joker with a chilling dark side. Then there’s that peculiar one-legged crow constantly perched on his shoulder…or is it really a crow?
Even though Jesus lovingly warns Dr. Dunraven... Read more
Dotian Dreams
By: Lars Ray
Narrated by: Lars Ray
Length: 10 hours 35 minutes
Abridged: No
"Reading this book was like entering a whole different world, one that's layered with depth and intrigue. It's the kind of fiction that makes you pause and think about the complexities of life, love, and the freedom to feel. The way the author weaves these themes into a story full of suspense and emotion really kept me hooked. What's cool about... Read more
View audiobookAugust 2024
By: John M. Del Vecchio
Narrated by: Julia Dye
Length: 1 hour 48 minutes
Abridged: No
There are people who can be reached by fiction who cannot be reached by fact. This story is a warning.A timely, terrifying novella by the NYT bestselling author of The 13th Valley.In the year 2048, 30-year-old Ang (Angelica) tells the story of what happened to her twenty-four years earlier, in August 2024, when she was 14; when she and her... Read more
View audiobookHet vuur
By: James Patterson & Jill Dembowski
Narrated by: Kirsten Fennis
Length: 6 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Voor liefhebbers van Harry Potter en Warrior Cats! Whit en Wisty Allgood hebben pijnlijke offers moeten maken als leiders van het verzet tegen het bewind dat hun wereld regeert. Het hoofd van de Nieuwe Orde, de Ene die de Ene is, heeft alles verboden en vernietigd waarvan ze houden: boeken, verbeelding, muziek. Tot op heden zijn Whit en Wisty... Read more
View audiobookПеснь пророка
By: Пол Линч
Narrated by: Алла Човжик
Length: 7 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: No
Впервые на русском! Роман — лауреат Букеровской премии 2023 года, который уже называют «ирландским "1984"» и «новым "Рассказом служанки"». Как писал в своей рекомендации Букеровский комитет, эта «радикальная антиутопия… ярко живописует решимость матери защитить свою семью во времена, когда либеральная демократия… неумолимо и пугающе скатывается... Read more
View audiobookКороны Ниаксии. Змейка и крылья ночи
By: Карисса Бродбент
Narrated by: Юлия Тархова
Length: 16 hours 13 minutes
Abridged: No
Однажды король нашел на руинах девочку-сироту, взял ее к себе во дворец и воспитал как родную дочь. Вот только король был не простым, он управлял ночерожденными вампирами, а девочка оставалась человеком. Чужая и для вампиров, и для людей, Орайя решает участвовать в смертельно опасном турнире, победитель которого получит благословение богини.... Read more
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