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Financial Security For Dummies by Eric Tyson, MBA
Financial Security For Dummies
Eric Tyson, MBA
Financial Security For Dummies by Eric Tyson, MBA

Financial Security For Dummies

By: Eric Tyson, MBA

Narrated by: Steve Menasche

Length: 12 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Crisis is inevitable—but it doesn't have to torpedo your finances! Financial Security For Dummies offers advice to help you prep your finances for the next economic downturn, personal setback, pandemic, plague of locusts—or anything else life throws your way. This book contains the historical perspective and up-to-date info you'll need to... Read more

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Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Investment Guide by NFT Trending Crypto Art
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Investment Guide
NFT Trending Crypto Art
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Investment Guide by NFT Trending Crypto Art

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Investment Guide

By: NFT Trending Crypto Art

Narrated by: DEFI Coach

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Interested in investing in decentralized finance? Are you looking to make passive income with DeFi?Then keep reading...The decentralized finance industry is growing at a rapid pace and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. In fact, the market cap for DeFi projects has already reached $1 billion in 2019 alone!We’re going to share with you... Read more

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Mark Brandon


By: Mark Brandon

Narrated by: Derik Hendrickson

Length: 3 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Becoming a millionaire entrepreneur is a big dream. However, you’re not alone in it. Many dreams of leaving their job and becoming their own boss, enjoying the various millionaire lifestyles we watch on TV. But there’s a difference between those who dream of becoming millionaires and those who do. And it begins and ends with mindset. If you... Read more

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Radical Candor Summarized for Busy People by Kim Scott & Amelia Aldrich
Radical Candor Summarized for Busy People
Kim Scott & Amelia Aldrich
Radical Candor Summarized for Busy People by Kim Scott & Amelia Aldrich

Radical Candor Summarized for Busy People

By: Kim Scott & Amelia Aldrich

Narrated by: Michael Mailer & Michael Owens

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

From the time we learn to speak, we’re told that if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. While this advice may work for everyday life, it's, a disaster when adopted by managers. Radical Candor Summarizes for Busy people is the sweet spot between managers who are obnoxiously aggressive on one side and ruinously... Read more

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The 9 Habits of Successful People by Alex Wolf
The 9 Habits of Successful People
Alex Wolf
The 9 Habits of Successful People by Alex Wolf

The 9 Habits of Successful People

By: Alex Wolf

Narrated by: Jason Belvill

Length: 2 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Success is something that brings motivation full circle. No one wants to fail in life, and most of us seek to attain something that is our primary aim and desire throughout our lives. This is a meticulously written book about ambition and achievement. Every person's definition of success is different; it is their perspective that determines what... Read more

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나는 샤넬백 대신 그림을 산다 by 윤보형
나는 샤넬백 대신 그림을 산다
나는 샤넬백 대신 그림을 산다 by 윤보형

나는 샤넬백 대신 그림을 산다

By: 윤보형

Narrated by: 신송이

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: No

주식보다 안전하고 부동산보다 수익률 높은 당신만 모르는 재테크 비법, 아트테크! 전시회에 가는 것을 좋아하는 사람들은 많지만, 미술 작품을 구매해 재테크를 하는 사람은 드물다. 보통 미술 투자는 부자들의 전유물이라는 고정관념이 있기 때문이다. 『나는 샤넬백 대신 그림을 산다』를 출간한 저자 윤보형은 미술 투자인 '아트테크'야말로 주식과 부동산보다 보통의 사람들에게 적합한 재테크라고 말한다. 아트테크는 주식보다 안전하고 부동산보다 수익률이 높으며 세금, 경제 정책 등 세세하게 신경 쓸 것도 적기 때문에 본업이 따로 있는 직장인이나 자영업자에게 가장 적합한 재테크이다. 또한 감상의 즐거움, 독점적 소유에서 오는... Read more

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Constructive Finance by Daniel Holden
Constructive Finance
Daniel Holden
Constructive Finance by Daniel Holden

Constructive Finance

By: Daniel Holden

Narrated by: DK Wilkninson

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

A must-read for everyone and anyone in the property industry.Every property developer can master their construction finances with this ultimate handbook.Property developers want to improve the profitability of their construction projects. But when it comes to construction finance options, they are left with so many questions that need answering.... Read more

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Mask by Eli Wehbe
Eli Wehbe
Mask by Eli Wehbe


By: Eli Wehbe

Narrated by: Eli Wehbe & Alexander Woodrow

Length: 6 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Eli Wehbe lived at the white-hot center of Los Angeles nightlife. More than a decade of hustle, scramble, and hard work put him at the pinnacle of the life he always wanted: celebrity friends, beautiful women, fast cars, popularity—and plenty of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. He achieved his dream—and it left him empty. Then, a tragedy... Read more

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Climbing out of Debt by Nick Sturgeon
Climbing out of Debt
Nick Sturgeon
Climbing out of Debt by Nick Sturgeon

Climbing out of Debt

By: Nick Sturgeon

Narrated by: Dallin Bradford

Length: 4 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

How do you feel about your debt? Stressed that you got yourself into your current situation? Worrying about how you're going to pay the next bill to land on your doormat? Dreading an invite out to a social event that will cost you money?It's time to leave this guilt and fear behind. It's time to take action to manage your debts and get them... Read more

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Climbing out of Debt by Nick Sturgeon
Climbing out of Debt
Nick Sturgeon
Climbing out of Debt by Nick Sturgeon

Climbing out of Debt

By: Nick Sturgeon

Narrated by: Dallin Bradford

Length: 4 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

How do you feel about your debt? Stressed that you got yourself into your current situation? Worrying about how you're going to pay the next bill to land on your doormat? Dreading an invite out to a social event that will cost you money?It's time to leave this guilt and fear behind. It's time to take action to manage your debts and get them... Read more

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Overworked and Overwhelmed by Scott Eblin
Overworked and Overwhelmed
Scott Eblin
Overworked and Overwhelmed by Scott Eblin

Overworked and Overwhelmed

By: Scott Eblin

Narrated by: James Edward Thomas

Length: 7 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Leaders today are overwhelmed by the seemingly non-stop demands for their time and attention. Operating in environments in which the expectations for results are always rising, the response of leaders is to do more of what they have been doing. Becoming a Mindful Leader will teach leaders to work mindfully in order to become clear on... Read more

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The 27 Challenges Managers Face by Bruce Tulgan
The 27 Challenges Managers Face
Bruce Tulgan
The 27 Challenges Managers Face by Bruce Tulgan

The 27 Challenges Managers Face

By: Bruce Tulgan

Narrated by: Kevin Stillwell

Length: 8 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Its not easy to be a manager. With growing resource constraints, relentless change, and high turnover, todays business climate poses many difficulties, but most managers point to the same greatest challenge: time. Daily crises require immediate attention, managers must drop everything to resolve the issue, they fall behind on their... Read more

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China's Super Consumers by Savio Chan & Michael Zakkour
China's Super Consumers
Savio Chan & Michael Zakkour
China's Super Consumers by Savio Chan & Michael Zakkour

China's Super Consumers

By: Savio Chan & Michael Zakkour

Narrated by: Kevin Stillwell

Length: 8 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

From factory of the world to mall of the world in 30 years. How did China go from a feudal economy in the 19th century, to Mao and Communism in the 20th century, to the largest consumer market in the world by the early 21st century? Chinas Super Consumers explores the birth of consumerism in China, explains who Chinas Super Consumers... Read more

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Constelaciones para el éxito en el trabajo by Ingala Robl
Constelaciones para el éxito en el trabajo
Ingala Robl
Constelaciones para el éxito en el trabajo by Ingala Robl

Constelaciones para el éxito en el trabajo

By: Ingala Robl

Narrated by: Cony Madera

Length: 8 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

De la mano de la especialista Ingala Robl, esta obra te ayudará a comprender mejor las interrelaciones complejas que surgen diariamente en una empresa, a poner en marcha procesos de cambio, evitar problemas en caso de reestructuraciones y considerar los efectos de diversas políticas propuestas para la organización. ¿Quieres emprender tu nuevo... Read more

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Dental Marketing Secrets: Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Practice and Get More Patients Online by Jared Braverman
Dental Marketing Secrets: Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Practice and Get More Patients Online
Jared Braverman
Dental Marketing Secrets: Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Practice and Get More Patients Online by Jared Braverman

Dental Marketing Secrets: Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Practice and Get More Patients Online

By: Jared Braverman

Narrated by: Jared Braverman

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Does your dental practice struggle to get a consistent flow of (good) new customers? Do you have an irresistible offer that repeatedly and reliably gets new customers in the door? Do you have a pricing strategy that moves your customers up your ladder towards your more expensive services? Do you generate great LTV (LifeTime Value) with your... Read more

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ERFOLG Magazin 5/2021 by Backhaus
ERFOLG Magazin 5/2021
ERFOLG Magazin 5/2021 by Backhaus

ERFOLG Magazin 5/2021

By: Backhaus

Narrated by: Claudia Conen

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

Im ERFOLG Magazin versammeln sich die erfolgreichsten Menschen der Welt, um Ihnen zu zeigen, wie Sie noch erfolgreicher werden. Interviews, Gastbeiträge und Reportage ... Der Mensch hat schon immer dazu tendiert, sich an einer Gruppe zu orientieren. Und soziale Gruppen haben oft an sich, dass sie recht homogen sind. Irgendwie ist tendenziell... Read more

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No Punches Pulled by Scott Allan
No Punches Pulled
Scott Allan
No Punches Pulled by Scott Allan

No Punches Pulled

By: Scott Allan

Narrated by: Joe Hempel

Length: 3 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Bust Through Tough Obstacles, Develop a Resilient Mindset, and Forge Bulletproof Self DisciplineBestselling author and personal development trainer, Scott Allan, will teach you lessons that can change your life and provide you with a winning system for crushing existential self-doubt through building a bulletproof mind.Now, you can train your... Read more

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¡Crear o morir! by Andrés Oppenheimer
¡Crear o morir!
Andrés Oppenheimer
¡Crear o morir! by Andrés Oppenheimer

¡Crear o morir!

By: Andrés Oppenheimer

Narrated by: Juan Antonio Rojas

Length: 10 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Con un sorprendente optimismo sobre el futuro de América Latina, Andrés Oppenheimer revela en este libro las claves del éxito en el siglo XXI, en que la innovación y la creatividad serán los pilares del progreso. ¿Qué debemos hacer como personas y países para avanzar en la economÌa de la innovación? ¿Qué debemos hacer para producir innovadores... Read more

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Das ist Marketing! by Seth Godin
Das ist Marketing!
Seth Godin
Das ist Marketing! by Seth Godin

Das ist Marketing!

By: Seth Godin

Narrated by: Peter Wolter

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

So geht Marketing heute auch Der Marketing-Guru Seth Godin weiß: Heute werden Produkte nicht mehr durch aufsehenerregende Werbeblöcke oder nervende Spam-Mailings vermarktet jedenfalls nicht erfolgreich. Ob für Technologie- Start-ups, Kleinunternehmer oder Konzernmitarbeiter, das Umfeld hat sich für alle geändert. Die Kunden erwarten keine... Read more

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FrauenMACHT! by Marion Knaths
Marion Knaths
FrauenMACHT! by Marion Knaths


By: Marion Knaths

Narrated by: Katja Amberger

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Strukturen in Organisationen und Unternehmen sind immer noch stark von Männern geprägt. Wie man sich in diesem Umfeld als Frau erfolgreich verhält, ohne sich verbiegen zu müssen, schildert die renommierte Führungskräftetrainerin Marion Knaths. Sie war selbst leitende Angestellte eines Konzerns. Mit Esprit und Verve gibt sie ihre langjährige... Read more

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Pinta fuera de la raya by Susan Pick
Pinta fuera de la raya
Susan Pick
Pinta fuera de la raya by Susan Pick

Pinta fuera de la raya

By: Susan Pick

Narrated by: Yotzmit Ramírez

Length: 6 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

La importancia de saber desobedecer En nuestra sociedad inculcamos que la obediencia es la principal virtud. En efecto, requerimos de una estructura, leyes y normas, éstas nos dan una buena base de la cual partir, para de allí volar. El problema empieza cuando nos atoramos en esa base, cuando no nos atrevemos a analizar ni a decidir, cuando... Read more

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Digital Legacy by Daniel Sieberg & Rikard Steiber
Digital Legacy
Daniel Sieberg & Rikard Steiber
Digital Legacy by Daniel Sieberg & Rikard Steiber

Digital Legacy

By: Daniel Sieberg & Rikard Steiber

Narrated by: Nathan Agin

Length: 3 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Ever wonder what happens to your digital life when you die? Well, you're not alone. It's become a global issue as we've lived so much of our lives connected to the internet - each of us oughly 6 hours and 42 minutes per day on average - during the past 25 years. Imagine all those priceless photos and emails, documents and financial accounts,... Read more

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Sin filtro by Sarah Frier
Sin filtro
Sarah Frier
Sin filtro by Sarah Frier

Sin filtro

By: Sarah Frier

Narrated by: Marta Martín Jorcano

Length: 12 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Instagram ha cambiado la tecnología y los negocios, la cultura y la comunicación y también nos ha cambiado a todos nosotros. ¡Descubre sus secretos! El mejor libro de empresa de 2020 según el Financial Times and McKinsey & Company Instagram está tan ligado a nuestro día a día que su historia no puede disociarse del impacto que tiene... Read more

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Rich Man's Principals Poor Man's Work Ethic by Timothy  Williams
Rich Man's Principals Poor Man's Work Ethic
Timothy Williams
Rich Man's Principals Poor Man's Work Ethic by Timothy  Williams

Rich Man's Principals Poor Man's Work Ethic

By: Timothy Williams

Narrated by: Hedy Parks

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Discerning analysis starts with a depth of research and insight into investing the knowledge within this book will provide the road map to investing that's sure to enrich you now or later. Options are incredible tools and offer tremendous leverage. However, they're fast moving and the vast majority of investors seek to increase their money over... Read more

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