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New release
Medical Español Mastery: Empower Healthcare Professionals by Dr. Miguel Rodríguez
Medical Español Mastery: Empower Healthcare Professionals
Dr. Miguel Rodríguez
Medical Español Mastery: Empower Healthcare Professionals by Dr. Miguel Rodríguez

Medical Español Mastery: Empower Healthcare Professionals

By: Dr. Miguel Rodríguez

Narrated by: Carlos Vargas

Length: 6 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Unlock the power of communication in healthcare with "Medical Español Mastery: Empower Healthcare Professionals."
This comprehensive 3-in-1 guide is designed to equip you with the language skills you need to effectively communicate with Spanish-speaking patients and colleagues in medical settings.
Are you a healthcare professional looking to... Read more

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Fort Pillow and the Crater: The History of the Most Notorious Battles Where the Confederates Massacred Black Soldiers by Charles River Editors
Fort Pillow and the Crater: The History of the Most Notorious Battles Where the Confederates Massacred Black Soldiers
Charles River Editors
Fort Pillow and the Crater: The History of the Most Notorious Battles Where the Confederates Massacred Black Soldiers by Charles River Editors

Fort Pillow and the Crater: The History of the Most Notorious Battles Where the Confederates Massacred Black Soldiers

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Jim Walsh

Length: 2 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

As far as skirmishes go, Fort Pillow was a completely unremarkable fight. Before attacking, Forrest demanded the unconditional surrender of the Union garrison, a normal custom of his, and he warned the Union commanding officer that he would not be responsible for his soldiers’ actions if the warning went unheeded. What made Fort Pillow markedly... Read more

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Gerald Vance:  Equation of Doom by Gerald Vance
Gerald Vance: Equation of Doom
Gerald Vance
Gerald Vance:  Equation of Doom by Gerald Vance

Gerald Vance: Equation of Doom

By: Gerald Vance

Narrated by: philip chenevert

Length: 1 hour 44 minutes

Abridged: No

A world weary space pilot on the lam from earth for crimes unspecified; the most beautiful (earthly) tri-D woman in the universe who is determined to be the most powerful too; a planet of crafty and unscrupulous giant frogs intent on kicking out all aliens; and finally beings who live outside of time. Mix them all together and some very... Read more

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New release
Kubernetes Unlocked by Marcus Brooks
Kubernetes Unlocked
Marcus Brooks
Kubernetes Unlocked by Marcus Brooks

Kubernetes Unlocked

By: Marcus Brooks

Narrated by: Marcus Brooks

Length: 3 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want to become an expert at precisely and quickly managing applications that are containerized? There’s nowhere else to look! Here is your all-inclusive guide to understanding the nuances of Kubernetes, the world’s top open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and maintaining containerized applications: “Kubernetes... Read more

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Reputation at Risk by Martha Keyes
Reputation at Risk
Martha Keyes
Reputation at Risk by Martha Keyes

Reputation at Risk

By: Martha Keyes

Narrated by: Abigail Langham

Length: 8 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Their choice? Scandal or mutual salvation.   Determined to support her mother and sisters after her father's untimely death, Charlotte Mandeville covertly crafts satirical caricatures of high society. It not only puts money in her family’s bare pockets but ensures the haut-ton cannot guard all the power and the secrets.   Anthony Yorke has a... Read more

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New release
Darlene Ramos


By: Darlene Ramos

Narrated by: Eloise Wilson

Length: 2 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Typically, in young children, ODD can coexist with depression, anxiety, and even ADHD, making it difficult to determine what is going on.Children with ODD often have low self-esteem and are irritable and moody.How can you teach them right from wrong without getting angry or getting into a power struggle that will only make them resent you?While... Read more

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New release
Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

By: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrated by: J. A. Carter

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

As London prepares for Christmas, newspapers report the theft of a near-priceless gemstone, the "Blue Carbuncle", from the Countess of Morcar's hotel suite. The police arrest John Horner, a plumber with a criminal record who was in the Countess's room repairing a fireplace grate.Meanwhile, at 221B Baker Street, Dr Watson finds Sherlock... Read more

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New release
Fat Vampire 2: Tastes Like Chicken by Johnny B. Truant
Fat Vampire 2: Tastes Like Chicken
Johnny B. Truant
Fat Vampire 2: Tastes Like Chicken by Johnny B. Truant

Fat Vampire 2: Tastes Like Chicken

By: Johnny B. Truant

Narrated by: Joe Hempel

Length: 4 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Angels and Demons, Myths and Legends...It's been six months since Reginald Baskin became a vampire too fat to live happily with the beautiful undead — six months in which Reginald and his two-thousand-year-old maker Maurice have learned that safety does not come with power. These days, Maurice is Deacon of the Vampire Nation, but plenty beneath... Read more

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Территория команчей by Артуро Перес-Реверте
Территория команчей
Артуро Перес-Реверте
Территория команчей by Артуро Перес-Реверте

Территория команчей

By: Артуро Перес-Реверте

Narrated by: Илья Дементьев

Length: 3 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Нынешний военный тележурналист и его оператор на Балканах караулят взрыв моста. Мост пока цел, но взрыв случится вот-вот, и журналисты снимут его, если успеют, если останутся живы на этой территории команчей, где «инстинкт подсказывает военному репортеру, что нужно тормозить и поворачивать назад... 〈где〉 дороги безлюдны, а дома превратились в... Read more

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New release
The Citadel by MB Mooney
The Citadel
MB Mooney
The Citadel by MB Mooney

The Citadel

By: MB Mooney

Narrated by: MB Mooney

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Teen boy Caleb is abducted by the elves of the oppressive Kryan Empire to be trained in secret as a human Bladeguard. Caleb sees this as an opportunity to tear down the Empire from within, but he is first tested to see if he is worthy to survive. And even if he does, will it be at the cost of his own soul? Read more

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New release
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell
Maggie O'Farrell
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell


By: Maggie O'Farrell

Narrated by: Nikki García

Length: 10 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Agnes, una muchacha peculiar que parece no rendir cuentas a nadie y que es capaz de crear misteriosos remedios con sencillas combinaciones de plantas, es la comidilla de Stratford, un pequeño pueblo de Inglaterra. Cuando conoce a un joven preceptor de latín igual de extraordinario que ella, se da cuenta enseguida de que están llamados a formar... Read more

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New release
Coronilla por las Almas del Purgatorio by Eco Sagrado
Coronilla por las Almas del Purgatorio
Eco Sagrado
Coronilla por las Almas del Purgatorio by Eco Sagrado

Coronilla por las Almas del Purgatorio

By: Eco Sagrado

Narrated by: Eco Sagrado

Length: 23 minutes

Abridged: No

La Iglesia, en su catecismo, enseña que el Purgatorio recibe a las “almas que mueren en la gracia y en la amistad de Dios, pero imperfectamente purificadas”. Agrega que, “si bien la Iglesia muchas veces se refiere al Purgatorio como ´fuego purificador´, también enseña que el sufrimiento de este proceso es distinto del castigo de los... Read more

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New release
Frisch verlobt (ungekürzt) by Susan Mallery
Frisch verlobt (ungekürzt)
Susan Mallery
Frisch verlobt (ungekürzt) by Susan Mallery

Frisch verlobt (ungekürzt)

By: Susan Mallery

Narrated by: Linda Holly

Length: 9 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Wenn alles in ihrem Leben so rund laufen würde wie ihr Nudelholz, wäre Nicole Keyes glücklich. Doch nicht nur die Familienbäckerei, sondern auch ihre beiden Schwestern lassen der leidenschaftlichen Konditorin keine Zeit für die Erfüllung ihrer Wünsche. Bis der wundervolle Hawk in ihr Leben tritt und ihr ein Stück von der Freiheit zeigt, nach der... Read more

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New release
Ты уверен, что хочешь это знать by Александра Шервинская
Ты уверен, что хочешь это знать
Александра Шервинская
Ты уверен, что хочешь это знать by Александра Шервинская

Ты уверен, что хочешь это знать

By: Александра Шервинская

Narrated by: Маргарита Ефремова

Length: 13 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Вы пробовали когда-нибудь жить параллельно две жизни? Нет? И не пробуйте — так себе удовольствие, поверьте! Особенно когда в обе твои жизни: и явную, и тайную — оказывается вовлечён один и тот же мужчина. Только в одной нужно выйти за него замуж, а в другой — обокрасть. И как бы это всё совместить? Нужно ли открывать все свои тайны? И что делать... Read more

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New release
Деньги для Марии by Валентин Распутин
Деньги для Марии
Валентин Распутин
Деньги для Марии by Валентин Распутин

Деньги для Марии

By: Валентин Распутин

Narrated by: Константин Днепровский

Length: 4 hours

Abridged: No

«Деньги для Марии» — первая повесть Валентина Распутинa, опубликованная в 1967 году и принёсшая ему известность. После ревизии в сельском магазине выявилась огромная недостача. Чтобы уберечь продавщицу от тюрьмы, её муж берётся достать деньги и идёт за помощью к односельчанам. Read more

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New release
Tropical Leopard's Longing by Elva Birch & Zoe Chant
Tropical Leopard's Longing
Elva Birch & Zoe Chant
Tropical Leopard's Longing by Elva Birch & Zoe Chant

Tropical Leopard's Longing

By: Elva Birch & Zoe Chant

Narrated by: Jay Alder & P. J. Morgan

Length: 5 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Her marriage of convenience isn’t as convenient as she hoped...
Snow leopard shifter and heiress Darla Grant thought that marrying her best friend would be the solution to all of her problems: it would shelter her from a persistent and unwelcome suitor, unlock her inheritance to save the bankrupt shifter retirement home where she volunteers, and... Read more

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New release
Die Reise der Kreuzfahrerin by Nora Berger
Die Reise der Kreuzfahrerin
Nora Berger
Die Reise der Kreuzfahrerin by Nora Berger

Die Reise der Kreuzfahrerin

By: Nora Berger

Narrated by: Matthias Ubert

Length: 11 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Auf gefahrvollen Wegen ins Heilige Land 1146, Kloster Admont, das ist in Österreich, in der Steiermark. Die schöne Nonne Johanna hat sich gegen ihren Willen in den jungen Pater Anselm aus dem Nachbarkloster verliebt. Doch Anselm hat beschlossen, sich dem Kreuzzug ins Heilige Land anzuschließen. Als dann auch noch eine missgünstige... Read more

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New release
The Sounds of the ‘50s by Charles River Editors
The Sounds of the ‘50s
Charles River Editors
The Sounds of the ‘50s by Charles River Editors

The Sounds of the ‘50s

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Mary Rossman

Length: 4 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Born in Mississippi, a young kid named Elvis Presley came to Memphis as a teenager and changed music forever. Fusing country and rhythm and blues with rock, Elvis brought traditional African-American sounds to the forefront of music in the 1950s, but he did so as a handsome white man before the height of the Civil Rights Movement. On top of... Read more

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New release
Lets Move Mountains by Dr. Rajeev Thomas
Lets Move Mountains
Dr. Rajeev Thomas
Lets Move Mountains by Dr. Rajeev Thomas

Lets Move Mountains

By: Dr. Rajeev Thomas

Narrated by: Dr. Rajeev Thomas

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Behind the smiling faces on most people's social media DPs and posts, there is an aching heart that wished that some aspects of their life could be improved, that some mountains in their life would move away so that they could smile and laugh wholeheartedly.
This is a challenge faced not just by the adults, who could list a range of issues that... Read more

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New release
Das Licht der Heilung - Geführte Tiefenentspannung zur Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte by Ganzheitliches Zentrum für Gesundheit
Das Licht der Heilung - Geführte Tiefenentspannung zur Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte
Ganzheitliches Zentrum für Gesundheit
Das Licht der Heilung - Geführte Tiefenentspannung zur Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte by Ganzheitliches Zentrum für Gesundheit

Das Licht der Heilung - Geführte Tiefenentspannung zur Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte

By: Ganzheitliches Zentrum für Gesundheit

Narrated by: Ganzheitliches Zentrum für Gesundheit

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Dein Körper ist ein selbstheilendes Instrument. Wenn Du ihm die Chance gibst, tendiert er immer wieder zur gesunden Balance. Aktiviere mit diesem Programm Deine verborgenen Quellen innerer Heilkraft. Geh in Verbindung mit der universellen Lebensenergie und verfüge innerhalb kürzester Zeit über mehr Energie für Körper, Geist und Seele.
Mit diesen... Read more

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New release
Émile T. Dumont


By: Émile T. Dumont

Narrated by: Émile T. Dumont

Length: 4 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Laissez-vous inspirer par les récits extraordinaires de personnes qui ont vaincu l'adversité !Plongez dans un voyage captivant, où ces histoires courtes mais puissantes, pleines d'enseignements et de motivation, vous guideront vers la découverte des compétences qui vous rendent incassable, et vous aideront à découvrir la capacité à surmonter les... Read more

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New release
Living with Intent by Ashley Kinstona
Living with Intent
Ashley Kinstona
Living with Intent by Ashley Kinstona

Living with Intent

By: Ashley Kinstona

Narrated by: James Wilson

Length: 3 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

"Living with Intent: A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose" is a transformative journey towards uncovering your true self and living a purpose-driven life. It goes beyond traditional self-help, offering practical steps to understand your intrinsic motivations, craft a compelling vision, and align your life with what truly matters. Through... Read more

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New release
Metamorphose - Das Buch für deine Veränderung by Jessica Turner
Metamorphose - Das Buch für deine Veränderung
Jessica Turner
Metamorphose - Das Buch für deine Veränderung by Jessica Turner

Metamorphose - Das Buch für deine Veränderung

By: Jessica Turner

Narrated by: Fanni Reinhardt

Length: 4 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Jede Veränderung ist Teil eines Prozesses: vergleichbar mit der Metamorphose eines Schmetterlings. Sein Verwandlungszyklus veranschaulicht auch die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung des Menschen. Wir haben die Chance, uns zu ändern, nachzudenken, uns neu zu orientieren – warum also tun wir es nicht? "Metamorphose" ist mehr als nur ein Ratgeber. Es ist... Read more

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Coming soon
Cuando llega el Alzheimer by Natalí Pintos
Cuando llega el Alzheimer
Natalí Pintos
Cuando llega el Alzheimer by Natalí Pintos

Cuando llega el Alzheimer

By: Natalí Pintos

Narrated by: Isa Puchol

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

HERRAMIENTAS Y CONSEJOS PARA ABORDAR LA ENFERMEDAD La demencia, más allá de una simple pérdida de memoria asociada a la vejez, representa un complejo conjunto de trastornos que afecta a la vida de quienes la padecen y supone un camino repleto de dudas y obstáculos para familiares y amigos. Este libro proporciona una completa mirada sobre los... Read more

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