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Kids and Cancer by PBS NewsHour
Kids and Cancer
PBS NewsHour
Kids and Cancer by PBS NewsHour

Kids and Cancer

By: PBS NewsHour

Narrated by: PBS NewsHour

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Four decades ago, President Nixon signed a law that would change the way cancer research was funded in an effort to develop better treatments and cure more patients. Health correspondent Betty Ann Bowser explores the positive developments pediatric cancer research has realized in the last 40 years. Read more

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When Your Doctor Has Bad News by Al B. Weir
When Your Doctor Has Bad News
Al B. Weir
When Your Doctor Has Bad News by Al B. Weir

When Your Doctor Has Bad News

By: Al B. Weir

Narrated by: Tom Parks

Length: 6 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

When the diagnosis is serious, what makes the difference between hope and despair?As a practicing oncologist, Dr. Al Weir works daily with patients who receive bad news. A medical doctor with a pastor’s heart, Dr. Weir knows from experience that it’s the patient’s focus, not the diagnosis, that indicates whether one will slip into despair and... Read more

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I Got This by Jennifer Hudson
I Got This
Jennifer Hudson
I Got This by Jennifer Hudson

I Got This

By: Jennifer Hudson

Narrated by: Shanelle Gabriel & Jennifer Hudson

Length: 4 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

A personal and inspirational memoir from Grammy and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson, focused on her amazing transformation as she embraced a healthy lifestyle and lost over eighty pounds. Soulful and sultry, Jennifer Hudson wowed the world with her powerful voice in American Idol's third season, and then took Hollywood by storm with a star turn in... Read more

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How to Win at Losing by Monica Reinagel
How to Win at Losing
Monica Reinagel
How to Win at Losing by Monica Reinagel

How to Win at Losing

By: Monica Reinagel

Narrated by: Monica Reinagel

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Make this the last year that "losing weight" tops your list of New Year's Resolutions!

Licensed nutritionist and dedicated myth-buster Monica Reinagel (aka the Nutrition Diva) tackles the 10 biggest weight loss myths that keep you from achieving your goals.

Elaborate theories and complicated regimens sell books and magazines but they (obviously)... Read more

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The Mindbody Prescription by John E. Sarno
The Mindbody Prescription
John E. Sarno
The Mindbody Prescription by John E. Sarno

The Mindbody Prescription

By: John E. Sarno

Narrated by: Brian Holsopple

Length: 7 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Learn how to relieve chronic pain for good with this life-changing New York Times bestselling book.

Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Musculoskeletal pain disorders have reached epidemic proportions in the United States, with most doctors failing to recognize their underlying cause, leaving patients desperate–and still in agonizing... Read more

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Moksha by Alexandre Stanké
Alexandre Stanké
Moksha by Alexandre Stanké


By: Alexandre Stanké

Narrated by: Alexandre Stanké

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

La toute dernière compilation intitulée Moksha, du compositeur Alexandre Stanké nous offre une heure de pur plaisir musical et de détente profonde. Les 15 compositions inédites qui la constituent ont en commun un style dépouillé, un rythme naturel et une ligne musicale vibrante. Cette harmonie nous plonge au plus profond de nous-mêmes. Moksha... Read more

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The Ultimate Prescription by James L. Marcum
The Ultimate Prescription
James L. Marcum
The Ultimate Prescription by James L. Marcum

The Ultimate Prescription

By: James L. Marcum

Narrated by: Bill DeWees

Length: 6 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover today the ultimate prescription from the Great Physician. Many of the diseases sending us to doctors’ offices, surgical suites, and early graves are preventable—and we don’t need to be overmedicated to cure them. Using scientific evidence and commonsense explanations, The Ultimate Prescription strips back the misinformation about what... Read more

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Healing Sexual Abuse by Dr. Janet Hall
Healing Sexual Abuse
Dr. Janet Hall
Healing Sexual Abuse by Dr. Janet Hall

Healing Sexual Abuse

By: Dr. Janet Hall

Narrated by: Dr. Janet Hall

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you or someone you love suffered from sexual abuse? Over 32 years of working with people with all sorts of problems, I think one of the biggest challenges is helping somebody who has to admit that they were abused as a child - especially if they were sexually abused. I'm making this very special audio recording to help you to heal and feel... Read more

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A Guided Meditation For Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) by Belleruth Naparstek
A Guided Meditation For Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Belleruth Naparstek
A Guided Meditation For Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) by Belleruth Naparstek

A Guided Meditation For Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

By: Belleruth Naparstek

Narrated by: Belleruth Naparstek

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

This guided meditation for traumatic brain injury provides extra tools beyond standard care for help dealing with a wide range of frustrating concussion symptoms and challenges, such as headache, coordination, balance, memory, concentration, word retrieval, fatigue and sensitivity to light, noise and touch. Many research proven, mind-body... Read more

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Stop Drinking Alcohol by Dr. Janet Hall
Stop Drinking Alcohol
Dr. Janet Hall
Stop Drinking Alcohol by Dr. Janet Hall

Stop Drinking Alcohol

By: Dr. Janet Hall

Narrated by: Dr. Janet Hall

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you, or someone you love, have problems with alcohol? Are you afraid to admit it, but you think your partner is an alcoholic? Is it time to be alcohol free and forever sober? Hypnotherapy can help you! Dr. Jan's Stop Drinking Alcohol: Be Alcohol Free Now hypnosis audio can help anyone say no to alcohol and be alcohol free. Enjoy being healthy... Read more

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Meditation for Health - Living with Change by Diane Tusek
Meditation for Health - Living with Change
Diane Tusek
Meditation for Health - Living with Change by Diane Tusek

Meditation for Health - Living with Change

By: Diane Tusek

Narrated by: Diane Tusek

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Everyone has difficult times & people in their lives. When you let them go, you can change the direction in life, and emerge wiser, stronger and aware of what you truly are capable of life. Comforting setting is a meadow in the midst of wildflowers, butterflies and the soothing sound of birds, and cascading water as it gracefully... Read more

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Diabetes without Drugs by Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.
Diabetes without Drugs
Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.
Diabetes without Drugs by Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.

Diabetes without Drugs

By: Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.

Narrated by: Jo Anna Perrin

Length: 17 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Most doctors consider diabetes a one-way street—once you have it, your only option is to manage the symptoms with a restricted diet, close monitoring of blood sugar, and expensive medications. Pharmacist Suzy
Cohen shows that diabetes can be treated instead through safe, natural means, like food and vitamins, rather than strictly relying on... Read more

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Inspirer le repect et le transmettre - Abridged by Marie Portelance
Inspirer le repect et le transmettre - Abridged
Marie Portelance
Inspirer le repect et le transmettre - Abridged by Marie Portelance

Inspirer le repect et le transmettre - Abridged

By: Marie Portelance

Narrated by: Marie Portelance

Length: 2 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La valeur du respect fait l'unanimité. Pourtant, à l'aube de ce nouveau siècle, après avoir rejeté avec légitimité certaines valeurs de l'autoritarisme puis avoir testé celles qui ont mené au règne des enfants-rois, beaucoup de parents, d'enseignants et d'éducateurs se retrouvent démunis dans leur quête d'une relation empreinte de respect avec... Read more

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Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma by Deepak Chopra
Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma
Deepak Chopra
Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma by Deepak Chopra

Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma

By: Deepak Chopra

Narrated by: Jorge Pupo

Length: 12 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Quince anos despues de su gran clasico Cuerpos sin edad, mentes sin tiempo, Deepak Chopra revisa el "milagro olvidado"- la capacidad infinita de renovacion y cambio del ser humano. "Tu cuerpo fisico es ficcion" nos dice Chopra. Cada celula esta compuesta de dos elementos basicos: conciencia y energia. Aqui aprenderas a aprovechar esos elementos... Read more

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Drug Muggers by Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.
Drug Muggers
Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.
Drug Muggers by Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.

Drug Muggers

By: Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.

Narrated by: Coleen Marlo

Length: 10 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs help millions of people with devastating diseases and chronic conditions. But in the process, these medications can also deplete the body's natural stores of vitamins, minerals, and hormones—the very nutrients you need to keep energy levels high, fend off infections, and be healthy. Pharmacist Suzy Cohen... Read more

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The Mood Cure by Julia Ross, M.A.
The Mood Cure
Julia Ross, M.A.
The Mood Cure by Julia Ross, M.A.

The Mood Cure

By: Julia Ross, M.A.

Narrated by: Coleen Marlo

Length: 10 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Drawing on thirty years of experience as a psychotherapist, clinic director, and pioneer in the field of nutritional psychology, Julia Ross presents breakthrough solutions to many of the negative emotional states that are diminishing the quality of our lives. Her comprehensive, safe, and natural program is based on the use of four mood-building... Read more

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Anti-Aging Cures by James Forsythe
Anti-Aging Cures
James Forsythe
Anti-Aging Cures by James Forsythe

Anti-Aging Cures

By: James Forsythe

Narrated by: Don Hagen & Suzanne Sommers

Length: 6 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you tired of searching for the fountain of youth? Well, look no more. In this book, Nevada medical oncologist Dr. James Forsythe, one of the world’s leading anti-aging experts, reveals how to slow and even reverse the aging process. Based on meticulously researched clinical evidence, this book provides an account of revolutionary anti-aging... Read more

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Just 10 Lbs - Abridged by Brad Lamm
Just 10 Lbs - Abridged
Brad Lamm
Just 10 Lbs - Abridged by Brad Lamm

Just 10 Lbs - Abridged

By: Brad Lamm

Narrated by: Brad Lamm

Length: 6 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Just 1 LBS, intervention specialist Brad Lamm brings a fresh eye to weight loss, focusing not on the what of eating, but on the how and why. As a companion piece to The Dr. Oz Show's major, year-long initiative to change the health of America, this book discards the notion of overhauling life with the vague dream of being thin and... Read more

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Mental Jogging - Laufend mehr Erfolg & Motivation by Katja Schütz
Mental Jogging - Laufend mehr Erfolg & Motivation
Katja Schütz
Mental Jogging - Laufend mehr Erfolg & Motivation by Katja Schütz

Mental Jogging - Laufend mehr Erfolg & Motivation

By: Katja Schütz

Narrated by: Claudia Urbschat-Mingues

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Dieses außergewöhnliche Mentaltraining verstärkt die Endorphinausschüttung während des Joggens und ruft einen Glückszustand hervor. Stärken Sie Ihr Selbstbewusstsein, Ihren Optimismus, Ihre Zielstrebigkeit und aktivieren Sie innere Kräfte und Ressourcen beim Laufen. Setzen Sie einfach die Kopfhörer auf und lassen Sie sich von der deutschen... Read more

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The Healthiest You by Kelly Traver & Betty Kelly Sargent
The Healthiest You
Kelly Traver & Betty Kelly Sargent
The Healthiest You by Kelly Traver & Betty Kelly Sargent

The Healthiest You

By: Kelly Traver & Betty Kelly Sargent

Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell

Length: 12 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

A twelve-week system that teaches you to retrain your brain to embrace a healthy lifestyleThe brain is the command center of the human body. Change it, and the body follows. This is the wisdom that Stanford physician Dr. Kelly Traver employed when developing The Healthiest You, her mind-expanding and waistline-slimming system for getting into... Read more

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Traumhaft einschlafen - Hilfe bei Schlafstörungen durch Hypnose, Autogenes Training und Entspannung by Katja Schütz
Traumhaft einschlafen - Hilfe bei Schlafstörungen durch Hypnose, Autogenes Training und Entspannung
Katja Schütz
Traumhaft einschlafen - Hilfe bei Schlafstörungen durch Hypnose, Autogenes Training und Entspannung by Katja Schütz

Traumhaft einschlafen - Hilfe bei Schlafstörungen durch Hypnose, Autogenes Training und Entspannung

By: Katja Schütz

Narrated by: Katja Schütz

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Gesunder und erholsamer Schlaf ist entscheidend für Ihre persönliche Lebensqualität. Brauchen Sie häufig länger als 30 Minuten zum Einschlafen? Oder wachen Sie öfter auf und liegen nachts stundenlang wach? Fühlen Sie sich dann am nächsten Morgen völlig erschöpft? Sie sind damit nicht allein, etwa 50% der Deutschen leiden unter... Read more

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Abnehmen ist leichter als Zunehmen. Das Abnehm-Coaching - Abridged by Andreas Winter
Abnehmen ist leichter als Zunehmen. Das Abnehm-Coaching - Abridged
Andreas Winter
Abnehmen ist leichter als Zunehmen. Das Abnehm-Coaching - Abridged by Andreas Winter

Abnehmen ist leichter als Zunehmen. Das Abnehm-Coaching - Abridged

By: Andreas Winter

Narrated by: Andreas Winter

Length: 1 hour 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Frage: Warum machen Diäten und Fastenkuren den einen Menschen schlank, den anderen aber nicht? Antwort: Essen allein macht überhaupt nicht dick. Jeder Mensch kann von jetzt auf gleich abnehmen und das gewünschte Gewicht halten, wenn er ganz genau weiß, warum er übergewichtig ist. Mit dieser provokanten These zieht Autor Andreas Winter... Read more

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The Daniel Fast by Susan Gregory
The Daniel Fast
Susan Gregory
The Daniel Fast by Susan Gregory

The Daniel Fast

By: Susan Gregory

Narrated by: Jaimee Draper

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you hungry for more of God in your life? Discover why millions of men and women throughout the world are rediscovering the ancient discipline of fasting—and, as a result, are encountering God in amazing ways. In this authoritative guide, now expanded with new recipes, Susan Gregory, “The Daniel Fast Blogger” and an acknowledged expert on the... Read more

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Recalled to Health by Tim Hennessy
Recalled to Health
Tim Hennessy
Recalled to Health by Tim Hennessy

Recalled to Health

By: Tim Hennessy

Narrated by: Jeff Riggenbach

Length: 6 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Dr. Tim Hennessy has skillfully drawn on his life experiences to put together Recalled to Health. This book functions as both a personal memoir of his path to becoming a doctor and a useful medical guide to achieving and keeping good health. Written over a five-year period in between his work as a doctor and his other professional and personal... Read more

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