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Fun with Patents: The Irreverent Guide for the Investor, the Entrepreneur, and the Inventor by Kfir Luzzatto
Fun with Patents: The Irreverent Guide for the Investor, the Entrepreneur, and the Inventor
Kfir Luzzatto
Fun with Patents: The Irreverent Guide for the Investor, the Entrepreneur, and the Inventor by Kfir Luzzatto

Fun with Patents: The Irreverent Guide for the Investor, the Entrepreneur, and the Inventor

By: Kfir Luzzatto

Narrated by: Jim Rising

Length: 7 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Patents don't have to be a dry and boring subject and inventors, investors and business people may (and should) enjoy using them to their advantage. However, to empower the general public to use the patent system to its fullest extent, the need remains for a book that introduces important patent concepts in a humanly understandable fashion, with... Read more

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Motivarse para el éxito by Giovanni Rigters
Motivarse para el éxito
Giovanni Rigters
Motivarse para el éxito by Giovanni Rigters

Motivarse para el éxito

By: Giovanni Rigters

Narrated by: Lisandro Romero

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Muchos de nosotros luchamos a menudo para encontrar la motivación que necesitamos para completar nuestras tareas diarias. Esto no significa necesariamente que seamos perezosos o incapaces, sino que simplemente necesitamos cambiar las cosas, cambiar nuestro enfoque y energía, y cambiar nuestros hábitos. Se ha descubierto que la falta de... Read more

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Flamin' Hot by Richard P. Montañez
Flamin' Hot
Richard P. Montañez
Flamin' Hot by Richard P. Montañez

Flamin' Hot

By: Richard P. Montañez

Narrated by: Rubén Trujillo (Trujo)

Length: 8 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

La inolvidable historia real de cómo un simple empleado de limpieza que trabajaba duro para llevar comida a su casa, inventó Flamin’ Hot Cheetos haciendo pruebas de sabor en secreto, rompiendo barreras y convirtiéndose en el primer ejecutivo latino de la compañía Frito-Lay. No se suponía que Richard Montañez tuviera grandes sueños y... Read more

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Making a Living *CREATIVE BOOK AWARDS 2024 HIGHLY COMMENDED* by Sophie Rochester
Sophie Rochester
Making a Living *CREATIVE BOOK AWARDS 2024 HIGHLY COMMENDED* by Sophie Rochester


By: Sophie Rochester

Narrated by: Fenella Fudge

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No


The definitive guide to starting your dream business, for creative entrepreneurs.

Making a Living has been carefully crafted to support anyone looking for practical, hands-on advice and inspiring stories to motivate them to make their dream business into a reality.

Inspiring stories from jewellery... Read more

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NLP at Work by Sue Knight
NLP at Work
Sue Knight
NLP at Work by Sue Knight

NLP at Work

By: Sue Knight

Narrated by: Sue Knight

Length: 18 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

'This book may help you to understand life more clearly' Paul Smith, fashion designer

Welcome to THE book on NLP. The essence of NLP is the ability to study and reproduce excellence in yourself and to support others to do the same. NLP AT WORK helps you do that by developing an attitude of curiosity, naivety and learning - and giving you the... Read more

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Opting in to Optimization by R. Jon MacDonald
Opting in to Optimization
R. Jon MacDonald
Opting in to Optimization by R. Jon MacDonald

Opting in to Optimization

By: R. Jon MacDonald

Narrated by: R. Jon MacDonald

Length: 4 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

With the explosion of direct-to-consumer online retailers, things have been heating up in the e-commerce industry. The differentiators of yesterday have become table stakes for modern brands—those that want to defend their position or gain market share will need to level up from foundational practices to advanced tactics.

Opting in to... Read more

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Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día by Robin Sharma
Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día
Robin Sharma
Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día by Robin Sharma

Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día

By: Robin Sharma

Narrated by: Horacio Mancilla

Length: 9 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

AHORA ES TU MOMENTO... ESTA ES TU GUÍA Durante más de veinticinco años, Robin Sharma, el legendario experto en liderazgo y en excelencia, ha enseñado discretamente a titanes de los negocios, a grandes del deporte profesional y a superestrellas del mundo del espectáculo un revolucionario sistema que los ha ayudado a convertir sus máximas... Read more

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Chicago Boys by Carola Fuentes
Chicago Boys
Carola Fuentes
Chicago Boys by Carola Fuentes

Chicago Boys

By: Carola Fuentes

Narrated by: Cecilia Valenzuela

Length: 5 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Luego del documental: el libro que explica el Chile actual.
Este libro, que tuvo su origen en el prestigioso documental dirigido por Carola Fuentes, relata cómo un grupo de jóvenes, a fines de los años cincuenta, partió a Chicago para estudiar economía con un profesor que luego pasaría a la historia: Milton Friedman. Los estudiantes... Read more

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El camino de Steve Jobs by Jay Elliot
El camino de Steve Jobs
Jay Elliot
El camino de Steve Jobs by Jay Elliot

El camino de Steve Jobs

By: Jay Elliot

Narrated by: Sergio Mejía

Length: 8 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

El camino de Steve Jobs presenta las experiencias, los logros y los retos del hombre que transformó el mundo de las comunicaciones, y ofrece al lector la oportunidad de aplicar esta gran experiencia en su vida personal y profesional. Escrito en colaboración con William L. Simon, El camino de Steve Jobs es el libro que millones de lectores... Read more

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Everyone Is An "Influencer" by Kelly Keenan
Everyone Is An "Influencer"
Kelly Keenan
Everyone Is An "Influencer" by Kelly Keenan

Everyone Is An "Influencer"

By: Kelly Keenan

Narrated by: Kelly Keenan

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Your brand’s story can’t be concocted by a marketing team or agency, bubbling into some witches’ brew. It must be uncovered by revealing your brand’s most inspiring aspects. The simple truth: if you build on a foundation of authenticity, you can find the people that think like you, value what you value, and are ready to join in the celebration... Read more

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Engaños digitales, víctimas reales by Sebastián Davidovsky
Engaños digitales, víctimas reales
Sebastián Davidovsky
Engaños digitales, víctimas reales by Sebastián Davidovsky

Engaños digitales, víctimas reales

By: Sebastián Davidovsky

Narrated by: Juan Balvin

Length: 4 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

A partir de nueve casos reales ocurridos en la Argentina, Sebastián Davidovsky, periodista especializado en tecnología, explica delitos como grooming, hackeo, phishing y ransomware. Cada caso sirve para conocer cómo operan los criminales, cómo funcionan las estafas y cómo estar prevenidos para evitarlas.
Usamos mail, apps, WhatsApp, home... Read more

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Nieuwe technologie; Beleggen in bitcoins by Peter de Ruiter
Nieuwe technologie; Beleggen in bitcoins
Peter de Ruiter
Nieuwe technologie; Beleggen in bitcoins by Peter de Ruiter

Nieuwe technologie; Beleggen in bitcoins

By: Peter de Ruiter

Narrated by: Peter de Ruiter

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

Bitcoin is de eerste technologische vernieuwing die de consument geen geld kost, maar geld kan opleveren. Het instapniveau is laag. Peter de Ruiter schreef het boek "Bitcoins beter begrijpen". In deze aflevering van "Nieuwe technologie" laat hij de luisteraar kennismaken met mensen die winnen en verliezen, met deskundigen die cryptovaluta... Read more

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Forex Trading Business Action by Neo Hallstein
Forex Trading Business Action
Neo Hallstein
Forex Trading Business Action by Neo Hallstein

Forex Trading Business Action

By: Neo Hallstein

Narrated by: Marcus Mulenga

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Forex Trading Business Action: The Beginner's Guide on Forex Trading. Learn How to Start Forex Trading as Home Based Internet BusinessWork from home trend is increasing rapidly. For the past few years the Internet business has taken wide steps and opened different opportunities for home based business. Forex trading is the boom to this industry.... Read more

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L'Identité gagnante by Pierre David
L'Identité gagnante
Pierre David
L'Identité gagnante by Pierre David

L'Identité gagnante

By: Pierre David

Narrated by: Simon Jeannin

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Vous êtes au top techniquement, tactiquement et physiquement mais le jour des compétitions, vous n'arrivez pas à tout donner. Vous stagnez dans votre pratique alors que vous savez que vous pouvez aller plus haut. Votre entourage vous voit comme confiant alors qu'au fond de vous, vous sentez qu'il y a une faille et que ce n'est pas comme il le... Read more

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Game On by Arthur Carmazzi
Game On
Arthur Carmazzi
Game On by Arthur Carmazzi

Game On

By: Arthur Carmazzi

Narrated by: Sara Gardner

Length: 3 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

The Definition of Work Gamification: “The Systematic facilitation of helping team members combine measurement, motivational psychology, and basic fun in existing or improved Work Processes or Activities, with the objective of fostering desired behaviors and results”.

Game On shares research, case studies and step by step processes that will take... Read more

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Peter Thiel  Facebook, PayPal, Palantir by Max Chafkin
Peter Thiel Facebook, PayPal, Palantir
Max Chafkin
Peter Thiel  Facebook, PayPal, Palantir by Max Chafkin

Peter Thiel Facebook, PayPal, Palantir

By: Max Chafkin

Narrated by: Michael J. Diekmann

Length: 16 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Seit den Tagen der Dot-Com-Blase in den späten 1990er-Jahren hat keine Branche die Welt mehr beeinflusst als das Silicon Valley. Und nur wenige Personen haben das Silicon Valley mehr geprägt als Peter Thiel – milliardenschwerer Unternehmer und Duzfreund von Elon Musk. Er ist Mastermind und Kapitalgeber hinter einer ganzen Reihe von Unternehmen... Read more

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Liderazgo sin ego - Abridged by Bob Davids, Brian M. Carney & Isaac Getz
Liderazgo sin ego - Abridged
Bob Davids, Brian M. Carney & Isaac Getz
Liderazgo sin ego - Abridged by Bob Davids, Brian M. Carney & Isaac Getz

Liderazgo sin ego - Abridged

By: Bob Davids, Brian M. Carney & Isaac Getz

Narrated by: Roger Vidal

Length: 4 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Davids es una de las mentes más originales y provocadoras del mundo corporativo." —Robert Townsend, autor del superventas Más arriba en la organización "Este libro tan original transforma la sabiduría de sus autores y otros líderes de éxito en una guía con la que completar un estilo propio. En esencia: olvídese de su ego y quítese de en medio.... Read more

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Magnetic Wealth Attraction by Frederick Dodson
Magnetic Wealth Attraction
Frederick Dodson
Magnetic Wealth Attraction by Frederick Dodson

Magnetic Wealth Attraction

By: Frederick Dodson

Narrated by: Florian Hartnack

Length: 3 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Regeln des Reichtums sind seit tausenden von Jahren dieselben. Lerne universelle Denkweisen, die deinen finanziellen Überfluss steigern, unabhängig davon, wer du bist und wo du dich befindest. Du wirst mit diesem Buch lernen, mehr Vertrauen in deine Fähigkeit zu setzen, deinen Mitmenschen einen einzigartigen Dienst zu erweisen. Ebenso... Read more

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10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times by Tom Ziglar
10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times
Tom Ziglar
10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times by Tom Ziglar

10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times

By: Tom Ziglar

Narrated by: Tom Ziglar

Length: 6 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Read by the author.Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar Corp, shares ten leadership virtues that are essential for coaching employees through immense change and creating an environment of maximum potential and productivity.With the world changing so rapidly, many leaders are struggling to find new ways to make a significant and positive impact on their... Read more

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The Cold Start Problem by Andrew Chen
The Cold Start Problem
Andrew Chen
The Cold Start Problem by Andrew Chen

The Cold Start Problem

By: Andrew Chen

Narrated by: Andrew Chen

Length: 10 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

A startup executive and investor draws on expertise developed at the premier venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and as an executive at Uber to address how tech’s most successful products have solved the dreaded ""cold start problem”—by leveraging network effects to launch and scale toward billions of users.Although software has become... Read more

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The Sharper Investor by Richard Thalheimer & Meredith Medland Sasseen
The Sharper Investor
Richard Thalheimer & Meredith Medland Sasseen
The Sharper Investor by Richard Thalheimer & Meredith Medland Sasseen

The Sharper Investor

By: Richard Thalheimer & Meredith Medland Sasseen

Narrated by: Richard Thalheimer & Meredith Medland Sasseen

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you ever wished you could see into the minds of the investing greats? Learn how they make their choices, with proven methodologies that beat the market again and again?

In this groundbreaking book, Richard Thalheimer offers an unparalleled look behind the scenes, laying out his system for predicting success. After spending more than twenty... Read more

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Sea State by Tabitha Lasley
Sea State
Tabitha Lasley
Sea State by Tabitha Lasley

Sea State

By: Tabitha Lasley

Narrated by: Billie Fulford-Brown

Length: 6 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

A Recommended Read from: Vogue * USA Today * The Los Angeles Times * Publishers Weekly * The Week * Alma * Lit HubA stunning and brutally honest memoir that shines a light on what happens when female desire conflicts with a culture of masculinity in crisisIn her midthirties and newly free from a terrible relationship, Tabitha Lasley quit her job... Read more

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Out of Office by Charlie Warzel & Anne Helen Petersen
Out of Office
Charlie Warzel & Anne Helen Petersen
Out of Office by Charlie Warzel & Anne Helen Petersen

Out of Office

By: Charlie Warzel & Anne Helen Petersen

Narrated by: Charlie Warzel

Length: 7 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

“This book will challenge you to rethink what it takes to make remote work work—not just for companies, but for people.” —Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

The future isn’t about where we will work, but how. For years we have struggled to balance work and life, with most of us...
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The Automation Advantage by Bhaskar Ghosh, PhD, Gayathri Pallail & Rajendra Prasad
The Automation Advantage
Bhaskar Ghosh, PhD, Gayathri Pallail & Rajendra...
The Automation Advantage by Bhaskar Ghosh, PhD, Gayathri Pallail & Rajendra Prasad

The Automation Advantage

By: Bhaskar Ghosh, PhD, Gayathri Pallail & Rajendra...

Narrated by: Emmanuel Chumaceiro

Length: 6 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Many companies were already implementing limited levels of automation when the pandemic hit. But the need to rapidly change business processes and how organizations work resulted in the compression of a decade's worth of digital transformation into a matter of months. Technology suddenly became the essential element for rapid organizational... Read more

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