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Planned Bullyhood by Karen Handel
Planned Bullyhood
Karen Handel
Planned Bullyhood by Karen Handel

Planned Bullyhood

By: Karen Handel

Narrated by: Pam Ward

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

For at least a decade, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the
world's leading breast cancer organization, had been dealing with the backlash
from pro-life conservatives because of its grants to Planned Parenthood, the
world's largest abortion provider. According to Karen Handel, Komen's senior
vice president of public policy in 2011, the two... Read more

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Twilight by Henry Grunwald
Henry Grunwald
Twilight by Henry Grunwald


By: Henry Grunwald

Narrated by: Arthur Morey

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In 1992, when Henry Grunwald missed a glass into which he was pouring water, he assumed that he needed new eyeglasses, not that the incident was a harbinger of darker times. But in fact Grunwald was entering the early stages of macular degeneration -- a gradual loss of sight that affects almost 15 million Americans yet remains poorly understood... Read more

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Geistiges Heilen lernen by Michael Bauer
Geistiges Heilen lernen
Michael Bauer
Geistiges Heilen lernen by Michael Bauer

Geistiges Heilen lernen

By: Michael Bauer

Narrated by: Michael Bauer

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Geistiges Heilen ist der Überbegriff einer Vielzahl alternativer Heilmethoden, welche weder in die wissenschaftliche Medizin, als auch in die klassische Psychotherapie eingeordnet werden können. Was ist Geistiges Heilen, bzw. was ist denn eigentlich eine Krankheit, kann eine Krankheit sein? Das Hörbuch "Geistiges Heilen" beschäftigt sich nun... Read more

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Geistiges Heilen lernen by Michael Bauer
Geistiges Heilen lernen
Michael Bauer
Geistiges Heilen lernen by Michael Bauer

Geistiges Heilen lernen

By: Michael Bauer

Narrated by: Michael Bauer

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Geistiges Heilen ist der Überbegriff einer Vielzahl alternativer Heilmethoden, welche weder in die wissenschaftliche Medizin, als auch in die klassische Psychotherapie eingeordnet werden können. Was ist Geistiges Heilen, bzw. was ist denn eigentlich eine Krankheit, kann eine Krankheit sein? Das Hörbuch "Geistiges Heilen" beschäftigt sich nun... Read more

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Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch
Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition
Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch
Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch

Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition

By: Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch

Narrated by: Pam Ward

Length: 13 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

The classic bestseller about rejecting diet mentality and finding the natural weight that’s right for you, now fully updated and revised for the intuitive eaters of todayFirst published in 1995, Intuitive Eating has become the go-to book on rebuilding a healthy body image and making peace with food. We’ve all been there—angry with ourselves for... Read more

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The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging - Abridged by Mike Moreno
The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging - Abridged
Mike Moreno
The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging - Abridged by Mike Moreno

The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging - Abridged

By: Mike Moreno

Narrated by: Mike Moreno

Length: 8 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the author of the #1 bestselling The 17 Day Diet, the inspiring and easy-to-follow plan for staying young and healthy, based on the same 17 day model that made the diet the bestselling diet book of 2011.

Every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute that you are alive, you are getting older. No matter how old you are, your... Read more

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Verletzlichkeit macht stark - Wie wir unsere Schutzmechanismen aufgeben und innerlich reich werden (Ungekürzt) by Brené Brown
Verletzlichkeit macht stark - Wie wir unsere Schutzmechanismen aufgeben und innerlich reich werden (Ungekürzt)
Brené Brown
Verletzlichkeit macht stark - Wie wir unsere Schutzmechanismen aufgeben und innerlich reich werden (Ungekürzt) by Brené Brown

Verletzlichkeit macht stark - Wie wir unsere Schutzmechanismen aufgeben und innerlich reich werden (Ungekürzt)

By: Brené Brown

Narrated by: Anja Taborsky

Length: 9 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

In einer Welt, in der Versagensangst den meisten Menschen zur zweiten Natur geworden ist, erscheint Verletzlichkeit als gefährlich. Brené Brown, führende Sozial-Forscherin auf dem Gebiet von Scham, Verletzlichkeit, Mut und Selbstwertgefühl, räumt mit dem kulturellen Mythos auf, dass Verletzlichkeit Schwäche bedeutet. Im Gegenteil: Sie ist der... Read more

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Heilzahlen - Mantra und Meditation - Abridged by Petra Neumayer & Lajos Sitas
Heilzahlen - Mantra und Meditation - Abridged
Petra Neumayer & Lajos Sitas
Heilzahlen - Mantra und Meditation - Abridged by Petra Neumayer & Lajos Sitas

Heilzahlen - Mantra und Meditation - Abridged

By: Petra Neumayer & Lajos Sitas

Narrated by: Petra Neumayer

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Zahlen sind die Sprache des Universums. Neben ihrem numerischen Wert enthalten sie qualitative Informationen, Schwingungen, die ganzheitliche Heilimpulse liefern können. Die Kombination mit Musik erleichtert die Resonanz mit den Zahlenvibrationen, um deren heilsame Wirkung für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu nutzen. Heilzahlenmantra - San San... Read more

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Life Is Your Best Medicine by Tieraona Low Dog
Life Is Your Best Medicine
Tieraona Low Dog
Life Is Your Best Medicine by Tieraona Low Dog

Life Is Your Best Medicine

By: Tieraona Low Dog

Narrated by: Hillary Huber

Length: 8 hours

Abridged: No

"The division between conventional and traditional medicine is as artificial as the division between science and nature. They can be woven together in a fashion that meets our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. This is the foundation upon which integrative medicine is built."—Tieraona Low Dog, MDIn Life Is Your Best Medicine, Dr. Low Dog... Read more

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Retreats - Fast Track to Freedom - A Guide for Leaders and Practitioners (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 10) by Yogani
Retreats - Fast Track to Freedom - A Guide for Leaders and Practitioners (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 10)
Retreats - Fast Track to Freedom - A Guide for Leaders and Practitioners (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 10) by Yogani

Retreats - Fast Track to Freedom - A Guide for Leaders and Practitioners (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 10)

By: Yogani

Narrated by: Yogani

Length: 3 hours

Abridged: No

Since Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) was started in 2003, the number of people utilizing this open source system of full-scope yoga practices has grown steadily around the world. It has evolved from being primarily an internet resource to a shelf-full of books, and now to increasing “real-world” activities including meditation groups, hands-on... Read more

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Liberation - The Fruition of Yoga (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 11) by Yogani
Liberation - The Fruition of Yoga (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 11)
Liberation - The Fruition of Yoga (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 11) by Yogani

Liberation - The Fruition of Yoga (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 11)

By: Yogani

Narrated by: Yogani

Length: 3 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

This concise volume provides a survey of the methods of Yoga as they relate to the rise of the non-dual condition of enlightenment, or “Liberation” (“Moksha” in Sanskrit), and practices that can be utilized during the end stage of the journey. It is about the rise of the witness and the evolution to ripeness and relational self-inquiry for... Read more

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Versöhnung mit dem inneren Kind  - Von der heilenden Kraft der Achtsamkeit  (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Thich Nhat Hanh
Versöhnung mit dem inneren Kind - Von der heilenden Kraft der Achtsamkeit (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged
Thich Nhat Hanh
Versöhnung mit dem inneren Kind  - Von der heilenden Kraft der Achtsamkeit  (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Thich Nhat Hanh

Versöhnung mit dem inneren Kind - Von der heilenden Kraft der Achtsamkeit (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged

By: Thich Nhat Hanh

Narrated by: Herbert Schäfer

Length: 3 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

""Es ist nie zu spät für eine glückliche Kindheit." Dieser berühmte Satz ist für alle gültig, die sich von Thich Nhat Hanh leiten lassen. Die Folgen seelischer Verletzungen in der Kindheit wie Angst und Verlassenheitsgefühle oder Wut und Trauer sind bis in die Zellebene hinein wirksam und blockieren unser inneres Wachstum. Thich Nhat Hanh zeigt,... Read more

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Autogenes Training - Phantasiereise - Sommerwiese - Tiefenentspannung & erholsamer Schlaf, Vol. 4 by BMP-Music
Autogenes Training - Phantasiereise - Sommerwiese - Tiefenentspannung & erholsamer Schlaf, Vol. 4
Autogenes Training - Phantasiereise - Sommerwiese - Tiefenentspannung & erholsamer Schlaf, Vol. 4 by BMP-Music

Autogenes Training - Phantasiereise - Sommerwiese - Tiefenentspannung & erholsamer Schlaf, Vol. 4

By: BMP-Music

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

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Life before Birth and A Time to Be Born by Peter W. Nathanielsz
Life before Birth and A Time to Be Born
Peter W. Nathanielsz
Life before Birth and A Time to Be Born by Peter W. Nathanielsz

Life before Birth and A Time to Be Born

By: Peter W. Nathanielsz

Narrated by: Peter W. Nathanielsz

Length: 7 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

The most valuable investment any society makes is in its children, the next generation. The more we learn about the fetus the better we are able to understand the problems and abnormalities that can occur during development.Dr. Peter Nathanielsz, the first to demonstrate that the fetal brain delivers the signals that start the process of birth,... Read more

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Love Is the Cure by Elton John
Love Is the Cure
Elton John
Love Is the Cure by Elton John

Love Is the Cure

By: Elton John

Narrated by: Elton John

Length: 5 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

A deeply personal account of Elton John's life during the era of AIDS and an inspiring call to action.

In the 1980s, Elton John saw friend after friend, loved one after loved one, perish needlessly from AIDS. He befriended Ryan White, a young Indiana boy ostracized because of his HIV infection. Ryan's inspiring life and devastating death led... Read more

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Moving Into Health Through Energy Healing by Jed Diamond, PhD
Moving Into Health Through Energy Healing
Jed Diamond, PhD
Moving Into Health Through Energy Healing by Jed Diamond, PhD

Moving Into Health Through Energy Healing

By: Jed Diamond, PhD

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

During these times of overwhelming stress our bodies are most often on the high alert of protective mode and we don’t have the energy for either maintaining good health or for healing. Beyond allopathic medicine, Dr. Diamond describes four kinds of energy healing techniques (EFTs). He's the author of Men Alive: Stop Killer Stress with Simple... Read more

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Awakening the Healer Within - Understand… by Dr. Emmett Miller
Awakening the Healer Within - Understand…
Dr. Emmett Miller
Awakening the Healer Within - Understand… by Dr. Emmett Miller

Awakening the Healer Within - Understand…

By: Dr. Emmett Miller

Narrated by: Dr. Emmett Miller

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Abolish Anxiety is another complete self-healing program from Dr. Miller. It brings an effective new way to understand and deal with the symptoms and the causes of Anxiety and Panic. It is designed to be used as a guide to harness the healing power of your mind to help you in overcoming anxiety and panic attacks, as well as to provide ongoing... Read more

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Healing Our Planet by Dr. Emmett Miller
Healing Our Planet
Dr. Emmett Miller
Healing Our Planet by Dr. Emmett Miller

Healing Our Planet

By: Dr. Emmett Miller

Narrated by: Dr. Emmett Miller

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover how you can make a difference through passion, compassion and love. In your heart is the future of our planet; learn how to empower your mental imagery to serve your most deeply held values. Experience the wisdom of the ages wedded to cutting-edge mind-body and peak performance technology. Relax and enjoy the uniquely beautiful voice of... Read more

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Awakening the Physician Within by Dr. Emmett Miller
Awakening the Physician Within
Dr. Emmett Miller
Awakening the Physician Within by Dr. Emmett Miller

Awakening the Physician Within

By: Dr. Emmett Miller

Narrated by: Dr. Emmett Miller

Length: 3 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Change the images and strategies that your mind uses to re-write the script of your life. Dr. Emmett Miller is a physician, health educator, author, and a pioneer in the field of mind/body medicine. For over thirty years, he has taught that when you are responsive to your internal as well as your external environment, most difficulties are... Read more

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Healing from Cancer by Dr. Emmett Miller
Healing from Cancer
Dr. Emmett Miller
Healing from Cancer by Dr. Emmett Miller

Healing from Cancer

By: Dr. Emmett Miller

Narrated by: Dr. Emmett Miller

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

"The imagery in this program is based upon my experiences with cancer patients at The Cancer Support and Education Center, where I was medical director for more than 20 years. Its goal is to empower you to recall the power of your mind and body to heal. These positive feelings must replace the all-too-common helplessness that weakens the body.... Read more

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Six Weeks to OMG by Venice A. Fulton
Six Weeks to OMG
Venice A. Fulton
Six Weeks to OMG by Venice A. Fulton

Six Weeks to OMG

By: Venice A. Fulton

Narrated by: James Langton

Length: 6 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

If you think you've failed on every diet you've ever tried, think again: The diet failed, you didn't. Now it's time to forget all those weight-loss cliches and listen to the truth:
-Skipping breakfast can be healthy
-Certain fruits instantly block fat loss
-Small, frequent meals frequently pack on the pounds
-Juices and smoothies cause... Read more

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Mental Jogging - Laufend Abnehmen und Schritt für Schritt immer leichter und schlanker ohne Diät by Katja Schütz
Mental Jogging - Laufend Abnehmen und Schritt für Schritt immer leichter und schlanker ohne Diät
Katja Schütz
Mental Jogging - Laufend Abnehmen und Schritt für Schritt immer leichter und schlanker ohne Diät by Katja Schütz

Mental Jogging - Laufend Abnehmen und Schritt für Schritt immer leichter und schlanker ohne Diät

By: Katja Schütz

Narrated by: Claudia Urbschat-Mingues

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Laufen Sie sich schlank! Zahlreiche Studien belegen, dass Abnehmen im Kopf beginnt! Begleitet von der deutschen Stimme von Angelina Jolie verstärkt dieses außergewöhnliche Mentaltraining die Endorphinausschüttung während des Joggens und ruft einen Glückszustand hervor. Die gezielten Suggestionen unterstützen Sie dabei ganz mit Leichtigkeit... Read more

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Entspannt Abnehmen und dauerhaft schlank sein by Katja Schütz
Entspannt Abnehmen und dauerhaft schlank sein
Katja Schütz
Entspannt Abnehmen und dauerhaft schlank sein by Katja Schütz

Entspannt Abnehmen und dauerhaft schlank sein

By: Katja Schütz

Narrated by: Claudia Urbschat-Mingues

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Denken Sie sich schlank! Zahlreiche Studien belegen, dass Abnehmen im Kopf beginnt! Lösen Sie mit Hilfe dieses Hörbuchs innere Blockaden und nehmen Sie ganz entspannt mit Mentaltraining und Bewusstseinsveränderung ab. Zunächst werden Sie in einen tiefen Entspannungszustand geführt und können Ihre mentalen und körperlichen Blockaden sowie... Read more

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Everyday Mindfulness - Meditation for Beginners by Beryl Bender Birch
Everyday Mindfulness - Meditation for Beginners
Beryl Bender Birch
Everyday Mindfulness - Meditation for Beginners by Beryl Bender Birch

Everyday Mindfulness - Meditation for Beginners

By: Beryl Bender Birch

Narrated by: Beryl Bender Birch

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Everyday Mindfulness: Lecture and Meditation for Beginners by Beryl Bender Birch
Yoga pioneer and best-selling author Beryl Bender Birch offers a clear and compelling introduction to the history and evolution of mindfulness meditation in this exceptional recording ideal for beginning meditators. In Everyday Mindfulness: Meditation for Beginners,... Read more

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